7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (2024)

Anxiety. We’ve all experienced it from one time or another but for some (me included) it’s an unwanted factor of daily life.

While anxiety certainly has its place in the human experience it shouldn’t become an over-ruling element that affects your day-to-day life and your enjoyment thereof.

There’s plenty of ways to combat anxiety, but I do just want to preface this article by saying that if you feel your anxiety is out of control, prevents you from leaving the house, interacting with others, or you feel it’s becoming steadily worse do reach out to a healthcare professional.

Sometimes, myself included, a combination of medication, therapy, and self-care techniques such as visualization is needed to overcome severe anxiety.

Without any further ado, however, in this article, we’ll be exploring 7 different visualization techniques to reduce your anxiety levels and to help calm yourself.

Table of Contents

What is Anxiety?

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (1)

Before we delve into how to tackle anxiety we first need to know the nature of the beast.

Anxiety is a survival instinct we’ve had instilled in us from way back in our caveman days.

Anxiety is meant to keep us safe by putting us on high alert and making us hyper-vigilant to our surroundings.

However, aside from in survival and disaster situations, in modern life, there’s little place for anxiety, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still feel it, and for some, this anxiety response can go into overdrive and become completely debilitating.

When we experience times of anxiety our body releases the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, this was life-saving in prehistory times as it allowed us to act more quickly and boost energy for a quick escape, for example.

However, when the body releases these hormones unnecessarily we instead feel:

  • Hyperaware
  • Heart palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Exhaustion without the ability to sleep
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Paranoia
  • Sense of dread
  • Negative thought patterns
  • Lack of motivation

As you can see with a combination of just a couple of entries on this list you’re in for a bad and/or scary time, but many people with anxiety conditions experience almost all of these on a day-to-day basis.

Why Should We Care About Our Anxiety Levels?

So, you may be reading this and only experience anxiety once every now and again or when exposed to specific stimuli such as the nerves faced before a flight or when seeing a spider.

So, why should you care about your anxiety levels?

Firstly, from small acorns, great oaks grow.

Frequent traumatic exposure to stimuli or sudden unexpected trauma (such as severe turbulence on the flight you were nervous about) can cause your anxiety levels to go into overdrive.

You may be left with a constant feeling of dread for some time which your brain might apply to other unrelated instances and add that to your collection of ‘anxiety triggers’. When these triggers become irrational or out of control you have a problem.

Even if your anxiety isn’t in the extreme, frequent low-level anxiety still leads to a steady release of the stress hormone cortisol and the ‘action’ hormone adrenaline.

These can result in the following side effects:

  • Panic attacks
  • Difficulty relaxing
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Lowered immune system
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Heart concerns
  • Upset stomach/IBS
  • Loss of libido
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle and joint pain

So as you can see it’s much better for our health if we can tackle anxiety head-on before things become more severe!

How Visualization Helps Anxiety

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (2)

First of all, what is visualization?

Visualization can be quite a powerful technique when used correctly and can stop anxiety cycles in their tracks as well as decrease stress levels. At its core visualization is a distraction technique that forces your mind to focus on soothing mental imagery instead of the stresses or fears of the present.

This gives your body; which experiences much of the more noticeable effects of anxiety, time to recover, and calm allowing your calmed mind to return to a centered body.

Visualization And Anxiety: A Word Of Warning

Using your imagination to conquer anxiety can be a brilliant thing, but you need to understand that imagination can work both ways.

Remember when you were a kid and saw your dressing gown on the door and thought it was a ghost or monster?

While some kids may then be able to rationalize that no, this is in fact just a dressing gown, other more sensitive children will let their minds run wild and will continue to inflate their fears until they’re in a state of distress.

The same can be said when it comes to visualization.

When you use visualization activities you have to be prepared for unwanted interventions from your subconscious (this is why I find meditation stressful!) and need to work towards steering your visualizations back to a positive space.

This takes practice so you need to be aware of this when starting your visualization journey.

Visualization Hacks For Beginners

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (3)

I have three top tips when it comes to successful visualization; practice, using the 5 senses, and interception. Let’s take a closer look at these:


I’ve already mentioned practice makes perfect, but why is that?

Well, think about a pro-athlete, when they’re asked what they were thinking at their moment of victory most cannot answer because their bodies were acting on instinct.

This comes from months and years of practice developing what is known as ‘muscle memory’. It’s muscle memory that allows some of us to text or type without looking at the keyboard or to instantly know when the pause button is on the remote, and you can do the same when it comes to visualization.

At first, visualization will feel unnatural and you’ll find yourself thinking more about how to visualize or the act of visualizing instead of letting the imagery naturally fill your mind.

Over time and with practice you can start to make this process become second nature allowing you to slip into your visualization space within a few moments.

Use The 5 Senses

When people first start visualizing they focus too much on the visual; which is strange since it’s in the name!

But strong visualization comes from picturing a scenario in your mind using all 5 senses. By methodically paying attention to what you can see, smell, hear, taste, and touch, you create a far stronger vision and will find it much more likely to be able to immerse yourself into your imaginary world.


As I hinted to earlier your intrusive thoughts will likely enter your visualization space from time to time; we’re not Jedi mind-masters after all!

The knack isn’t trying to avoid these intrusions from happening but instead, know how to intercept them before they can take control of your visions.

There are so many different ways this can be done, some people like to change up the scene entirely while others like to alter something within their visualization.

For example, if you’re picturing walking down a scenic pathway you may choose to take the path in another direction leaving the intrusion behind you.

Preparing Yourself To Visualize To Reduce Anxiety

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (4)

While when you’ve got the knack of visualization you can practice on the spot techniques to lower your anxiety when you first try you’ll need to make an effort to set the scene to increase your chances of successfully immersing yourself.

To keep things simple I’ve broken the preparation process down into some easy steps:

Step 1: Find A Safe Place To Visualize

Firstly think about a place that has made you feel happy, peaceful, or safe in the past.

This can be a location you discovered when on holiday, your favorite vista, a location from childhood, or even your own imaginary world.

Whatever you choose, make sure you’ll be happy ‘going there’ time after time as changing your safe space can be a hassle that is much easier to avoid.

Step 2: Find Your Safe Space

When you live with anxiety safe spaces are very important.

These are spaces where we mostly feel at ease and our anxiety tends to be lessened.

More often than not this is our own home, but sometimes it can be a place in nature or even the home of a loved one. Ideally, you want your safe space to be somewhere with minimal distractions, somewhere quiet, comfortable, and warm.

Step 3: Begin To Immerse Yourself

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (5)

Now you’re in your safe space, close your eyes and start to imagine your chosen safe place.

If you feel too anxious to close your eyes that’s okay, you could try looking at a photo or an object that reminds you of your safe place instead.

Work systematically through the five senses, what can you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch?

It’s natural to struggle with this process which is why I recommend slipping into the ‘Savasana state’.

This is really just a posh term for getting yourself super relaxed and is achieved by regulating your breathing.

Start taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you find your anxiety rising and your breathing starting to quicken then take it a little slower and start ‘box breathing’.

This is a popular anti-anxiety technique where you breathe in for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and breath out for 3 seconds.

This method is also a lot better for those of us who suffer from congestion as breathing through the nose can be a challenge!

There’s no right and wrong in the Savasana state, so just take your time, and when you start to feel more relaxed and in control, try returning to your visualization activity.

Step 4: Rid Yourself Of The Anxiety

You’ll probably find that some of your anxieties try to intrude your safe space, this may concern you at first but it’s actually to your advantage as it provides you with the opportunity to ‘cleanse’ yourself of your worries using your visualization.

This is a more advanced visualization technique so in your first visualization attempts you’ll probably want to turn your attention towards staying present in your safe place.

When intrusive thoughts invade your space use your power to turn them into objects or to steer your environment away from them (see path example from earlier).

For example, if you’re imagining a beach and your anxiety breaks through your safe place you could crush the anxiety down into some pebbles and start skipping stones with them thus metaphorically ridding yourself of their potentially debilitating power.

7 Visualization Technique For Anxiety To Bring You Into Relaxation

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (6)

There are far more than 7 different visualization techniques, but what I’ve tried to do here is combine some of the most popular, with some of my personal favorites, as well as one or two you might not have heard of before.

1. The Tranquil Beach

When thinking of a relaxing space many of us picture the calm of the beach.

As a beach is a relatively simple space that we’re all familiar with; sand, sea, sky, it’s a perfect entry-level image to picture.

A beach setting can also be intricate too, meaning there’s the flexibility to weave your own narrative in this more generic space.

To use this technique, picture yourself laying on a sandy beach with the warm sun, blue skies, and the rhythmic lapping on the waves.

Imagine how the sand feels beneath you, how it shifts to support your weight, and the warmth it has from the sun. Imagine how the sand is suspending you, and hone your breathing to the lapping waves, let the sun's warmth spread through your body starting from your chest and out to your fingertips and toes.

Slipping this far into the tranquil beach may be enough to center yourself but you may want to delve even deeper and explore your surroundings further.

2. The Blender

Now, you may see the title of this and think; ‘how can a blender possibly be relaxing?’. Well, this visualization technique should only be used in certain circ*mstances, namely when you’ve got a lot of work on your plate or feel like your head is too cluttered and crowded.

If you feel uncomfortable visualizing a blender you could visualize a crusher or even a crackling fire instead.

Visualize your chosen destructive device switching on.

Fill the blender with all the things that are stressing you, or with items that symbolize the many tasks you need to get done. When the blender starts to blitz the demands of your life let go of the feelings of stress and anxiety that surround each item.

Keep the blender working until all your worries have been blended into nothingness.

Return to the here and now and you’ll likely feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and that you’re focussed and ready to tackle your to-do list. Having an affirmation in mind (such as ‘I can do this’ or ‘I’m taking things one step at a time’) can be an additional string to your proverbial bow post-visualization.

3. Color Breathing

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (7)

Color breathing is probably a visualization exercise that you’ve probably never heard of but it’s actually one of my favorites and is perfect for creative individuals and those who enjoy visualizing the abstract over the material.

Color breathing is often used in conjunction with meditation exercises but can also be used by itself.

Color breathing involves practicing box breathing while visualizing a color.

The color pictured depends on the needs of the person and maybe pictured as a colored mist or energy or a series of objects which are the chosen color.

The different colors you can use are:

  • Blue: For relaxation and peace
  • Green: For healing and cleansing
  • Magenta: For release
  • Orange: For happiness and joy
  • Red: For energy
  • Turquoise: For calming and soothing
  • Violet: For self-love and self-respect
  • Yellow: For concentration and objective thinking

4. Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing is a highly relaxing and meditative practice which I’ve discussed in-depth here.

We can often feel anxious or unsettled because our chakras are unbalanced, so why not reset your body and your mind at the same time by incorporating visualization with your balancing exercise.

You can choose any visualization technique from this list but personally, I think color breathing works great with chakra balancing because you can visualize each of the colors of the chakra points of your body as you let the crystals do their healing work.

This type of visualization is great for those with packed schedules as you’re merging two spiritual activities into one exercise.

It’s also ideal for those with a more spiritual side as it includes crystal work.

5. Visualization Box

This idea is similar to a manifestation box which I’ve written about recently.

You can check the manifestation box article here.

This visualization technique is a bit outside the box (pun intended) as it does not require you to seat yourself solely within your mind and is great for those with active imaginations who need to stay tethered to reality.

It is also great for creative and tactile people as it partly brings your visualization technique into the real world.

To get started with this technique you’ll still need to think of somewhere safe, however, this doesn’t have to be a static place and can instead be a memory.

Find a box (this can be as simple as a shoebox or can be decorative) and fill the box with objects and pictures which remind you of said place or memory. If we return to the beach example you could include some pebbles, a bag of sand, some shells, photographs of the beach, and so on.

As you start to relax and bring your safe space to the forefront of your mind, start working your way through the box exploring the items within with all your senses.

Work methodically through the box using the items to enhance the mental image of your safe space and the handling of the items to distract your body from any anxious feelings.

This activity can also be a great visualization first-step as it can get you used to the process and comfortable with it before you move on to solely picturing things in your mind.

6. The Blue Light

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (8)

Similar to color breathing visualizing calming lights can be simple and effective for quick grounding and anxiety reduction.

Visualizing blue light is considered best as blue is a naturally calming color, but if you’re like me and experience depression too, you might want to consider a color you personally view as calming or happy; for me this is yellow.

Firstly picture yourself surrounded by a glowing ball of light, as you breathe in let the light enter your body and fill up your mind.

As you breathe out, picture the light-capturing your worries and anxieties and exiting your body as you exhale. Picture the light that leaves you as black, and keep repeating the breathing process until the light you breathe out is clear blue.

7. Stop Sign

I often think of my anxiety like a snowball falling down a mountainside.

It starts small but as it rolls faster and faster it picks up more and more snow getting bigger and bigger until it becomes an avalanche.

Spiralling is a natural part of anxiety but you shouldn’t allow your fears to spin themselves out of control. This is where the stop sign visualization technique comes in. This creates a dead-end for your spiraling fears preventing them from going any further.

A great thing about the stop sign technique is that it’s a split-second visualization which can be done on the go as many times as you need to throughout your day.

Whenever you have an intrusive thought or feel your anxiety start to spike or spiral picture a big stop sign.

Alternatively, you could picture a brick wall or a forcefield between you and the thoughts which the thoughts are not able to penetrate.

Focus on your chosen barricade and repeat the word stop (out loud or in your head) until you feel more in control.

Final Thoughts

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (9)

Visualization techniques are great because they put the power back in your hands.

You are the master and creator of your mind and you have the final say of what happens within it; visualizing techniques simply remind you of this fact.

One of the best things about visualization techniques is that they can be changed and customized to suit you, there’s no one-size-fits-all method and therefore you shouldn’t feel any pressure for a particular method to ‘work’ for you.

Instead, listen to who you are as a person and have fun imagining your own creation.

Let this list guide you and come up with your own supercharged visualization techniques that show your anxiety who’s boss!

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (10)

Chloe Parpworth-Reynolds

I’m Chloe, an introverted, old soul, just trying to make my way in the world! Aside from studying and writing about the spiritual, I fill my spare time with reading and making all manner of things from knitted scarves to clay creations. I define myself as a ‘low-key Pagan’ and focus my attention on living a good, kind, and empathic life. For enquiries contact me at: cparpworthreynolds@outlook.com

7 Calming Visualization Techniques For Anxiety That You Can Use Now (2024)


How do you calm anxiety visualization? ›

Step 1: Visualize 'quiet' as a thick, clear liquid, filling your head with peace and quiet. Step 2: See it pouring slowly down your body, filling you with the clear liquid until you feel like a liquid ball. Step 3: Once you're in this zone, breathe deeply and stay in this position for a few minutes.

What are visualization exercises? ›

When you visualize, you focus on something specific — an event, person, or goal you want to achieve — and hold it in your mind, imagining your outcome becoming reality. Visualization is a mindfulness technique on its own, but you can also use it to enhance regular meditation.

How do people deal with anxiety? ›

Visualization techniques, meditation and yoga are examples of relaxation techniques that can ease anxiety. Make sleep a priority. Do what you can to make sure you're getting enough sleep to feel rested. If you aren't sleeping well, talk with your health care provider.

What is the 3 3 3 technique for anxiety? ›

Follow the 3-3-3 rule.

Look around you and name three things you see. Then, name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three parts of your body — your ankle, fingers, or arm.

What is the best visualization method? ›

13 Best Visualization Techniques (And How to Use Them)
  1. Visualize Yourself Succeeding at Your Goal. ...
  2. Establish Triggered Visuals. ...
  3. Create a Vision Board. ...
  4. Write Yourself a Check. ...
  5. Use a Notecard to Make Your Goals Physical. ...
  6. Create a “Happy Place” ...
  7. Convert Your Desires Into Beliefs. ...
  8. Rehearse Potential Situations.
10 Aug 2022

What are 4 keys to an effective visualization? ›

Noah Iliinsky discusses the four pillars of effective visualization design, including purpose, content, structure, format, and design types to avoid.

What is the number one cure for anxiety? ›

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective form of psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. Generally a short-term treatment, CBT focuses on teaching you specific skills to improve your symptoms and gradually return to the activities you've avoided because of anxiety.

What are the Big 5 ideas to assist with anxiety? ›

Here are 5 strategies that can help make anxiety easier to deal with:
  • Challenge anxious thoughts.
  • Recognize some negative thinking patterns that foster worry, fear, and anxiety.
  • Cultivate optimistic thinking.
  • Take a timeout.
  • Create an anxiety toolbox.
25 Feb 2017

How I healed my anxiety without drugs? ›

Anxiety Treatment Without Medication: 7 Holistic Ways to Cope
  1. Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check. ...
  2. Avoid Stimulants. ...
  3. Get Enough Sleep. ...
  4. Just Breathe. ...
  5. Practice Mindfulness. ...
  6. Exercise. ...
  7. Do What You Enjoy. ...
  8. Where to Get Help.
6 Dec 2017

What not to do with people who have anxiety? ›

Thinking there's nothing they can do to help someone with anxiety or that it's best to leave them alone when that person has isolated themselves. The worst thing to say to someone with anxiety is to calm down or that their thoughts are irrational, telling them to think positively and not to be silly.

What are 3 things a person with anxiety could do to help with anxiety? ›

Things you can try to help with anxiety, fear and panic
  • try talking about your feelings to a friend, family member, health professional or counsellor. ...
  • use calming breathing exercises.
  • exercise – activities such as running, walking, swimming and yoga can help you relax.

Where do you tap on your body for anxiety? ›

EFT tapping is used for anxiety, depression, headaches, pain, weight loss and more. The main EFT tapping points are the side of the hand, eyebrow, the side of and under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, underarm and top of the head. Research has found EFT tapping to be effective for some people.

Which time is best for visualization? ›

Visualize with the 'Mental Rehearsal' Technique

The best times are when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer, and right before you go to bed. These are the times you are most relaxed.

What are the three rules for impactful visualization? ›

Whether you're creating a single visualization or an entire report or dashboard, all of these rules apply.
To create a visual that meets these standards, follow these cardinal rules:
  • Keep it simple but not stupid. ...
  • Emphasize important data. ...
  • Focus on your audience.
7 Apr 2016

Which is the most commonly used in visualization? ›

The most common data visualization types are scatter plots, bar charts, heat maps, line graphs, pie charts, area charts, choropleth maps and histograms.

Can you train your visualization skills? ›

Training your visualization skills is the sure way to improve it. The more you try to visualize the better this ability gets, and if the image gets blurred, just look at the actual object you are trying to visualize, and then continue seeing it in your imagination.

How do I visualize my best self? ›

To perform visualization, picture your best possible self in as much detail as possible. Think of a scene that your best possible self might find themselves in, and imagine the sights, sounds, and feelings you would experience. Tip: It's common to feel distracted during visualization.

How can I visualize in my head? ›

Take a small object, such as a glass, a spoon or a fruit, and look at it for a few moments. Now, close your eyes, and try to visualize the object as clearly as you can, without opening your eyes, for as long as you can, even if it is only for a few seconds at first.

What are the 4 levels of visualization? ›

These stages are exploration, analysis, synthesis, and presentation.

How do you visualize healing? ›

Two imagery techniques are widely used today:
  1. Palming. This involves visualizing color. You place your palms over your eyes and picture the color you think of with stress. ...
  2. Guided imagery. This involves thinking of a certain goal to help cope with health problems.

What is visualization for anxiety? ›

Visualizations are another tool to help you calm yourself down or feel more confident. Visualizations involve imagining something powerful in your head for a few minutes that can make you feel better afterwards.

Why is visualization so powerful? ›

Why is visualization Important? Visualization is important because it helps to prepare and to teach you how to respond to a situation before it happens. It also helps you achieve your goals by conditioning your brain to see, hear, and feel the success in your mind.

Which is the most treatable anxiety disorder? ›

Living with anxiety can be challenging. However, like other anxiety disorders, GAD is highly treatable. Some of the most effective treatments include psychotherapy, medication, and making lifestyle changes. In this article, we provide an overview of GAD, including its symptoms and causes.

Is anxiety a mental illness? ›

Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and affect nearly 30% of adults at some point in their lives. But anxiety disorders are treatable and a number of effective treatments are available. Treatment helps most people lead normal productive lives.

Does anxiety increase with age? ›

Anxiety becomes more common with older age and is most common among middle-aged adults. This may be due to a number of factors, including changes in the brain and nervous system as we age, and being more likely to experience stressful life events that can trigger anxiety.

What is the number one trigger for anxiety? ›

Difficult experiences in childhood, adolescence or adulthood are a common trigger for anxiety problems. Going through stress and trauma when you're very young is likely to have a particularly big impact. Experiences which can trigger anxiety problems include things like: physical or emotional abuse.

What are the 3 biggest or most frequent triggers for your anxiety? ›

10 Surprisingly Common Anxiety Triggers
  • Caffeine. Topping the list, caffeine can do many things, including inducing anxiety. ...
  • A Messy Home Environment. This one often surprises people. ...
  • Self Neglect. ...
  • Not Enough Sleep. ...
  • Stress. ...
  • Finances. ...
  • Social Gatherings. ...
  • Work Environment.

What is the 555 game for anxiety? ›

First, you may want to start with a simple deep breathing exercise called the 5-5-5 method. To do this, you breathe in for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and then breathe out for 5 seconds. You can continue this process until your thoughts slow down or you notice some relief.

What vitamin helps with anxiety? ›

B-complex, vitamin E, vitamin C, GABA, and 5-HTP are 5 vitamins commonly used to help with anxiety and stress.

What are the root causes of anxiety? ›

These factors may increase your risk of developing an anxiety disorder:
  • Trauma. ...
  • Stress due to an illness. ...
  • Stress buildup. ...
  • Personality. ...
  • Other mental health disorders. ...
  • Having blood relatives with an anxiety disorder. ...
  • Drugs or alcohol.

Can you live with anxiety without medication? ›

Anxiety is treatable without medication using the right combination of lifestyle changes, therapies, and support. If a person is concerned about their anxiety, they should reach out to a mental health professional or doctor and not delay care.

What happens when you yell at someone with anxiety? ›

Anxiety can result in an increased heart rate, hyperventilation or panic attacks due to being yelled at. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Being subjected to constant yelling and verbal abuse can cause symptoms of PTSD.

What it's like living with someone who has anxiety? ›

Unfortunately, the partner's social life can suffer as well, making both feel isolated. Emotional well-being — Spouses and partners may feel sad, depressed, or scared (for themselves or for their spouse), or angry, resentful, and bitter toward their loved one. They may also feel guilty for feeling this way.

Can people survive with anxiety? ›

With treatment, people with GAD can live full, normal lives free of the small terrors that plagued our everyday lives.

How do you overcome anxiety and overthinking? ›

Here are 10 tips to try when you begin to experience the same thought, or set of thoughts, swirling around your head:
  1. Distract yourself. ...
  2. Plan to take action. ...
  3. Take action. ...
  4. Question your thoughts. ...
  5. Readjust your life's goals. ...
  6. Work on enhancing your self-esteem. ...
  7. Try meditation. ...
  8. Understand your triggers.
15 Nov 2019

How do I break my anxiety cycle? ›

One important step in reversing the anxiety cycle is gradually confronting feared situations. If you do this, it will lead to an improved sense of confidence, which will help reduce your anxiety and allow you to go into situations that are important to you.

What food reduces anxiety? ›

Carbohydrates are thought to increase the amount of serotonin in your brain, which has a calming effect. Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains — for example, oatmeal, quinoa, whole-grain breads and whole-grain cereals.

How do you heal with visualization? ›

Two imagery techniques are widely used today:
  1. Palming. This involves visualizing color. You place your palms over your eyes and picture the color you think of with stress. ...
  2. Guided imagery. This involves thinking of a certain goal to help cope with health problems.

How do you stop Visualisation? ›

Make a bit of a conscious effort to feel a bit more relaxed. Don't expect to be anxiety free, of course. But if your muscles are tensed up, see if you can relax them. If you're having stressful thoughts, imagine what it would feel like if those thoughts went away.

What are the 4 steps of an effective visualization? ›

We'll also discuss these ideas in relation to academic writing about engaged learning specifically.
  • Step #1: Choose the right type of visualization.
  • Step #2: Declutter your visualization.
  • Step 3: Focus your audience's attention.
  • Step #4: Think Like a Designer.
4 Mar 2021

Why do I struggle with visualization? ›

Starting wrong. If you struggle to visualize images in your mind, you are probably starting wrong. Starting your visualization with the perfect image adds pressure and usually doesn't work. Instead, you should start by visualizing familiar things and work your way up.

How long should you practice visualization a day? ›

Make time to consider your visualization.

Visualize twice daily for a total of 10 minutes. It's most effective in the moments you wake and the moments just before you go to sleep. This will help engage the subconscious in your focused effort toward your desired outcome.

Why is Visualisation so powerful? ›

Visualization is important because it helps to prepare and to teach you how to respond to a situation before it happens. It also helps you achieve your goals by conditioning your brain to see, hear, and feel the success in your mind.

What is most important when creating a visualization? ›

What 2 things are most important in creating elegant visualizations? Focus on what is relevant. Remove anything which isn't adding to the figure. Use a unique style.

What are the seven stages of visualizing data? ›

  • 1 6.
  • Step 1: Define a clear purpose.
  • Step 2: Know your audience.
  • Step 3: Keep visualizations simple.
  • Step 4: Choose the right visual.
  • Step 5: Make sure your visualizations are inclusive.
  • Step 6: Provide context.
  • Step 7: Make it actionable.

What part of the brain is responsible for visualization? ›

Occipital lobe- located at the back of the head, this section occupies some 20% of the brain's overall capacity and is responsible for vision and being able to visualize scenes never actually witnessed before.

What happens in the brain during visualization? ›

It stimulates brain regions involved in rehearsal of movement, such as the putamen located in the forebrain, priming the brain and body for action so that we move more effectively.

How long does it take for visualization to work? ›

Scientific research shows that it takes at least 40 days of consistent practice for you to form a habit of thinking more positively. After visualizing your desire for 40 days, you should find it much easier to believe that you can have your desire. Remember that you always attract what you believe.

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.