Orion Lancaster County Assessor (2025)

1. Lancaster County Assessor

  • Assessor/Register of Deeds


2. County Assessors and Parcel Search | Property Assessment

  • Lancaster County Assessor. Dan Nolte 555 S 10th St Lincoln, NE 68508 402-441 ... Parcel Search: http://orion.lancaster.ne.gov/. GIS Viewer: https://maps ...

  • Complete Assessor Address Listing:  PDF  Excel  Nebraska Assessors Online or Nebraska Taxes Online (Operated by Nebraska Association of County Officials)

County Assessors and Parcel Search | Property Assessment

3. CTO - Property Information Search & Tax Payment - Lincoln.ne.gov

  • Bevat niet: orion | Resultaten tonen met:orion

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4. Lancaster County Assessor Sets 2021 Real Property Valuations - KLIN

Lancaster County Assessor Sets 2021 Real Property Valuations - KLIN

5. Lancaster County Assessor's office sets 2021 preliminary real property ...

  • 17 jan 2021 · LANCASTER COUNTY – The Lancaster County Assessor/Register of Deeds will post the 2021 preliminary real property valuations to their website ...

  • LANCASTER COUNTY – The Lancaster County Assessor/Register of Deeds will post the 2021 preliminary real property valuations to their website at orion.lancaster.ne.gov, and postcard notifications were mailed to property owners on Jan. 12. The valuat... Sorry! A subscription is required to view the rest of this content. Please login below or Subscribe today. Username Password Remember Me     Forgot […]

Lancaster County Assessor's office sets 2021 preliminary real property ...

6. Property Assessment | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website

  • The Lancaster County Property Assessment Office assesses real estate within the county for the local property tax levy. County government, 17 school ...

  • Learn about real estate assessment by the Property Assessment Office.



  • 23 mei 2017 · http://orion.lancaster.ne.gov/Appraisal/PublicAccess/PropertyDetail ... LANCASTER COUNTY ASSESSOR. County Assessor/Register of Deeds. Home.

9. Douglas County, Oregon - A&T Pro Public Access > Login

  • The County Assessor's chief responsibilities are to · Inventory all property including quality, quantity and important characteristics · Estimate the market value ...

  • A&T Pro Public Access

10. Lancaster County, Nebraska - Tax Assessor & Property Appraiser

  • http://orion.lancaster.ne.gov/Appraisal/PublicAccess/. Lancaster County Assessor's Office Services. There are three major roles involved in administering ...

  • Property Tax By State

11. Lancaster County Assessor (Nebraska - iAbstract.com

  • Lancaster County Assessor. Nebraska - Lancaster County. Description: Lancaster County Assessor. Link: http://orion.lancaster.ne.gov/Appraisal/PublicAccess/.

  • Contact information for the Lancaster County Assessor in Nebraska - Lancaster County, which may include a website link, phone number and whether the county includes data online.

12. Assessor's office - Lancaster County, SC

  • The Assessor provides annual real estate assessments to the County Auditor for the generation of real estate tax notices. We reappraise and reassess all ...

  • Lancaster County, SC

Assessor's office - Lancaster County, SC

13. Lancaster county nebraska assessor - Packart

  • 1 dag geleden · https://orion.lancaster.ne.gov. Lancaster County Assessor in Lincoln, NE provides a user-friendly online platform for property search ...

  • 404

14. [PDF] Table of Contents - Tax Equalization and Review Commission

  • Lancaster County Assessor/Register of Deeds Office. Tax Year 2012. A complete ... Orion. 2. CAMA software: Orion. 3. Are cadastral maps currently being used ...

Orion Lancaster County Assessor (2025)


What does Dan Nolte do? ›

Dan Nolte (Democratic Party) is a member of the Lancaster County Assessor-Register of Deeds in Nebraska. He assumed office on January 5, 2023. His current term ends on January 7, 2027. Nolte (Democratic Party) ran for election to the Lancaster County Assessor-Register of Deeds in Nebraska.

How much are property taxes in Lancaster County, Nebraska? ›

Nebraska Property Tax Rates
CountyMedian Home ValueAverage Effective Property Tax Rate
81 more rows

What county is Lincoln, NE? ›

What does the St Louis County Assessor do? ›

The St. Louis County Assessor's Office is responsible for accurately classifying and valuing all property in a uniform manner. We are committed to treating every property owner fairly, and to providing clear, accurate and timely information. We look forward to serving you.

Is Nick Nolte Married? ›

Personal life. Nolte married Clytie Lane in 2016.

How did Nick Nolte get his start? ›

Nick Nolte(I)

Nick Nolte was born in Omaha, Nebraska and began his career on stage at the Pasadena Playhouse and in regional theatre productions. His breakthrough role was in the TV miniseries. Nick Nolte said that when he played a young man in the early scenes of the project, he weighed about 160 pounds.

How many Vietnamese people are in Lincoln NE? ›

Lincoln alone is home to 6,934 people of Vietnamese origin out of their total 292,657 population.

What is Lincoln, Nebraska most known for? ›

Perhaps Lincoln's biggest claim to fame is the city's status as the capital of the state of Nebraska. Although Lincoln isn't the largest city in the state, it is Nebraska's most politically important city.

What was the original name of Lincoln Nebraska? ›

Nicknames aside, Lincoln's name comes from — you guessed it — the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln was originally called Lancaster when it was founded in 1856, but was renamed in honor of the recently assassinated president when it became the capital in 1869.

Can an assessor come on my property in Missouri? ›

Whenever there shall be any taxable property in any county, and from any cause no list thereof shall be given to the assessor in proper time and manor, or whenever the assessor has insufficient information to assess any real property, the assessor or an employee of the assessor shall assess the property based upon a ...

What does etal mean? ›

Et al. is short for the Latin expression “et alia,” “et alius,” or “et alii.” Et al. means “and others” or “and the other people” and usually follows the name of a person or a list of names and represents the remainder of the group.

What does et al mean in real estate? ›

If the wife is listed first on the deed then the records will read "Et Vir" to include husband. If the husband is listed first on the deed then the records will read "Et Ux" to include wife. Again, "Et Al" means "and other persons" (other than husband and wife).

What does Nick Nolte do now? ›

He most recently guest starred in an episode of Poker Face, the new whodunit series on Peacock starring Natasha Lyonne as an amateur detective who can always tell when someone is lying. Nick has also signed on to star in the upcoming Shelter Me.

What is Nick Nolte best known for? ›

His big break came when he was cast in one of the lead roles in the miniseries “Rich Man, Poor Man.” The series received a huge 23 Emmy nominations and 11 of its actors were nominated in various categories, including Nolte.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.