How Green Vegetable Juice Health Recipes Changed My 40 Year Old Body (2024)

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How Green Vegetable Juice Health Recipes Changed My 40 Year Old Body (1)

I turn the big 40 this year.

(Seriously, I’d make the 40 bigger if I could because that is how it feels.)

And for those of you who have already turned 40, thank you for warning me. You told me it was harder to lose weight, I would sleep less, have horrible PMS, my skin would look duller, and I would experience aches and pains I never had before.

(If you are under 40 and haven’t heard these warnings from your older friends/family members, considered yourself warned.)

For me, the worst of these new ailments was the horrific PMS (mood swings, heavier periods, night sweats) and the inability to sleep. (PS…if you are guy, you can just stop reading now. Thanks for your time, but I will now feel uncomfortable about this conversation.)

And while you can purchase a cream to make your face look better and not eat Oreos and run an extra mile to keep your weight in line…not getting a good night’s sleep is a hard thing to fix.

I contemplated going to the doctor and getting drugs, but truth be told, I really wanted to find a homeopathic remedy to “what was ailing me”. I met with Dr. Google and started doing some research.

What I found was overwhelming evidence that I, in this almost 40-year old body, was not getting enough fruits and green leafy vegetables. And that SHOCKED me because I thought I was a healthy eater. But I wasn’t. I did not have the vitamins needed to run at full capacity.

This seemed like an easy fix. Find a couple of green smoothie recipes, rev up my Blendtec and have a smoothie everyday. And it worked. I did sleep better and my PMS symptoms subsided. But, I had an issue, I didn’t like drinking smoothies. Even in my Blendtec, that could blend a whole fish, I felt like I was drinking a salad instead of smoothie. And even when you know something is good for you, if you don’t like it, it is hard to stay dedicated.

My good friend, Johnna Perry from In Johnna’s Kitchen recommend some green vegetable juice health recipes. To be honest, I blew her off at first because I thought juicing was weird. I’d seen Facebook Updates from friends who were on 3 or 5-Day Juice Cleanse(which I thought was code for “I’m trying to lose weight”). I’d seen their green vegetable juice health recipes that looked like a nasty concoction of lawn mower clippings and an apple. I wasn’t sure the juicing lifestyle was for me.

But, I got desperate. After a week of not sleeping through the night followed by the worst period of my life, I was willing to try anything. And anything came in the form of a Woot Sale of a refurbished Breville Juice Fountain Multi-Speed Juicer for $119.00. I decided that $119 would be about the amount I would spend on a doctor’s appointment and prescription, so what did I have to lose.

Johnna sent me a couple of good beginner juice recipes and I took the plunge. And, surprisingly, I made a damn good green juice. Like really, really good. And I was hooked.

While I’m not a hard-core juicer, I do drink juices between three and four times per week. It is hard for me to articulate the difference between juicing and smoothies, but this graphic I think does the best job. (Courtesy of

How Green Vegetable Juice Health Recipes Changed My 40 Year Old Body (2)

Juices are an instant infusion of vitamins to your blood stream that give your digestive tract a rest, while smoothies are more like a meal because of their pulp and fiber. Both are good in their own way, but they are different.

But drinking juices or making smoothies can get expensive(see my favorite recipe below…it’s a lot of produce people) and be inconvenient. That is why I’m thankful for my Door To Door Organics delivery. Door to Door not only helps keep me on track with my juicing. I’m guaranteed a delivery every week (so I can’t use the excuse that I’m too busy to go to the store) and I can customize my order or add items on that enables me to make sure I’m using everything that is delivered. In fact, they have aSmoothie and Juice Detox in a Box, so you can make your own at home.

Plus, I have an exclusive Door To Door Coupon Code to get almost 50% off your first box.

How is juicing going long-term, you might wonder? Let’s just say it has transformed this almost-40-year-old body and I know when I’ve fallen off the wagon. When I drink my juice, I sleep better, my mood swings are less erratic and my PMS symptoms are more manageable. (And when I forget to drink juice, my husband is the first one to make it for me.) Plus, I have more energy, am more alert, and feel better overall. I have always been a proponent of local farming, farm to table, and cooking from scratch, but you can now add juicing to that list. I will continue to do it for the long term.

Juicing is an investment, but worth every dollar. And now that I’m at my half-way age mark, I would rather spend the money on eating good food vs spending the money on standardized medicine in the future.

How about you? Do you believe in the green vegetable juice health benefits? Can you tell a difference in the way you feel?

Kelly’s Favorite Warrior Juice Recipe


1 cucumber
2 stalks of celery
1 green apple, cored
1 valencia orange, peeled
1/2 inch of fresh ginger, peeled
5 stalks of chard or kale


1. Place ingredients in juicer in the order above. Stir and drink immediately. Makes approximately 16 ounces.

Disclosure: Door To Door Organics is a sponsor of Redefined Mom. However, the written remarks and opinions about juicing and what it has done to my body are entirely my own.Want more information – check out myfull disclosure statement.

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How Green Vegetable Juice Health Recipes Changed My 40 Year Old Body (2024)


What happens to your body if you drink green juice everyday? ›

It stimulates the production of white blood cells, the soldiers of your immune system that protect your body from unwanted invaders. But that's not all ! Green juices are also packed with vitamin A, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of your body's mucous membranes, including those in your airways.

What happens if we drink vegetable juice daily? ›

Vegetable juice is rich in antioxidants

In the long term, they can contribute to the development of illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Various vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants and many of these can be found in our juices.

Is it better to drink green juice in the morning or night? ›

Since juice doesn't require effort from the digestive system, having a green juice in the morning increases the amount of time that your digestive system is at rest. You'll be feeling energized and nourished from the juice, even though you haven't had any solid food.

How long does it take to see the benefits of juicing? ›

A couple of days of nutritious juices will make a difference in your body's function and on how you feel day to day. The difference in how you feel when you get the right nutrients will remind you to nourish your body on a regular basis.

Does green juice improve skin? ›

Green Juices for Healthy Skin. Green juices are a blend of vegetables like kale, spinach, cucumber, and celery—all mixed up in a juicer. They are one of the best ways to get more greens in our diet and have many benefits. They are packed with tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can give us healthy skin.

What is a downside to vegetable juices? ›

Juice drawbacks

First, juice lacks fiber, which is necessary for digestive health and important for appetite regulation. Furthermore, as fiber is extracted from the plants being juiced, important nutrients bound to the fiber are lost.

What is the healthiest vegetable juice to drink? ›

The 12 Best Vegetables to Juice
  • Spinach. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Parsley. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Swiss chard. ...
  • Wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is an edible grass that's often considered one of the most popular vegetables for juicing. ...
  • Celery. Celery juice has started to gain traction in the health world — and for good reason. ...
  • Tomatoes. Share on Pinterest.
Jul 14, 2023

What is one downside about juicing? ›

Con: Juice can be sneakily calorie-dense

Juice contains fructose, and while this is a natural source of sugar and carbs, drinking too much of it may lead you to consume too many calories. For example, juicing 5 fruits can add up to 500 calories and more than 100 grams of sugar, says Zarabi.

Does green juice actually work? ›

Green juice benefits

Juices retain much of the vitamins and minerals in the leafy greens (or other veggies). “For people who aren't eating enough greens, this is an easy way get their nutrients,” says Kristina Petersen, an associate professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University.

Can green juice detox your body? ›

These nutrients are vital for maintaining healthy skin, bones, and blood. Furthermore, green juices are packed with chlorophyll, which has been shown to enhance the body's detoxification processes, helping to cleanse the liver and improve overall bodily functions.

Is it best to drink green juice on an empty stomach? ›

It is best to drink green juice when you have an empty stomach. Experts say that this way, the nutrients are absorbed better by the body, which will result in more positive outcomes. Having the juice with a meal on the side will only slow down the absorption process.

How long should I wait to eat after drinking green juice? ›

It is important to drink juice on an empty stomach and to wait about 30 minutes before eating food so your body can digest and absorb all of the nutrients. Otherwise, it will ferment in your stomach and not make you feel great.

What should I eat after green juice? ›

Breaking a Juice Cleanse

The day after the cleanse, eat primarily raw or lightly steamed vegetables, fruit, or nuts. Portion sizes should be small, and the diet should be very similar to what you did to prepare for the cleanse—no sugar, coffee, wheat, gluten-containing foods, processed foods, or dairy.

How long after green juice should you eat? ›

The benefits of juicing are diminished if you have it during a meal, or shortly after. A full stomach will prevent the minerals and vitamins from absorbing straight into your bloodstream. A good rule to follow is to wait at least two hours between meals, and 20 minutes after your juice to have a meal.

What is the disadvantage of green juice? ›

Many green juices contain a highly concentrated form of oxalate, which is an antinutrient since it binds to minerals in food and stops the digestive tract from absorbing them. Eaten in moderation this is not an issue. However, if oxalate is consumed in excess, it can cause kidney stones or even kidney failure.

Do green drinks detox your body? ›

Because you are fasting on green juices, your body is getting the nutrition it needs, while at the same time, cleansing and detoxifying the body. Green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. In juice form, these nutrients are absorbed more easily into the bloodstream.

Does drinking green juice everyday help you lose weight? ›

Green juices are made with leafy green vegetables, which are fiber-rich and low in sugar. Studies show that eating more fruits and veggies may be associated with decreased body weight and a reduced risk of weight and fat gain.

Is it good to drink green everyday? ›

Green tea is packed full of health-promoting compounds. Regularly drinking green tea can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of several diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Drinking three to five cups of green tea per day seems to be optimal to reap the most health benefits.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.