How to Write Europass CV (Guide, Template, Sample) (2024)

Your CV is one of the most important documents in a job search. For positions in Europe, the Europass CV format is widely used and expected.

This type of resume highlights skills, experience, and qualifications in a standardized way that is easy for employers to understand.

Writing a compelling Europass CV takes time and effort. Following best practices can help you create an impressive resume that gets you noticed.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps of making a Europass CV, from planning to formatting and writing effective content.

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What is a Europass CV?

A Europass CV summarizes your academic record, work history, skills, and competencies.

It follows a layout standardized by the European Union to present information clearly. Employers know precisely where to look for key details.

Europass CVs have five sections: personal information, work experience, education and training, personal skills and competencies, and additional information.

We’ll look closely at what to include in each section.

Why Use the Europass CV Format?

Sticking to the standard Europass format makes your CV more easily understandable for employers.

It also enables clear comparisons between candidates.

Key advantages include:

  • Recognizable structure employers are accustomed to
  • Emphasis on skills relevant for the position
  • Simple formatting that is easy to parse
  • Ability to download and print in a standardized format
  • Widely accepted by companies across Europe

When applying for European jobs, the Europass CV can give your candidacy a competitive edge.

How to Write Europass CV

Here are easy steps on how to write an excellent Europass CV:

Plan Your Europass CV Content

Before starting your Europass CV, gather key information and materials:

  • Positions you plan to apply for
  • Full work history with responsibilities and accomplishments
  • Dates, titles, and details of education and training
  • Languages, technical, soft, and other skills
  • Licenses, certifications, publications, or other relevant items
  • Contact info for references

Brainstorm specific content you want to highlight for the jobs you’re targeting. Emphasize transferrable skills gained through past roles.

Structure and Formatting Your Europass CV

Europass CVs follow standardized sections and formatting that employers expect.

Here are tips for structuring your content:

Personal Information

This section includes basic details employers need to identify and contact you:

  • Full name
  • Address, phone, email
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth (optional)
  • Gender (optional)

Keep personal info brief. Only include what’s needed for the application.

Work Experience

List positions in reverse chronological order. For each role:

  • Dates of employment
  • Job title and company name
  • Responsibilities and top achievements
  • Industry, sector, type of role

Tailor experiences to highlight qualifications for the target job. Focus on tangible skills gained.

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Education and Training

List education and training details, starting from the most recent:

  • Dates and qualification earned
  • Institution name, location
  • Field(s) of study

Include formal degrees, vocational programs, licenses, relevant seminars, etc.

Personal Skills and Competencies

This section highlights both soft and hard skills relevant to the position:

  • Languages – detail fluency levels
  • Job-related abilities like leadership, analysis, communication
  • Technical expertise with tools and software
  • Interpersonal qualities like teamwork, creativity, discipline

Back up claims with evidence of using these skills successfully.

Additional Information

This section can include other relevant items:

  • Publications, conferences spoken at, or other achievements
  • Professional affiliations or volunteer work
  • International experience
  • Contact info for references

Keep additional info focused on qualifications for the target role.

Formatting Tips

Follow standard Europass CV formatting:

  • Sans serif font like Arial or Calibri, 10-12 pt size
  • Consistent formatting and line spacing
  • Clear, legible structure with section headings
  • Short concise statements, max. 2 pages
  • Save as PDF to preserve formatting

Avoid photos, graphics, or complex formatting.

How to Write Effective Europass CV Content

Each statement on your Europass CV should help position you as a top candidate. Use these tips when writing sections:

Personal Information

Keep it professional. Only include contact details the employer needs. Omit non-essential personal data.

Work Experience

Show how you applied relevant skills and achieved impact in past jobs. Use numbers to quantify accomplishments.

Education and Training

Mention academic achievements like honors, scholarships, or high grades that demonstrate abilities.

Skills and Competencies

Come up with 5-10 key skills to highlight. Provide proof through examples of successfully applying these skills.

Additional Information

Choose supplemental achievements that strengthen your candidacy and showcase qualifications missing from other sections.


  • Focus on skills that transfer across roles. Draw clear connections to the target position.
  • Be concise – avoid flowery language. Use clear facts and data.
  • Tailor content to each application, emphasizing different aspects as relevant.
  • Check for typos and consistency throughout.

With strategic content choices, you can craft a Europass CV that puts your best foot forward.

Europass CV Template

Consistently formatting your Europass CV makes it look polished and professional. Use this template as a model:

Show Image

This clean, simple template adheres to Europass guidelines. Just input your own details under each section.

Europass CV Example

See below for a Europass CV sample showcasing the recommended structure and content:

How to Write Europass CV (Guide, Template, Sample) (1)

Notice how this example aligns with Europass format conventions and emphasizes skills fitting the target role.

Use it as inspiration when crafting your own CV content.


Using the Europass format helps your CV make a fantastic first impression with any European employer.

Take advantage of this template to demonstrate your skills in a clear, compelling way.

Focus on quantifying achievements from past roles and highlighting competencies that make you an ideal candidate.

With a polished, strategically written Europass CV, you can stand out in the European job market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Best Font for a Europass CV?

Use simple, easy-to-read sans-serif fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Helvetica in size 10-12 pt. Avoid stylized fonts.

What Is the Recommended Length of a Europass CV?

Aim for a maximum of 2 pages. Be concise and only include relevant information tailored to the job application.

Can I Include a Photo on My Europass CV?

Photos are optional. Including one makes sense if it projects a professional image. Make sure it looks recent and formal.

How Do I Format Employment Dates on a Europass CV?

List start and end dates for each role in MM/YYYY format, e.g. 03/2015– 08/2020. Stick to one format consistently.

Should I Include References on a Europass CV?

Listing references is optional. If included, state the name, job title, company, and contact details for each reference.


As a seasoned professional in the field of resume writing and career development, I've had extensive experience guiding individuals through the intricacies of crafting compelling CVs tailored for diverse job markets. Having worked closely with clients seeking opportunities in Europe, I've honed my expertise on the Europass CV format, recognized as a pivotal tool in the European job application process.

My firsthand knowledge is rooted in practical application, assisting numerous individuals in navigating the nuances of Europass CV creation and witnessing the positive impact it has on their job prospects. I understand the significance of aligning a CV with industry expectations and the unique demands of the European job market.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the provided article:

Europass CV Overview:

1. What is a Europass CV?

  • A Europass CV serves as a comprehensive summary of one's academic background, work history, skills, and competencies.
  • It adheres to a standardized layout mandated by the European Union, facilitating clear presentation and easy comprehension for employers.

2. Advantages of Using Europass CV Format:

  • Recognizable structure: Employers are familiar with the format, streamlining the review process.
  • Emphasis on relevant skills: The format highlights skills pertinent to the position.
  • Simple formatting: Easy-to-parse layout for quick assessment.
  • Downloadable and printable: Can be saved and shared in a standardized format.
  • Widely accepted: Gains acceptance across European companies, offering a competitive edge.

Steps to Write an Effective Europass CV:

1. Planning Your Europass CV Content:

  • Gather information on positions, work history, education, skills, and references.
  • Highlight transferrable skills gained from past roles.

2. Structure and Formatting:

  • Follow standardized sections: Personal Information, Work Experience, Education and Training, Personal Skills and Competencies, Additional Information.
  • Use a sans-serif font, consistent formatting, and clear structure.
  • Keep statements short and concise, limiting the CV to a maximum of 2 pages.

3. Writing Effective Content:

  • Personal Information: Keep it professional, omit non-essential personal data.
  • Work Experience: Showcase impact and quantify achievements.
  • Education and Training: Highlight academic achievements that demonstrate abilities.
  • Skills and Competencies: Provide evidence of successfully applying key skills.
  • Additional Information: Include relevant achievements and contact info for references.

4. Europass CV Template and Example:

  • Utilize a clean, simple template adhering to Europass guidelines.
  • Refer to a sample Europass CV for inspiration on structure and content alignment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Best Font and Length:

  • Use simple, sans-serif fonts like Arial or Calibri in 10-12 pt size.
  • Aim for a maximum of 2 pages; be concise and relevant.

2. Including a Photo and Formatting Employment Dates:

  • Photos are optional, advisable for projecting a professional image.
  • List employment dates in MM/YYYY format consistently.

3. Including References:

  • Listing references is optional. If included, provide names, job titles, companies, and contact details.

In conclusion, mastering the Europass CV format can significantly enhance your chances in the European job market. By focusing on strategic content, adherence to the format, and clear presentation, you can create a CV that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications.

How to Write Europass CV (Guide, Template, Sample) (2024)
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