How to Engage the 7 Types of Learners in your Classroom | LiteracyPlanet (2024)

How to Engage the 7 Types of Learners in your Classroom | LiteracyPlanet (1)

It’s generally accepted that there are seven different learning styles. While most of us fall across the spectrum of each of these styles, facilitating lessons that are engaging on all levels will give your students the best chance of success.

Here we discuss strategies to improve engagement for students of each learning style.

1. Auditory and musical learners

Auditory learners like to hear solutions and examples explained to them, and may gravitate towards music subjects and group learning as a way to understand information. Auditory learners often have a high aptitude for distinguishing notes and tones in music and speech.

Qualities often associated with auditory learners include:

  • Possessing a ‘good ear’ for music and tones
  • May be distractible
  • Likes to talk to self / others / hum / sing

Auditory learners might say words out loud or hum tones to better learn them. This strategy is key for keeping musical learners engaged in class lessons.

How to engage an auditory and musical learner

If you’re a music teacher, you’re in luck. Auditory learners will be engaged from start to finish. For other subjects however, engaging aural learners requires some tact and forethought.

The key here is your voice (and the voice of your students). Write down something on the whiteboard, then read it out loud. Work on your delivery so you can express learning material in interesting and engaging tones. Similarly, encourage your students to read back their own notes to themselves (and the class). Hearing the sound of their own voice and the voices of others is engaging to auditory learners, but it can be a great learning tool for students of all types.

Other strategies you can try include:

  • Recording lessons for later listening and reference
  • Encouraging auditory listeners to ‘teach others’ verbally
  • Seating them away from distractions

2. Visual and spatial learner

Visual learners like diagrams, drawing out concepts, charts and processes. They learn by looking at visual concepts, creating them, andwatching other people create them. Visual learners might be organised or creative in their application, and find things like colours and shapes useful.

Visual learners often possess the following qualities:

  • Habitual doodlers / drawers
  • Observant
  • Not easily distracted
  • Enjoys planning
  • Prefers visual instructions

How to engage a visual and spatial learner

To engage a visual learner in the classroom you’ll want to include elements like maps, diagrams and imagery. If you have a projector, try to include relevant images to go along with the course content. In geography and history, maps are helpful, while for maths and logic, go with diagrams.

Charts, images and diagramswill aid most students, so catering to visual learners doesn’t mean you have to ignore other types. When it comes to self-driven learning, encourage the spatially aware to sketch out their ideas, create mind maps and flowcharts. It should probably come to them naturally, but a bit of prompting can always help.

Other tactics you can use include:

  • Sitting visual learners near the front
  • Using colour codes and cues
  • Encouraging note taking and recopying notes during study

3. Verbal learner

How to Engage the 7 Types of Learners in your Classroom | LiteracyPlanet (2)

Verbal learning includes both writing and speaking. Verbal learners might have a preference for reading and writing, word games and poems. Verbal learners know the meanings of a broad category of words, can use them effectively, and actively seek out new words to add to their repertoire.

Some qualities associated with verbal learners include:

  • Intellectual
  • Bookworm
  • Good story teller

Verbal learners often seek out careers in journalism and writing, administration, law and politics.

How to engage a verbal learner

Verbal learners will want to write down notes, talk about concepts and potentially present them as well. The trick with verbal learners is knowing what adjacent types of learning apply to them – are they an outgoing or more introspective verbal learner? Some may lean more to talking, while others to reading and writing. Try to cater to preference while also using their verbal abilities to push personal boundaries every once in awhile.

4. Logical and mathematical learner

Perhaps unsurprisingly, mathematical learners err towards careers in programming, accountancy, science, research and other number and pattern-orientated careers. Some qualities associated with mathematical learners include:

  • Pattern recognition
  • Good with numbers
  • Predisposition towards grouping and classification

How to engage a logical and mathematical learner

Mathematical learners will greatly appreciate any type of learning that logically explains the subject at hand. For maths, that’s easy. For other subjects, it requires some effort and planning:

  • History and geography: Try to include statistics and classification taxonomy in your lesson plans.
  • Literature: Ask your students “What category of book is this?” Or in poetry, have them learn the meters and explain them to other students.
  • Music: Teach both musical instrument classification (woodwind etc) and the mathematical relationships between notes.
  • Art: A good starting point is the colour wheel and the effects of combining different colours.

With logical students, always look to incorporate a system. If you’re unsure, include the students in the development of that system. They’ll benefit from it greatly.

5. Physical or kinaesthetic learner

Commonly called hands-on learners, kinesthetics prefer to physically engage with the materials of the subject matter. Some qualities associated with physical learners include:

  • Preference to ‘get their hands dirty’
  • Energetic, may drum fingers or shake legs
  • Action-orientated and outgoing
  • May de-prioritise reading and writing

Physical learners representabout 5% of the population, and gravitate towards careers with lots of hands on work like emergency services, physical education and sports.

How to engage a physical or kinaesthetic learner

Channeling the energy and excitability of physical learners is key to offering a good lesson. Taking breaks so they can move around can help, but so can encouraging role play and movement within the lesson itself.

Physical interaction is also important. The use of props and models will greatly benefit a kinaesthetic learner. Give them something to grab onto and they’ll process information much better than from a book or whiteboard.

Other strategies to engage physical learners include:

  • Encouraging movement during study (don’t punish them for fidgeting)
  • Decluttering desks and surfaces so they can focus on learning

6. Social and interpersonal learner

Social learners show preference towards groups and collaboration. Some, but not all, will gravitate towards leadership within a group. Some of the qualities often associated with this type of learner include:

  • Extraverted
  • Good communicator
  • Sensitive and empathetic

It’s important for educators to understand that not all social learners are extraverted or highly communicative, and that they can also be visual, auditory, verbal, logical or physical learners. The interpersonal aspect perhaps better describes the settings in which they are most comfortable, rather than how they absorb information.

As such, teachers should be cognisant of the breadth of variation between different types of social learners. For example, social doesn’t strictly mean verbal. Some social learners prefer to listen in a group setting, rather than on their own.

How to engage a social and interpersonal learner

To engage a social learner, encourage both group collaboration and presentation. Consider:

  • Roleplaying historical events or works of literature
  • Collaborating on maths problems
  • Working as a class on comprehension questions

Interpersonal learners like to ‘do’ and to ‘share’. This can sometimes lead to distraction for other students who are more intrapersonal in their learning habits. To prevent this, try to channel social learners into providing value to the group, giving them tasks that use their energy usefully, with a focus on empathy for their classmates.

7. Solitary and intrapersonal learner

Solitary learners can be visual, auditory, physical, verbal or logical learners. Fulfilling all the needs of the solitary student will ensure they are fully engaged. Some of the qualities often associated with this type of learner include:

  • Independent
  • Introspective
  • Private

Intrapersonal learners may gravitate towards careers with a lot of self determination or motivation, as well as solitary workloads. Think:

  • Researchers
  • Writers and authors
  • Programmers and coders

How to engage a solitary and intrapersonal learner

In a classroom environment it can sometimes be difficult to engage a solitary learner. They might sit silently in the back of the classroom, only to ace the exam at the end of semester. For the educator, it’s important to engage them during class. Provide visual materials, books and learning aids. Designate quiet areas, and collaborate with defined sharing time so the solitary learner can feel adequately prepared.

Mixed learning approach

With large classrooms, it’s not always easy to personalise lessons, but using a mixed learning approach throughout coursework can help you cater to each type of learning style. You may decide to focus on a particular learning type each lesson, or incorporate multiple strategies within each lesson. The most important element is first recognising the differences in student learning – the rest will flow from there.

How to Engage the 7 Types of Learners in your Classroom | LiteracyPlanet (2024)


How do you engage different types of learners? ›

Tips for Accommodating
  1. Engage the student in conversation about the subject matter.
  2. Question students about the material.
  3. Ask for oral summaries of material.
  4. Have them tape lectures and review them with you.
  5. Have them tape themselves reviewing material and listen to it together.
  6. Read material aloud to them.
Apr 6, 2021

How do you engaging and supporting all students in learning? ›

5 Tips for Getting All Students Engaged in Learning
  1. Connect what you're teaching to real life. ...
  2. Use students' interests and fascinations. ...
  3. Give students choices. ...
  4. Hook their interest with fun transitions. ...
  5. Teach students self-monitoring skills.
Mar 13, 2018

How can you support all learners in the classroom? ›

Below are 10 ways to help students in special education return to normal classroom instruction.
  1. Be Patient. ...
  2. Make Time to Listen. ...
  3. Modify, Modify, Modify. ...
  4. Rapport Is Key. ...
  5. Support Students Dealing With Change. ...
  6. Review, Review, and Review Routines. ...
  7. Implement Strategies to Assist With Focusing. ...
  8. Help Students Stay on Track.
Sep 2, 2021

How can teachers accommodate all types of learners in their planning? ›

Graphical representation of learning materials through drawings, photos of charts. Asking students to draw the most important elements of the lesson they have covered with the teacher. Marking parts of text using different colored pens during studying to facilitate memorization.

How do you handle different types of students? ›

How can I Reach Different Types of Learners in the Classroom?
  1. Principle #1 – Know Yourself and Your Teaching Style. ...
  2. Principle #2 – Understand Your Student's Learning Styles. ...
  3. Principle #3 – Supportive Strategies. ...
  4. Principle #4 – Teach Across Type. ...
  5. Principle #5 – Students Work to their Strengths. ...
  6. Learn More…

Why is it important to engage students in learning? ›

It improves student performance

When students are engaged in the learning process, they are less likely to lose interest in what they are taught. Engaged students are more likely to excel in standardized tests and less likely to drop out.

What teaching strategies did the teacher use to reach the learners? ›

A teaching strategy is the method you use to convey information to your students.
Here are some of the top ideas for you to use.
  • Modeling. ...
  • Addressing Mistakes. ...
  • Providing Feedback. ...
  • Cooperative Learning. ...
  • Experiential Learning. ...
  • Student-Led Classroom. ...
  • Class Discussion.
Apr 11, 2018

How should teachers work with learners? ›

To teach is to engage students in learning; thus teaching consists of getting students involved in the active construction of knowledge. A teacher requires not only knowledge of subject matter, but knowledge of how students learn and how to transform them into active learners.

How can a teacher improve learners performance? ›

Five Tips to Increase Student Achievement
  1. Align instructions to learning standards. ...
  2. Include formative assessment. ...
  3. Provide consistent feedback. ...
  4. Use the feedback loop concept. ...
  5. Self-assess regularly.
Mar 27, 2017

How do you handle teaching a class with students of all different ability levels? ›

Here are 5 ways you can address the wide range of skills and abilities children demonstrate throughout the day.
  1. Offer choices. ...
  2. Plan for possibilities. ...
  3. Empower children to document their learning. ...
  4. Encourage community support. ...
  5. Provide a variety of learning materials.
Mar 8, 2021

How do teachers respond to diversity of learners in the classroom? ›

As a teacher, you can act as a facilitator and encourage conversation and healthy debate between diverse opinions. Group assignments are also a great way to expose students to diverse perspectives, allowing them to work together to explore and solve a problem.

Why is it important to cater for different learning styles? ›

Benefits of Catering to Different Learning Styles

Also, by adjusting each lesson to meet the needs of the individual, every student in the classroom will be more engaged. It becomes a more effective learning environment for everyone. By catering to multiple learning styles, we appeal to all types of learners.

How do you deal with learners differences? ›

Effective ways for Educators Dealing with Individual Difference
  1. Knowledge of Individual Personality. ...
  2. Adjustment in Curriculum. ...
  3. Adjustment of Method of Teaching. ...
  4. Special Program or Individualizing Instruction. ...
  5. Grouping of Learners.

How do students learn best in the classroom? ›

Students learn by connecting new knowledge with knowledge and concepts that they already know, most effectively in active social classrooms where they negotiate understanding through interaction and varied approaches.

How will you deal with your learners? ›

Here is how to deal with even your most challenging students.
  • Keep rules simple and easy to follow. ...
  • Create effective consequences. ...
  • Create inspiring rewards. ...
  • Address your chatterboxes. ...
  • Don't play into power struggles. ...
  • Learn to have an effective discussion with an argumentative student.
Sep 8, 2015

What is the best way to learning? ›

The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day. The total amount of time spent studying will be the same (or less) than one or two marathon library sessions, but you will learn the information more deeply and retain much more for the long term—which will help get you an A on the final.

What is the importance of learning styles? ›

Understanding learning styles can make it easier to create, modify, and develop more efficient curriculum and educational programs. It can also encourage students' participation in these programs and motivate them to gain professional knowledge [9].

Who proposed the 7 learning styles? ›

The 7 Learning Styles. Theorist Neil Fleming coined VARK as a model for learning. VARK stands for: visual, auditory, reading/writing preference, and kinesthetic.

How do you engage every learner in an elementary classroom? ›

20 Student Engagement Strategies for a Captivating Classroom
  1. Connect learning to the real world. ...
  2. Engage with your students' interests. ...
  3. Fill “dead time” ...
  4. Use group work and collaboration. ...
  5. Encourage students to present and share work regularly. ...
  6. Give your students a say. ...
  7. Use mixed media. ...
  8. Get your students moving.
Jun 18, 2020

What makes an engaging learning experience? ›

Effective learning experiences are often ones that include practice, reflection and collaboration to drive retention. Experiential learning immerses learners in an experience and allows them to apply knowledge in real-world situations.

What does it mean to engage students in learning? ›

According to The Glossary of Education Reform, student engagement “refers to the degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that students show when they are learning or being taught, which extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress in their education.”

How do you motivate students before a lesson? ›

A List Of Simple Ideas To Improve Student Motivation
  1. Give students a sense of control. ...
  2. Be clear about learning objectives. ...
  3. Create a threat-free environment. ...
  4. Change your scenery. ...
  5. Offer varied experiences. ...
  6. Use positive competition. ...
  7. Offer rewards. ...
  8. Give students responsibility.

What interactive activities keep learners engaged during a lesson? ›

Interactive Classroom Activities
  • Entry/Exit Tickets. ...
  • Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise. ...
  • Ice Breakers. ...
  • Think–Pair–Share. ...
  • Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning. ...
  • Debate. ...
  • Interview or Role Play. ...
  • Interactive Demonstrations.

What strategies do you use to maintain student engagement during lectures? ›

8 Ways to Keep Students Engaged During Lectures
  • Make presentation interactive.
  • Encourage smartphone use.
  • Focus on “Why”
  • Add in some humor.
  • Take student interest into account.
  • Work on your public speaking skills.
  • Evaluate.
  • Gather feedback.
Jan 27, 2022

What is effective student engagement? ›

Students are emotionally engaged when they like school, are interested in, and identify with school culture. Students are cognitively engaged when they exert effort to do well in school, which can lead to strong academic self-concept. Engagement at the school level includes student and teacher connectedness or bonding.

How can we make teaching interesting and effective? ›

10 Tips to Make Your Classes More Engaging for Students
  1. Ask questions and seek your student's opinions. ...
  2. Assess the level of knowledge in the room and tailor your teaching accordingly. ...
  3. Get students to present work themselves. ...
  4. Use multimedia like video or audio clips. ...
  5. Encourage group discussion.
Apr 22, 2021

How do you promote learner engagement? ›

5 simple ways to engage and motivate learners
  1. Set clear learning goals. ...
  2. Make learning convenient. ...
  3. Get creative with course content. ...
  4. Reward learners for engagement. ...
  5. Create open communication channels. ...
  6. Offer real-life rewards for successful training and improved performance. ...
  7. Use on-the-job training and relatable simulations.

Why is it important to use a variety of teaching strategies in the classroom? ›

Using a variety of strategies ensures that students have an opportunity to work with many different group members throughout the year. are finishing their work at different times. As students complete one assignment, they write their names on the chalkboard.

How can teachers maintain a focus on teaching and learning? ›

These include: Essential questions, which are used to determine the goal of lessons. Activating strategy, which is a method teachers use to get students excited about and connecting the content to their own lives. Relevant vocabulary, which refers to using vocabulary that students understand.

How do you create a positive classroom environment? ›

13 components of a positive classroom environment
  1. Build positive relationships. ...
  2. Arrange the physical environment. ...
  3. Set high academic expectations. ...
  4. Provide positive reinforcement. ...
  5. Be open to feedback. ...
  6. Encourage collaboration. ...
  7. Use current curriculum and teaching methods. ...
  8. Be there for them.
Jun 29, 2021

What is the most important contribution that a teacher can make in the classroom? ›

What is the most important contribution that a teacher can make in the classroom? They avoid stagnation at all costs and maintain an desirable passion for children and the learning process.

How do you support students? ›

help learners connect with each other by introducing those with similar interests or goals. encourage students to form study groups outside of class or engage in peer mentoring. suggest clubs they might join or direct. Let students know about spaces on campus where they can meet.

How can you support all learners in the classroom? ›

Below are 10 ways to help students in special education return to normal classroom instruction.
  1. Be Patient. ...
  2. Make Time to Listen. ...
  3. Modify, Modify, Modify. ...
  4. Rapport Is Key. ...
  5. Support Students Dealing With Change. ...
  6. Review, Review, and Review Routines. ...
  7. Implement Strategies to Assist With Focusing. ...
  8. Help Students Stay on Track.
Sep 2, 2021

How do you motivate students? ›

Top 5 Strategies for Motivating Students
  1. Promote growth mindset over fixed mindset. ...
  2. Develop meaningful and respectful relationships with your students. ...
  3. Grow a community of learners in your classroom. ...
  4. Establish high expectations and establish clear goals. ...
  5. Be inspirational.
Jun 4, 2018

What strategies are used to communicate learner needs progress and achievement? ›

Teacher Strategies to Promote Learning
  • Instructional Match. ...
  • Scaffolding. ...
  • Step-by-Step Strategies. ...
  • Modeling & Demonstration. ...
  • Performance Feedback. ...
  • Opportunities to Drill & Practice to Strengthen Fragile Skills. ...
  • Student 'Talk-Through' Activities. ...
  • Periodic Review.

How can teachers accommodate all types of learners in their planning? ›

Graphical representation of learning materials through drawings, photos of charts. Asking students to draw the most important elements of the lesson they have covered with the teacher. Marking parts of text using different colored pens during studying to facilitate memorization.

How do you meet the needs of all learners? ›

Strategies for Meeting All Students' Needs
  1. Collaborate with colleagues. ...
  2. Cultivate consistency. ...
  3. Develop a student-centered mindset. ...
  4. Set aside time to focus on study skills and extra support. ...
  5. Use multiple forms of assessment. ...
  6. Draw on other professionals' expertise. ...
  7. Partner with families.
Apr 24, 2012

What activities can be done for learners in a diverse classroom? ›

Here are several ways you can have fun with your students exploring different cultural groups and traditions.
  • Cultural Dress Show and Tell. ...
  • Host a Multicultural Day. ...
  • Have a World Music Dance Party. ...
  • Create a Classroom Collage. ...
  • Make Global Friends.
Dec 9, 2020

How would you cater for diverse learners in the classroom? ›

For teaching a diverse mix of learners, you might consider small groups of similar interest, learning styles or even mixed groupings of abilities. Studies show that peer teaching can be an extremely effective strategy, encouraging independence and strengthening social relationships.

How would you cater for learners with special needs in the classroom? ›

Ready Students for Upcoming Lessons
  1. Discuss and establish learning expectations. Let students know what they'll learn during the lesson and how much time they'll need for each activity. ...
  2. Discuss and establish behavioral expectations. ...
  3. Provide the schedule in advance. ...
  4. Be very clear on the materials needed for the lesson.
Feb 10, 2021

What is the importance of knowing students learning styles in a particular classroom in the preparation of teaching and learning process of the teacher? ›

It is important for teachers to know their learners' preferred learning styles because this knowledge will help teachers to plan their lessons to match or adapt their teaching and to provide the most appropriate and meaningful activities or tasks to suit a particular learner group at different stages.

What type of learner needs to do things to understand? ›

How to recognize kinesthetic learners in your class: Kinesthetic learners, sometimes called tactile learners, learn through experiencing or doing things. They like to get involved by acting out events or using their hands to touch and handle in order to understand concepts.

How can you make your teaching more meaningful relevant and useful to the learners? ›

By making your lessons more relevant to students' lives and experiences, you can engage and help them. Provide space in your lessons to: Celebrate culture and have students teach others about their culture. Allow students to share their stories and value their experiences: Students need a voice.

What is the importance of knowing the different types of learners? ›

By understanding what kind of learner you and/or your students are, you can now gain a better perspective on how to implement these learning styles into your lesson plans and study techniques. The term “learning styles” speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently.

What are the four types of learner engagement? ›

Then I will show how these two axes form a two-dimensional “map” with four quadrants of engagement: “Scaffolded,” “Convenient,” “Active,” and “Obliged.” I conclude that while some modes of delivery lean more toward one quadrant than another; any course – regardless of delivery – should employ learning activities from ...

How do you plan to engage in learning? ›

20 Student Engagement Strategies for a Captivating Classroom
  1. Connect learning to the real world. ...
  2. Engage with your students' interests. ...
  3. Fill “dead time” ...
  4. Use group work and collaboration. ...
  5. Encourage students to present and share work regularly. ...
  6. Give your students a say. ...
  7. Use mixed media. ...
  8. Get your students moving.
Jun 18, 2020

How can teachers involve learners? ›

Teaching strategies to ensure student engagement
  1. Begin the lesson with an interesting fact. ...
  2. Exude enthusiasm and engagement. ...
  3. Encourage connections that are meaningful and relevant. ...
  4. Plan for short attention spans. ...
  5. Address different learning styles and multiple intelligences. ...
  6. Turn lessons into games. ...
  7. Turn lessons into stories.
Jul 11, 2019

Why is it important for teachers to understand and use a variety of teaching styles? ›

Teaching styles are linked to a professor's educational value system and stem from their philosophy of education. Being aware of your own teaching style (or styles) can help you improve your teaching methods, by designing your course to increase student engagement and, ultimately, enhance student outcomes.

Why is it important to identify and meet individual learner needs? ›

Identifying and meeting individual learner needs boosts their morale and encourages them. In some cases, the learner does not gain much from mass instruction. As such, when the teacher provides individually prescribed instruction (IPI) it significantly helps many learners to understand and grasp educational concepts.

What are learning styles and how do these facilitate learning in the classroom? ›

Generally, they are overall patterns that provide direction to learning and teaching. Learning style can also be described as a set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a given situation. Styles influence how students learn, how teachers teach, and how the two interact.

What are six ways to engage students? ›

Motivation Matters: Six Simple Ways to Engage Students
  • Clarify your expectations (often). Students are unlikely to succeed if they do not know what is expected of them. ...
  • Allow for mistakes. ...
  • Give specific, positive feedback (and fewer empty compliments). ...
  • Keep it real. ...
  • Break the cycle. ...
  • Mix your media.

What are examples of student engagement? ›

Students demonstrate behavioral engagement through actions such as consistent attendance, completing assignments, coming to class prepared, and participating in class and in school activities. Students are emotionally engaged when they like school, are interested in, and identify with school culture.

How do you promote engagement in the classroom? ›

Engagement vs Compliance
  1. Make Learning Relevant. Student engagement is higher when teachers explain why their instruction is relevant. ...
  2. Remove Barriers to Learning. ...
  3. Include Choice and Voice. ...
  4. Create a Safe Space for Learning. ...
  5. Encourage Social Learning. ...
  6. Make Feedback Matter. ...
  7. Set Learning Goals.
Nov 29, 2021

How can teachers improve engagement? ›

Below are five fundamental strategic guidelines to increase teacher engagement.
  1. Early and Frequent Communication. ...
  2. Clearly Communicated Initiatives and Processes. ...
  3. Engagement with the Larger Community. ...
  4. A Positive Professional Culture. ...
  5. Strategic Initiative Alignment.
Oct 3, 2018

What interactive activities keep learners engaged during a lesson? ›

Interactive Classroom Activities
  • Entry/Exit Tickets. ...
  • Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise. ...
  • Ice Breakers. ...
  • Think–Pair–Share. ...
  • Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning. ...
  • Debate. ...
  • Interview or Role Play. ...
  • Interactive Demonstrations.

How can teachers maintain a focus on teaching and learning? ›

These include: Essential questions, which are used to determine the goal of lessons. Activating strategy, which is a method teachers use to get students excited about and connecting the content to their own lives. Relevant vocabulary, which refers to using vocabulary that students understand.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.