School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (2024)

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (1)

Instructional Leadership, School Improvement


April 15, 2021

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5 critical strategies missing from most school improvement plan goals

As you prepare for the next school year, school improvement plans and goals can be one of your most powerful leadership tools as a principal.

Yet, there’s no shortage of memes across the Internet poking fun at school improvement plans for the time required to develop them, the relatively low number of people who have input into their content, and the huge disparity between what is in a plan and the policies that need to be changed at the state and district level to affect their success.

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (3)

A meme I created about school improvement plan goals.

While these memes attempt to make light of an often frustrating situation, the very real disconnect between the purpose of a school improvement plan and its actual use must be addressed.

What if we reimagined our school improvement plans?

What if our goals truly became tied to what our students need instead of what might be required to avoid punitive measures tied to an accountability system?

What if more teachers hear their voice in our plans?

What if our plans turned into more than just a document collecting dust and instead morphed into a supercharged engine for blazing policy change and positive student outcomes?

What if?

There is a real disconnect between the purpose of a school improvement plan and its actual use. What if we reimagined goals tied to what our students truly need, with more teacher voice and supercharged for positive change? - James Mills Click To Tweet

In this blog, I draw on my experience as a school leadership coach to share examples of typical missteps that principals make while creating and implementing school improvement plans. I also share five critical strategies that are often missing from plans.

You can use these examples and strategies to reimagine school improvement plans – from a chore you don’t have time for, to a planning tool that actually saves you time and resources.

What is in a school improvement plan?

A school improvement plan, or SIP, has requirements that vary from state to state, but their unifying purpose is to document goals, strategies, and action steps that aim to improve the quality of education students receive. School improvement plan goals are generally aligned to outcome measures on statewide assessments.

The big question is: what makes a good school improvement plan?

What the research says about school improvement plan efficacy

      • Many educators doubt the efficacy of school improvement plans: According to a RAND survey, only 44% of teachers and 67% of principals believe school improvement plans change teaching practices. 62% of teachers and 81% of principals believed school improvement plans improve schools over a period of five years (Doss, et al., 2020).
      • Teachers with more knowledge of their school’s improvement plan were more likely to believe in its effectiveness: The same RAND study found a significant disparity between how teachers felt about school improvement plans when they were familiar with the plan’s major points vs. when they were not. See figure 1 (Doss, et al., 2020).

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (4)

Figure 1. When asked if the school improvement plan would lead to changes in teacher practice, more teachers who were familiar with the major points of the plan agreed (55%) compared to those who agreed but were unfamiliar with the major points (12%). Likewise, when asked if the school improvement plan would make the school better over a period of five years, teachers were more likely to agree if they were familiar with the major points (72%) vs. those who were unfamiliar (30%).

When we get into the five strategies below, I will explain more about how to involve teachers in creating and implementing school improvement plans.

What are some typical school goals – and what keeps schools from accomplishing them?

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (5)

Pull your most recent school improvement plan. Now look at the goals.

More than likely you will find astronomical student achievement targets like 30% increase in ELA proficiency or 54% increase in math proficiency.

Or you might find much more reasonable targets like 4% and 6% increases in ELA and math proficiency, respectively.

Either way, these targets are truly a shot in the dark without substantive goals, action steps, and strategies.

But even when the targets have goals, actions steps, and strategies, chances are they were written by a principal or assistant principal without teacher input. They might have even been provided by the district as a boilerplate for all schools to include. This is unacceptable and dooms school improvement from the outset.

How do principals typically implement school improvement plans?

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (6)

In the majority of school improvement efforts, the principal takes responsibility for the action steps outlined in an improvement plan himself or herself.

The principal might also delegate specific tasks without responsibility for the larger goal from which the task is connected. How many times have we seen or been on the receiving end of a “do this” email at 2:30 in the morning?

If Principal Marquez is going to take responsibility for every goal in the plan herself, that means she will visit 20 classrooms a day and give targeted, specific feedback to each teacher. Then she will attend PLCs both before and after school. Plus, she will call 15 parents back each day to respond to their concerns and maybe have time to grab a bite of the cold school lunch sitting on her desk for the last six hours.

Implementing the school improvement plan does not need to be – and shouldn’t be – this draining. Read on for strategies you can use to take a different approach.

5 critical strategies missing from most school improvement plan goals

Reimagining the usual process for creating and implementing school improvement plan goals means using new strategies.

The following five strategies are based on my work with the school improvement team at LSI. We developed supports and coaching for a new process called distributed system maturity.

In this process, daily school improvement efforts are driven by responsibilities, metrics, goals for improvement, documented processes, and regular leadership inspection and feedback on progress to goals.

5 critical strategies missing from most school improvement plan goals:

  1. Distributed responsibilities
  2. Weekly metrics
  3. Sustainable systems with documented processes
  4. Classroom walks & feedback
  5. Continuous improvement meetings

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1. Distribute responsibilities to other individuals rather than being a hero leader

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (7)Distributed system maturity begins with shifting from a “hero leader” to empowering your team to take some of the ownership for school improvement goals.

Hero leadership means a principal takes on the burden of responsibilities by himself or herself. It is not a system for true school improvement, because it is heavily reliant on one individual.

Do any “hero” principals you know come to mind? It’s heart-wrenching to think about how many hours our school leaders work to lead improvement, the personal sacrifices they make to the detriment of their families, and the damage they do to their physical and mental health. We have to change now!

So how do you start with distributed leadership?

At a minimum, school improvement plan goals must include the individuals responsible for each action step of each goal, and you must leave the task management associated with these action steps to the individuals responsible. The planning process should begin months before the new school year starts.

To illustrate this strategy, consider the following goal which I will use for the duration of the discussion:

By the end of the 2021-22 school year, 65% of students will demonstrate at least one year’s growth, or learning gain, as measured by the ELA statewide assessment.

On the surface, this goal is admirable, worthy of pride as a school, and no doubt helpful toward exiting a school from any turnaround status it may be in or approaching. But it lacks clear action steps – and more importantly, clear responsibility.

The responsibility for a goal like this one almost always falls to the principal. But in a distributed system maturity model, an individual other than the principal becomes the owner and responsible party to see this goal through to success.

There is certainly more than one action step that will be connected to this goal, and those action steps must be owned by a responsible party. To further the example, consider the following action step:

The reading coach will facilitate subject-area planning with all ELA teachers during their common planning period on Mondays and Wednesdays focusing on improving target/task alignment during the first grading period.

In this action step, the responsible party is clearly identified, along with the task that he or she is committing to fulfill. Now we have the reading coach involved, and you’re beginning to distribute leadership to others besides yourself.

2. Use metrics that you can monitor on a weekly basis rather than on a bi-annual basis

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (8)Don’t stop there! What would it look like if we then added a goal for improvement that is tied to a metric for progress monitoring?

You might be thinking: Don’t we already have our goal for improvement? Isn’t it the 65% learning gains in ELA?

For most schools currently in turnaround status (or a similar situation), progress monitoring data is limited to twice per year, around October and February, which will likely be used to make a school grade projection. I have done it myself. It does not work, and it places immense amounts of stress on teachers and leaders.

What if we took our example and added a low-stakes, weekly metric?

The reading coach will facilitate subject-area planning with all ELA teachers during their common planning period on Mondays and Wednesdays focusing on improving target/task alignment during the first grading period. During classroom walkthroughs, the reading coach will measure target/task alignment using a research-based classroom walkthrough tool, such as RigorWalk®. She will specifically identify the taxonomy level of the lesson learning target and the taxonomy level of the student work being produced and track whether the levels are aligned. Each teacher will demonstrate target/task alignment in three out of four weekly classroom visits as measured by the walkthrough tool.

Now, not only do we have a task and person responsible, but also we have a metric (in this example, RigorWalk®) and a goal for incremental improvement (target/task alignment in three out of four weekly classroom visits) which rolls up to the larger goal of 65% learning gains in ELA.

The distribution of our school improvement work has grown from the reading coach to now include all ELA teachers. The wave of ownership is building!

3. Build sustainable systems with documented processes rather than relying on talented individuals

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (9)Let’s revisit our annual goal example quickly so we don’t lose sight of what we are trying to accomplish:

By the end of the 2021-22 school year, 65% of students will demonstrate at least one year’s growth, or learning gain, as measured by the ELA statewide assessment.

We can’t simply off-load tasks and responsibilities to the reading coach and ELA teachers and think everything is going to be okay. Don’t stop there!

If true, sustainable school improvement is what we desire (and it is!), we must develop mature systems – systems that can succeed regardless of the individual.

I recall late one January afternoon when a tenth-grade ELA teacher approached me in the courtyard and shared that she was going to be leaving our school in about a month. Her husband had just accepted a new job in a location that both of them had dreamed of visiting for years. Instead of being excited for her, my mind immediately activated the anxiety switch.

How was I going to replace this amazing teacher? She consistently got 65% to 80% learning gains every year. There was no system in place that could replicate what she could do.

Avoiding overdependence on talented individuals is one of the aims of the distributed system maturity model. The system exists to ensure teachers and other stakeholders have the support, resources, and trust to continue the hard work of school improvement regardless of the circ*mstances.

Looking back, I wish I would have been able to celebrate along with that teacher. Where was this model way back when?

If we look at our example so far – individuals with distributed responsibilities and metrics for weekly progress monitoring – what would happen if the reading coach left?

Maybe, as the principal, I should go down and coach the classes myself? I can already hear the elementary principals who are reading this say, “I’ve done that before, too!” But that is not the answer.

A documented process is critical: a process that can be picked up, utilized, refined, and passed on to ensure success continues. Using our example, the documented process for the reading coach would include:

      • Weekly coaching calendars
      • PLC agendas
      • Sample student work products
      • Instructions related to classroom walkthroughs
      • How to use the RigorWalk® (or whichever tool she is using) to capture target/task alignment data
      • Suggested ways to share the data
      • How to use the data collected to inform next steps in the PLC process

When teams create a documented process, it results in high ownership and reduces the risk of failure to attain system goals because it isn’t dependent on a single person. The power is in the process.

Now we have the reading coach, ELA teachers, and anyone else who might join the team on equal footing. New teacher? New reading coach? Veteran teacher? Veteran reading coach? District reading specialist? It doesn’t matter. The process supports everyone.

Distributed systems for school improvement mean creating documented processes that any person can use, refine, and pass on. Even as the team adds or loses members over time, the hard work of improving student outcomes continues. Click To Tweet

4. Inspect classrooms regularly and provide feedback on progress toward the goal

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (10)I can imagine you asking: Where is the principal in all of this? He or she must have some responsibility for ensuring that we meet our goal of 65% learning gains as measured by the ELA statewide assessment.


In a distributed system maturity model, the principal’s most critical function is regular leadership inspection and feedback on progress toward the goal.

When these two responsibilities become the principal’s focus, we experience the highest levels of ownership, most reliable results, and lowest risk of failure to attain system performance goals.

Think back to all of the research and discussions over the years about the need for the principal to be the instructional leader of the school (e.g., Lunenburg, 2010). This is how it’s done.

So far, we have focused on one example goal from our school improvement plan: achieving 65% learning gains as measured by the ELA statewide assessment. We should now break our annual goals down into 45-day goals and make them visible for everyone. For example:

100% of students will demonstrate on-target growth in ELA as measured by the comparison of the NWEA MAP Reading Baseline to First Quarter progress monitoring assessment.

This 45-day goal is then displayed on the school’s action board. An action board is a visible tool that provides urgency and focus, guiding the school leadership team (SLT) in implementing and monitoring the systems that lead to the vision of transformed student achievement.

The action board provides a clear focus on how the SLT members should spend their time. Action boards allow us to take our 45-day goals and break them down into one-week “sprints,” where action steps move through columns titled “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done.”

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (11)

An example of an action board created by a SLT that I coached.

The action steps on an action board are not a “to do” list in the traditional sense. They are connected to specific actions that individual members of the SLT own, which are all connected to the school improvement plan goals. Any miscellaneous or operational items that members of the SLT need to get done (for example, creating a fire drill plan) do NOT go on the action board.

An action step is considered “done” when it meets specific criteria connected to the metrics we identified earlier (in our example, the number of classrooms that demonstrated target/task alignment as measured by the RigorWalk® tool). If the action step does not meet the criteria, it cannot be considered “done.”

Let’s take a look at an example that includes two action steps from the reading coach with one definition of done that requires leadership (principal) inspection:

      • Action Steps
        • The reading coach will attend and participate in Grade 4 ELA PLCs on Monday and Wednesday, focusing on Target/Task Alignment.
        • The reading coach will conduct a classroom walkthrough for each Grade 4 ELA teacher and submit feedback on Target/Task Alignment through a tool such as Growth Tracker.
      • Definition of Done
        • The principal will visit all 5 ELA teachers during their ELA block on Friday. In 4 out of 5 classrooms, the observed learning target and task will be aligned at the appropriate taxonomy or higher as measured by the LSI RigorWalk®.

Notice how throughout these examples, our annual goal has transitioned to a 45-day goal, then to specific action steps that the reading coach owns, to teachers getting consistent and documented feedback directly connected to action steps, to the principal verifying through leadership inspection.

The throughline here is powerful! Imagine the support the reading coach and teachers are feeling knowing that their principal is also invested in the outcome. That ownership wave just grew another 10 feet!

5. Lead your team towards continuous improvement with daily stand-ups

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (12)The final strategy that brings the distributed system maturity model together is the regular feedback on the team’s progress and efficacy at meeting the school improvement plan goals.

Like leadership inspection of the action steps, the principal owns this critical process.

At the heart of the continuous improvement process is the daily stand-up. A daily stand-up is when members of the SLT gather around the action board as the principal leads 5 to 15 minutes of discussion. The daily stand-up happens at the same time each day and in the same location. This time is sacred.

You should put some thought as to when the daily stand-up should take place. Support staff should be aware of it and protect this time as well.

During the daily stand-up, the principal asks each member of the SLT what he or she observed the previous day that is moving us toward meeting our definitions of done.

It is not a rundown of what each member did or did not do; the focus is on specific actions and outcomes from the classroom that will lead to meeting the definition of done by the end of the week. It is also the time to identify any impediments to meeting the goal for the week.

Data is central to all discussions. The game plan for tomorrow is also cemented. No more annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly focus on where we are as a school. Now you know on a daily basis!

For the purposes of this blog, I included only one school improvement plan goal from ELA. You will likely have additional goals, as well as other members on the SLT who own the action steps of those goals (such as the math coach, science coach, behavior specialist, ELL specialist, guidance counselor).

What results can you expect after using the 5 strategies?

So, what does it look like when a school fully commits to the five strategies described above?

Learning Sciences International has partnered with many public schools to implement these strategies. You can find the powerful results in our Applied Research Center’s case studies.

In our partner schools, the improvement process becomes a system owned by everyone, not just a select few – and in the end, students have benefitted immensely.

By embracing distributed responsibilities, weekly progress metrics, documented processes, regular leadership inspection, and daily feedback on goals for improvement, principals have empowered the entire school.

Don’t you want to be a part of a school like this?


  • Partner with LSI: A customizable system for school improvement plans
  • Related blog post: Strengthening Instructional Leadership: 6 strategies to promote a culture of continuous improvement, close COVID gaps, and increase principal retention
  • Related blog post: How to Use Virtual Classroom Walkthrough Tools: 7 Best Practices for K-12 School and District Leaders
  • Related blog post: How Administrators Can Support Teachers: Tips to Move Teams Forward with Compassion
  • Webinar recording: The 4 Actions of Instructional Leadership That Will Turn Your Dream School into a Reality
  • RigorWalk® classroom walkthrough tool
  • Growth Tracker teacher feedback and professional development tool


Doss, C.J., Akinniranye, G., Tosh, K. (2020). School improvement plans: Is there room for improvement? RAND Corporation.

Lunenburg, F.C. (2010). The principal as instructional leader. National Forum of Educational Supervision Journal, 27(4).,%20Fred%20C.%20The%20Principal%20as%20Instructional%20Leader%20NFEASJ%20V27%20N4%202010.pdf

School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (13)
About LSI

Our vision for education is to close the achievement gap. Equip all students with the social, emotional, and cognitive skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. Expand equity by giving every child access to rigorous core instruction that empowers learners to free themselves from generational poverty.

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School Improvement Plan Goals: 5 Strategies with Examples | Learning Sciences International (2024)


What are school goals examples? ›

Good Goals for the Upcoming School Year
  • Participate in class and stay engaged with your schoolwork.
  • Establish a good routine to manage your time. ...
  • Limit social media and gaming activities.
  • Take challenging classes.
  • Ask your teacher or counselor for extra help.

What are the strategies to improve learning in students? ›

Implementation Ideas:
  • Ask students to share information about each other's backgrounds and academic interests.
  • Encourage students to prepare together for classes or exams.
  • Create study groups within your course.
  • Ask students to give constructive feedback on each other's work and to explain difficult ideas to each other.
22 Aug 2022

What does a good school improvement plan look like? ›

A School Improvement Plan Should:

Identify three to five main priorities. A strong emphasis on monitoring and evaluation. Clarify links between priorities and improvements. Focus on the impact the plan has on pupil outcomes.

What are the 5 SMART goals in education? ›

The acronym SMART identifies the areas of focus in goal-setting. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented or relevant, and Time-bound. Other terms have been associated with these letters, but the Ohio Department of Education uses these.

What is a learning strategy examples? ›

reading and comprehending text. studying and remembering information. writing and taking notes. improving assignment and test performance.

What kind of strategies can be used for learning support students? ›

Maintain and encourage a positive outlook; focus on the good. Provide opportunities for small successes and then celebrate them. Give assignments/tasks in small, manageable chunks. Acknowledge the students' feelings and their lived experiences; incorporate student interests/experiences into lessons.

What are the areas of school improvement? ›

Target two to five priority areas.

Reading achievement, math achievement, and school climate are common areas of improvement plan focus.

How do I write a school action plan? ›

How to create an effective school action plan
  1. Evaluate carefully. Start by actually understanding what needs fixing. ...
  2. Get everyone involved. Any major changes need to be collaborative and have buy-in from everyone - otherwise, they will not succeed. ...
  3. Identify the best people to help. ...
  4. Time is precious. ...
  5. Celebrate success.
26 Oct 2021

How can schools improve quality of education? ›

What are some tips for improving the quality of education in primary schools?
  1. Use of technology. In most schools today, smart boards, desktop computers, and video conferencing are used for imparting education. ...
  2. Training Teachers. ...
  3. Cultural activities. ...
  4. Counselling of students. ...
  5. Parent–Teacher meetings.
17 May 2022

What is the school improvement plan of a school? ›

School Improvement Planning is a participatory process involving as many of the school community members as possible. The selection of members is crucial to the success of the group and to the SIP process, therefore, who will be recruited needs to be carefully thought out.

What is the focus of the school improvement plan? ›

The School Improvement Planning combines the concepts constituting the foundation for positive improvement results: meaningful teamwork; measurable clear goals; and the regular collection and analysis of performance data.” This highlights the importance of the school community to work together in developing, monitoring ...

What is school improvement plan PPT? ›

It contains the profile of the school and the community, problems and needs, goals, objectives, standards and targets, implementation plan, monitoring and evaluation plan, communication and advocacy plan, documentation and reporting to stakeholders and signatories.

What are the 5 SMART goals examples for work? ›

SMART Goals - Examples
  • Overcome Your Fear of Presenting. I will build my confidence to deliver presentations so I can do so with less anxiety. ...
  • Be a Better Coach. I will improve my coaching skills. ...
  • Build Your Network. ...
  • Improving Productivity. ...
  • Become a Leader. ...
  • Be a Strategic Thinker.

What are SMART goals for students examples? ›

Specific: I want to improve my overall GPA so I can apply for new scholarships next semester. Measurable: I will earn a B or better on my MAT 101 midterm exam. Achievable: I will meet with a math tutor every week to help me focus on my weak spots. Relevant: I'd like to reduce my student loans next semester.

How do I write a SMART goal for education? ›

How to set SMART goals in education
  1. Specific - clearly state what your goal is.
  2. Measurable - make sure that you can measure your success, e.g., with exam scores or feedback.
  3. Attainable - make sure you set goals that you can realistically achieve.
  4. Relevant - set goals relevant to your education.

What are examples of SMART goals? ›

5. SMART goal example for increasing sales
  • Specific: I will learn new sales techniques to increase sales at work.
  • Measurable: My goal is to double my sales in four months.
  • Attainable: I've been a sales associate for two years now. ...
  • Relevant: I want to feel more confident at my job and learn new skills.
5 Aug 2022

What are some good SMART goals? ›

Measurable: The goal should be quantifiable, and progress should be easy to track. Achievable: The goal should be attainable — not outlandish or unrealistic. Relevant: The goal should contribute to your broader, overarching goals. Time-bound: The goal should have a defined start and end date.

What are the five 5 instructional strategies that can be effective in multigrade classes? ›

The results of the study informed that the classroom strategies of multigrade teachers include: Classroom Management, Collaborative Learning, Using Differentiated Instruction, Connecting the Teaching to Real-life Situations, Integrating Technology in Teaching, and the flexibility of the Teacher.

What are the 5 strategies for successful large class handling? ›

With the right teaching strategies, you can succeed even when a class is large.
  • Learn All of the Names. ...
  • Use a Seating Chart. ...
  • Make Clear Rules and Stick to Them. ...
  • Be Active. ...
  • Plan … a Lot. ...
  • Have an Escape Plan. ...
  • Keep Resources Accessible. ...
  • Divide Students Into Teams.

How do you write a learning strategy? ›

Developing an Effective Learning Strategy
  1. 1) Structuring your strategy. ...
  2. 2) The importance of being goal-driven. ...
  3. 3) Short-term versus long-term business goals. ...
  4. 4) Assessing needs. ...
  5. 5) Legislative requirements. ...
  6. 6) Put the learner at the centre of the strategy. ...
  7. 7) The key to successful implementation. ...
  8. 8) Measure!
25 Jul 2017

What are 3 examples of learning? ›

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

What are the 6 strategies of learning? ›

Specifically, six key learning strategies from cognitive research can be applied to education: spaced practice, interleaving, elaborative interrogation, concrete examples, dual coding, and retrieval practice.

What is the most effective learning strategy? ›

The most effective strategy according to Dunlosky's research is practice testing. It consists of studying and reviewing by answering questions and actively bringing information back to mind. When this is done, information is reconsolidated, new connections are created, and memory and understanding are strengthened.

How do you support learners with learning difficulties? ›

Make learning participative. Encourage peer learning. Break tasks down into smaller steps that will incrementally build into the task objective. Use learners' own words, language, materials and personal context - be clear about activity purpose and how it relates to the skills needs of the learner.

How can we improve teaching and learning in primary schools? ›

List of teaching strategies for primary school
  1. Know Your Pupils and Develop Their Respect. ...
  2. Appropriate use of Summative and Formative Assessments. ...
  3. Teach the Vocabulary. ...
  4. Explicit Instruction. ...
  5. Effective Questioning Techniques. ...
  6. Deliberate Practice. ...
  7. Differentiation. ...
  8. Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition.

Why are school improvement plans important? ›

The purpose of a school and or district improvement plan is to guide the school and district improvement problem-solving and planning process throughout the year and help identify and organize strategies and resources that will lead to increased student achievement at the school.

What are the five order process to improve student outcomes? ›

[Best Practices] 5 Tips to Improve Student Outcomes with Data
  • Embrace formative assessment. ...
  • Make sure that your lesson and assessment goals are aligned. ...
  • Be transparent about assessment goals and scales. ...
  • Use your data to make a plan. ...
  • Talk to your students about their data.
6 Oct 2021

What are the essential elements of the school improvement plan? ›

It has three parts: 1) school profile; 2) performance indicators measuring aspects of access, quality, and governance; and 3) status of school projects.

Who is responsible for school improvement plan? ›

4.2 The Gauteng Department of Education requires all Schools to complete a School Self Evaluation (SSE), develop a School Development Plan (SDP), School Improvement Plan (SIP) and a Year Plan (YP).

Who is responsible for implementing the school improvement plan? ›

Principals shall lead each school in implementing the policies. The school improvement plan is one tool that school administrators should use to draw upon the creativity and innovation of the staff and the community.

Who should be a part of the school improvement team? ›

Improving schools requires a team effort with active participation and support from all parties including: Labor: Teachers, paraprofessionals, administrative and support staff and union leaders. Management: superintendents, principals, school board members and district support staff constitute management.

What are 3 good academic goals? ›

Examples of 10 educational goals
  • Think positive to stay focused. Positive thinking can make it easier for you to focus on tasks that need to be done and learn new information. ...
  • Stay resilient. ...
  • Make time to read. ...
  • Manage your time. ...
  • Find time to relax. ...
  • Strive for excellence. ...
  • Build a strong network. ...
  • Build good study habits.

What are the 3 important goals of education? ›

To impart knowledge and skills to prepare students for the real world. To produce learners, who can think deeply and solve problems. To create an authentic learning environment, where students can apply their learned skills and knowledge to solve real-world challenges and come up with meaningful solutions.

What are the goals of a student? ›

6 Smart Goals for College Students
  • Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals. ...
  • Set a Goal for Grades in Each Class. ...
  • Plan Homework/Study Times for Every Course. ...
  • Visit With Each Instructor at Least Once Per Term. ...
  • Take an Extra Challenging Course. ...
  • Join an Extracurricular Group or Organization. ...
  • Explore Career Services Resources.

What are 3 short term goals for students? ›

What are short-term goals for students? These are some ideas for short-term goals if you're a student: reading at least one book each month, studying at least one hour per day, learning a new language, improving grades by 10%, deciding on a major, etc.

What are smart goals for students? ›

What Are SMART Goals? SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These criteria can be used to guide your goal setting. Specific: Adding specificity to your goal makes it easier to achieve.

How do you set goals examples? ›

Goal: I will read one book every 15 days for the entire year. Specific: I will read one book every 15 days for the entire year by starting with books in my personal library. Measurable: I aim to complete reading a book every 15 days by spending 30 minutes of my time on the task on a daily basis.

What are the four main goals of education? ›

The goals commonly referred to as the Namibian philosophy of education are access, equity, quality and democracy. After 30 years of independence, it is appropriate to take stock of these goals and assess whether indeed they have achieved their intended purpose.

What are the goals and objectives of school? ›

To enhance self-esteem and the ability to value each person's own worth through a happy, caring, enriching and secure environment.
  • To develop an awareness of self and self-confidence.
  • To develop sensitivity to others.
  • To develop self-discipline.
  • To develop self-esteem.
  • To develop acceptable behaviour.
  • To develop cooperation.

What is the goal of school education? ›

The real goal of education, and of school, is becoming—becoming a “good” person and becoming a more capable person than when you started. Learning is nothing but a means of accomplishing that goal, and it is dangerous to confuse the ends with the means.

What is your goal best answer? ›

Examples of Best Answers

My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much value as possible to the team. I love that your company emphasizes professional development opportunities.

What are examples of SMART goals? ›

5. SMART goal example for increasing sales
  • Specific: I will learn new sales techniques to increase sales at work.
  • Measurable: My goal is to double my sales in four months.
  • Attainable: I've been a sales associate for two years now. ...
  • Relevant: I want to feel more confident at my job and learn new skills.
5 Aug 2022

What are some good goals? ›

100 Life Goals Ideas
  • Become an inspiration to others.
  • Master a difficult skill.
  • Become a thought leader in your industry.
  • Get promoted to an executive role at your company.
  • Learn about how to become a millionaire.
  • Go on a trip around the world.
  • Travel to your dream country.
  • Double your personal income.

What is an example of a short term goal for school? ›

A short term goal is a goal that only takes a few days or weeks to achieve, for example, to complete daily homework assignments or to spend more time on daily homework assignments and complete better quality work. A long term goal takes several weeks, months, or even a full school semester of year, to achieve.

What is a short term goal and give an example? ›

A short-term goal is something you want to accomplish soon. A short term goal is a goal you can achieve in 12 months or less. Examples include: Take a class. Buy a new television.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.