4 Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism | National University (2025)

In 2000, fewer than 100,000 students with autism were served by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a federal law requiring access to free public education for disabled children and young adults. By 2018, less than two decades later, that number had septupled to more than 700,000 students — over 10 percent of the 6,964,000 disabled students who were covered that year.

As more U.S. students are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) — a disorder whose “prevalence rate has nearly tripled” since 2000, according to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health — it’s increasingly important for educators to develop adequate and appropriate response strategies. By increasing their awareness of various educational strategies for students with autism, not only can teachers better serve their students — they can also develop valuable skills that will help them stand out to potential employers.

In this article, we’ll explore four teaching strategies for students with autism spectrum disorder, which can be utilized to help young learners achieve better outcomes. Whether you’ve already begun your career as a special education teacher, or you are still in the process of earning your credential through an accredited teaching program, the methods and concepts discussed below can benefit the children you work with.

4 Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

It’s important for teachers to understand that ASD is not a learning (intellectual) disability. Instead, autism spectrum disorder is categorized as a developmental disability. In contrast to learning disabilities like dyslexia, which are characterized by difficulty with language, mathematical calculation, and/or sustained focus, ASD is associated with symptoms like repetitive motions, difficulty socializing, and compulsive or ritualistic behaviors, which range in severity from child to child. Despite these distinctions, there is also significant overlap between ASD and learning disabilities, with Autism Speaks reporting, “31 percent of children with ASD have an intellectual disability.”

Even though ASD is not considered a learning disability, it can still create challenges to academic success by impacting communication, socialization, and other key aspects of a child’s behavior and development. However, educators can overcome these challenges by implementing effective academic strategies for students with autism, which we’ve supplied four examples of below.

Strategy #1: Limiting Sensory Overload

As any teacher knows from experience, the classroom can be a hectic environment, especially at lower grade levels such as elementary school classes. From the shouting and laughter of children to the humming and blinking of lights, it’s easy for students to lose their focus — especially when they don’t feel motivated to learn.

These types of environmental factors can be distracting for any student — but for students with ASD, they can be overwhelming. Many children and adults who have ASD — anywhere from 69 to 93 percent, according to some research — experience hypersensitivity or other “sensory symptoms,” including “overreactions to the sensory environment” (such as “covering [their] ears to the sound of someone singing”).

While it’s impossible to eliminate every potential distraction, teachers can still make a positive difference by identifying and managing sources of sensory overload. For example, Autism Speaks points out that some students who have ASD might feel discomfort with making sustained eye contact, changing in busy locker rooms, or standing in crowded lines. By taking simple actions to avoid or accommodate these scenarios — for instance, granting students with ASD “a few minutes to unwind after walking in a noisy hallway,” or allowing students to “dress when the locker room is empty” — educators can make the classroom a more welcoming and less distracting environment.

Strategy #2: Using Rewards and Incentives (Applied Behavior Analysis)

Applied behavior analysis, or ABA, is a form of therapy that is used to help children with ASD manage or eliminate problem behaviors, such as behaviors that result in self-harm or disruptions to other children. One of the most widely-used treatments for children with ASD, applied behavior analysis therapy works by using rewards and incentives to reinforce positive behaviors.

Though sometimes controversial, ABA has also been proven effective for certain children by research. For example, a peer-reviewed study published in 2020 “found that long-term, comprehensive ABA-based interventions were beneficial to lifelong development of children with ASD,” highlighting “socialization, communication and expressive language” as being potentially “promising targets for ABA-based interventions.”

Only individuals who meet certain educational and professional requirements can become ABA therapists. However, all teachers can implement the basic ideas of ABA, such as positive reinforcement in the classroom (or online classroom). To explore these topics in depth, read about how teachers can use reward systems to encourage better student engagement, or explore our Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis, which will prepare you for a career as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

Strategy #3: Providing Appropriate Feedback for Students with ASD

Students who have ASD frequently have difficulties with communication. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you are clear and direct when providing student feedback, asking questions, or giving directions. Avoid metaphorical or abstract language and choose simple, straightforward wording to minimize the risk of misunderstandings. It’s also important to periodically check in with your students to see how they’re progressing and whether they’re struggling with any particular aspects of a course, task, or assignment.

Strategy #4: Focusing on Autism Reading Comprehension Strategies

Reading is an essential skill for lifetime learning. Without strong reading comprehension skills, not only are students likely to struggle with completing their assignments and retaining information — they’re also at risk for additional problems. According to The Children’s Reading Foundation, children with poor reading comprehension are more likely to “struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy,” and may even be in danger of “attendance and dropout problems.”

Because some research has shown that reading difficulties are common in children with ASD, educators should be mindful of their strategies for teaching literacy. Here are five techniques that educators can use to teach stronger reading comprehension skills to students with ASD:

  1. Begin cultivating a passion for reading at the earliest age possible.
  2. Choose reading material that is likely to be intellectually stimulating for the student, such as material that is related to his or her subjects of interest. It is common for children with ASD to develop intense interests in specific subjects, which may provide ideal reading material.
  3. Communicate with the student’s family to encourage at-home reading activities.
  4. Talk about the figurative or metaphorical meanings that exist “between the lines” in fiction.
  5. Teach technological literacy, so that your students can easily read on a variety of devices.

Using these three success strategies for teaching kids with autism, educators can diversify their professional skill sets while promoting a more inclusive environment for students.

Earn Your Teaching Credential, MS in ABA, or Graduate Certificate in Autism at National University

Whether your goal is to become a special education teacher, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, a school counselor for children with ASD, or to explore a related career path, you’ll hone the skills you need in National University’s challenging, fast-paced degree programs.

Our accredited programs in school psychology, teacher education, and special education offer a wide range of academic options for undergraduate, graduate, and transfer students. NU students can pursue their passion through programs like the Master of Science in Educational Counseling, the Graduate Certificate in Autism, the MS in ABA, or other academic majors, combining theory and analysis with hands-on fieldwork to build the foundations for a rewarding and dynamic career.

Earn the degree, credential, or certificate you need to take your teaching career to the next level. Ask our admissions office about our accredited ABA and educational counseling programs, or start your application today.

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4 Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism | National University (2025)


How can university help autistic students? ›

  1. ask what knowledge and understanding the education staff have of autism and related conditions.
  2. ask what learning resources are available.
  3. ask what support or extra equipment or resources are available to autistic students.
  4. talk about their own strengths and difficulties.
23 Sept 2020

What strategies could be used to support an individual with autism to complete activities tasks? ›

  • Strategies to help. Here are some ways in which people on the autism spectrum can organise and prioritise daily activities and tasks. ...
  • Visual supports. ...
  • Colour coding. ...
  • Voice recording. ...
  • Lists. ...
  • Alarms and alerts. ...
  • Task boxes, envelopes and files. ...
  • Times of day, days of the week.
14 Aug 2020

What are three strategies to help a student with autism be included more in a general education classroom? ›

Pay attention to their strategies and avoid interfering if possible. Give everything a place. Avoid visual overload. Designate active learning areas – consider creating a “sit to learn” area and a “move to learn” (a child who paces could have a designated area that may be less distracting to other students)

How do autistic students learn best? ›

Some autistic children will learn reading more easily with phonics, and others will learn best by memorizing whole words.

Can autistic people attend university? ›

Many teenagers with autism do well in high school and head off to college. When they get there, they sometimes run into unexpected challenges. But with the right tools and preparation, college students with autism can continue to succeed. Trouble with organization is common in kids with autism.

What kind of accommodations should I ask for college autism? ›

Possible accommodations for students on the autism spectrum include allowing for short breaks to leave class and/or allowing the student to have a “social buffering” object which might include a computer, book or other object that initially might seem distracting or “out of place”.

How does autism affect studying? ›

Students with autism might find it difficult to focus on information that is outside their range of interest, especially if it is concerning an academic topic. The focus tends to wane surrounding topics and activities that do not interest students with autism, probably more quickly than the average student.

What is the 5 strategies for supporting child with autism? ›

The 5 Best Teaching Strategies for Autism
  • Support Routines and Transitions. Most children with autism are sensitive to abrupt changes in routine and will learn best in routine situations. ...
  • Use Visual Cues. ...
  • Use Special Interests as a Gateway to Teaching Skills. ...
  • Incorporate Sensory Tools. ...
  • Support social skills practice.
5 Nov 2019

What are three classroom strategies techniques modifications A teacher can support a child with autism? ›

Teach understanding and acceptance—see the Resources section of this kit for suggested reading, including books and programs to use with the students.
  • Pair the student with peers who are positive role models.
  • Allow times for students to work in pairs and/or small groups.
1 Sept 2018

What are 5 positive strategies that you can use to reinforce positive behaviors for students with autism? ›

5 Ways to Improve Social Skills for Autistic Children
  • Reinforce Positive Behavior & Celebrate Strengths.
  • Model & Practice Desired Behaviors.
  • Provide Structured Social Interactions.
  • Talk Through Possible Social Scenarios & Use Visual Aids.
  • Set the Environment for Success.
4 Dec 2021

What are learning strategies for students? ›

A learning strategy is an individual's way of organizing and using a particular set of skills in order to learn content or accomplish other tasks more effectively and efficiently in school as well as in non-academic settings (Schumaker & Deshler, 1992).

What are the 4 major types of learning disabilities? ›

Learning disabilities usually fall within four broad categories:
  • Spoken language-listening and speaking.
  • Written language-reading, writing, and spelling.
  • Arithmetic-calculation and concepts.
  • Reasoning-organization and integration of ideas and thoughts.

How do you teach special students? ›

General interventions
  1. Show, demonstrate and model.
  2. Utilize multisensory learning.
  3. Break information down into smaller units.
  4. Utilise peer tutoring and cooperative learning.
  5. Use a developmentally appropriate approach.
  6. Make information as concrete as possible.
  7. Provide a small group of instructions.

What are some modifications for students with autism? ›

Emotional and Self-Regulation
  • Designating a "safe" or "quiet" place in classroom.
  • Using a "break" card for breaks.
  • Using visual markers, tape, etc. to designate boundaries.
  • Modifying length and content of assignments.
  • Decreasing work load for school work or homework.

How can you make a classroom inclusive for autism? ›

Each autistic learner is an individual and need to be included in developing their inclusive classroom.
  1. Ensure the classroom routines are accessible e.g. use of visual supports.
  2. Simplify communication.
  3. Use stress scales.
  4. Ensure the whole class has an opportunity to explore diversity and equality.

What are the main challenges for teachers in teaching learners with ASD? ›

In total, three main themes emerged from this qualitative study: teachers' lack of training for students with ASD, teachers' lack of collaboration opportunities, and the lack of resources in schools.

How do you teach high functioning autism? ›

Use a written or verbal schedule to prepare for change. Use positive and chronologically age-appropriate behavior procedures. Avoid “babying” your student on the spectrum by over-supporting his/her or speaking at a level associated with younger students. Consistent treatment and expectations from everyone is vital.

What skills do you need to work with autism? ›

Some of them are:
  • Presentation – good hygiene, neat appearance.
  • Communication.
  • Time Management.
  • Organizational Skills.
  • Adaptability.
  • Flexibility.
  • Decision Making.
  • Ability to work independently.
1 Feb 2018

What type of learner are most students with ASD? ›

Children with autism are often described as “visual learners” and said to “think in pictures”. Accordingly, teachers and therapists routinely prescribe picture-based communication systems in an effort to support their learning.

What are 5 strategies used to work with a child with autism? ›

The 5 Best Teaching Strategies for Autism
  • Support Routines and Transitions. Most children with autism are sensitive to abrupt changes in routine and will learn best in routine situations. ...
  • Use Visual Cues. ...
  • Use Special Interests as a Gateway to Teaching Skills. ...
  • Incorporate Sensory Tools. ...
  • Support social skills practice.
5 Nov 2019

What are three classroom strategies techniques modifications A teacher can support a child with autism? ›

Teach understanding and acceptance—see the Resources section of this kit for suggested reading, including books and programs to use with the students.
  • Pair the student with peers who are positive role models.
  • Allow times for students to work in pairs and/or small groups.
1 Sept 2018

What are 5 positive strategies that you can use to reinforce positive behaviors for students with autism? ›

5 Ways to Improve Social Skills for Autistic Children
  • Reinforce Positive Behavior & Celebrate Strengths.
  • Model & Practice Desired Behaviors.
  • Provide Structured Social Interactions.
  • Talk Through Possible Social Scenarios & Use Visual Aids.
  • Set the Environment for Success.
4 Dec 2021

What are the top three interventions for a child with autism? ›

The different types of evidence-based interventions include: Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children (TEACCH)

How do you deal with autism behavior in the classroom? ›

Strategies For Handling Autism Behavior Problems In The Classroom
  1. Follow A Behavior Plan. ...
  2. Incorporate Strengths & Interests. ...
  3. Increase Structure. ...
  4. Set & Explain Realistic Expectations. ...
  5. Time Transitions. ...
  6. Address Sensory Sensitivities. ...
  7. Offer Quiet Space. ...
  8. Improve Communication Skills.
27 Feb 2020

How do you cater students with autism? ›

Specific strategies for creating an autism-friendly classroom include: Set up an organised classroom where there are places for resources, stationary and personal belongings and teaching the students how to access the resources in an appropriate manner; Plan strategies along with places and times for calming breaks.

What is good communication methods with autism? ›

use specific key words, repeating and stressing them. pause between words and phrases to give the person time to process what you've said, and to give them a chance to think of a response. don't use too many questions. use less non-verbal communication (eg eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, body language)

What does an autism teacher do? ›

Autism teachers are responsible for the day-to-day care of students with autism. They help these individuals develop social skills, learn new life skills, and live as independently as possible. Autism teachers may work directly with students or they may oversee a team of support staff who do so.

What are the strategies in teaching to be used to children with communication disorder? ›

Academics & Behavior
  • Reduce unnecessary classroom noise as much as possible.
  • Be near the student when giving instructions and ask the student to repeat the instructions and prompt when necessary.
  • Provide verbal clues often.
  • Provide a quiet spot for the student to work if possible.
  • Speak clearly and deliberately.

What are the main challenges for teachers in teaching learners with ASD? ›

In total, three main themes emerged from this qualitative study: teachers' lack of training for students with ASD, teachers' lack of collaboration opportunities, and the lack of resources in schools.

What are the strategies to support positive behaviour? ›

These might include using calming approaches, changing the environment, diverting the person's attention to an activity they enjoy. Reactive strategies: These are planned, robust strategies that are put in place to be used as a response to an incident of challenging behaviour.

What strategies can be used in whole school behaviour support plans? ›

Developing A Whole School Approach To Behaviour Management
  • Sense of connectedness. All students are more likely to succeed when they feel connected to school (Wingspread Declaration on School Connections, 2004). ...
  • Focus on positive adult student relationships. ...
  • High expectations. ...
  • Develop resilience.

How do you motivate a child with autism? ›

Incorporate learning tasks into preferred topics and activities. Plan tasks and activities that result in meaningful outcomes from the perspective of the learner. Vary tasks and activities frequently as opposed to requiring boring repetition. Conversely, capture opportunities to expand learning when interest is high.

What are smart goals for autistic students? ›

SMART goals is a concept that can help you create practical goals for your teenage child or young adult with ASD. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Specific: The goal is clearly stated and doesn't include vague words like “more” or “better.”

What are some current treatment methods for autism? ›

What are the treatments for autism?
  • Behavioral management therapy.
  • Cognitive behavior therapy.
  • Early intervention.
  • Educational and school-based therapies.
  • Joint attention therapy.
  • Medication treatment.
  • Nutritional therapy.
  • Occupational therapy.
19 Apr 2021

How do you approach a child with autism? ›

Communication and interaction tips for ASD
  1. Be patient. ...
  2. Teach the child how to express anger without being too aggressive. ...
  3. Be persistent but resilient. ...
  4. Always stay positive. ...
  5. Ignore irritating attention-getting behavior. ...
  6. Interact through physical activity. ...
  7. Be affectionate and respectful. ...
  8. Show your love and interest.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.