Secondary school teacher job profile (2024)

As a secondary school teacher you can teach a subject you love and engage pupils in learning and preparing for their future

As a secondary school teacher you'll teach pupils aged 11 to 18. Specialising in a particular subject, you'll plan, teach and assess lessons in line with curriculum objectives.

You'll aim to ensure a healthy culture of learning and will support, observe and record pupils' progress.

Teachers must keep up to date with developments in their subject area, new resources, methods and national objectives. The role involves liaising and networking with other professionals, parents and carers, both informally and formally.


As a secondary school teacher, you'll need to:

  • prepare and deliver lessons to classes of different ages and abilities
  • mark work, give appropriate feedback and maintain records of pupils' progress and development
  • research new topic areas, maintaining up-to-date subject knowledge, and devise and write new curriculum materials
  • select and use a range of different learning resources and equipment, including podcasts and interactive whiteboards
  • prepare pupils for qualifications and external examinations
  • manage pupil behaviour in the classroom and on school premises, and apply appropriate and effective measures in cases of misbehaviour
  • undertake pastoral duties, such as taking on the role of form tutor, and supporting pupils on an individual basis through academic or personal difficulties
  • communicate with parents and carers over pupils' progress and participate in departmental meetings, parents' evenings and whole-school training events
  • liaise with other professionals, such as learning mentors, careers advisers, educational psychologists and education welfare officers
  • supervise and support the work of teaching assistants, trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
  • organise and participate in extracurricular activities, such as outings, social activities and sporting events
  • undergo regular observations and participate in regular in-service training (INSET) as part of continuing professional development (CPD).


  • New entrants to the profession in England start on the main salary scale, which rises incrementally from £25,714 to £36,961. Enhanced pay scales apply for teachers working in or near London.
  • In Wales, new entrants start on a salary of £27,018, rising incrementally to £37,320.
  • Salaries for new entrants in Northern Ireland start at £23,199, rising incrementally to £33,906.
  • In Scotland, the new entrants' starting salary is £27,498, plus any payments made through the Preference Waiver Payment (PWP) scheme, rising incrementally to £41,412.
  • After gaining experience and expertise, there are opportunities to move up into the role of lead practitioner in England and Wales. In Scotland there are opportunities to move into chartered and then principal teacher roles. Salaries for head teachers can rise to £100,000.

Academies, free schools and independent schools set their own pay and working conditions.

Teachers may move into Key Stage or year leader, mentoring and management roles. Management roles in particular attract considerable salary increases.

Details about pay are available from the teaching unions and the Department for Education (DfE) Get Into Teaching website (for England).

Income figures are intended as a guide only.

Working hours

Teachers are in school for 39 weeks of the year. Hours vary between schools but are usually from 8.30am until 3.30pm or 4pm. Most teachers are in school before the school day starts and remain after school is finished.

Teachers are entitled to a minimum of 10% of timetabled teaching time for planning, preparation and assessment (PPA). In Scotland this is a minimum of seven and a half hours.

Teachers also often spend time at home planning and preparing lessons and assessing pupils' work.

Part-time work and career break opportunities are possible. Supply teaching is also an option. For more information on working hours, see the NASWUT, The Teachers' Union.

What to expect

  • You won't necessarily have a base classroom, and may have to carry books and equipment from room to room between lessons.
  • It's likely you'll have to give up extra hours of your time for parents' evenings, Ofsted inspection preparation, breakfast clubs, after-school clubs and sport, drama and field trips.
  • Jobs are available in most areas, especially in towns and cities, throughout the UK.
  • There may be occasional trips with pupils, or staff development opportunities, which involve staying away from home and/or overseas travel.


To work as a secondary school teacher in a maintained school (England and Wales), you must have a degree and achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) by completing a period of initial teacher training (ITT), (initial teacher education (ITE) in Wales). QTS is awarded by the Teaching Regulation Agency (England) or the Education Workforce Council (EWC) (Wales). You must also register with the EWC to teach in Wales.

Independent schools, academies and free schools may employ teachers without QTS but, in practice, this is uncommon.

In order to achieve QTS you can take an undergraduate secondary BA/BSc Hons with QTS. Training focuses on gaining specialist knowledge in your chosen subject and being able to pass this on effectively to secondary school pupils. You will spend a lot of time in the classroom learning from experienced teachers.

However, if you already have a degree, you can gain QTS in a number of ways. These include:

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) - available at many universities, colleges of higher education and teacher training led by schools. Training led by schools will offer QTS and most offer the academic qualification of a PGCE.
  • Salaried teacher training - options for receiving on-the-job training while earning a salary include postgraduate teaching apprenticeships, School Direct (salaried), Teach First (for graduates with a 2:1 or above) and the salaried PGCE delivered by The Open University, Wales (Wales only). In most, but not all cases, a PGCE accredited by a higher education institution (HEI) will be awarded.

Teacher training providers set their own entry requirements. The minimum requirements are at least a GCSE grade C/grade 4 (grade B in Wales) in English and mathematics, as well as a degree or equivalent in a subject relevant to your chosen area of teaching. Your pre-university education may also be taken into account.

Many institutions offer subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) courses in several subjects if your degree doesn't have enough content in the subject you want to teach.

Current priority subjects are:

  • biology
  • chemistry
  • computing
  • languages
  • mathematics
  • physics.

Other popular subjects include English, music, design and technology (DT), drama, RE, art and design, geography, history, business studies and PE.

Most applications for PGCEs are made through UCAS Teacher Training in the autumn before you wish to commence training. The DfE is setting up a new Apply for Teacher Training service, which will eventually replace UCAS Teacher Training. Until then, both application services will run side by side. Competition for places is high and early application is advised.

The Assessment Only (AO) route leading to QTS is possible for candidates who have a degree alongside a substantial amount of teaching experience in the UK, but do not have QTS. This involves submitting a portfolio of evidence of your work and a day-long assessment where you are observed while teaching at your school.

For more information about obtaining QTS, explore your options at Get into Teaching.

In Scotland, you'll need a degree and a Teaching Qualification (TQ) gained through undertaking a programme of ITE to qualify as a teacher. You must also register with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). All teacher training programmes are university-led and you can take either a four-year undergraduate programme or a one-year Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). Applications are made via UCAS Undergraduate for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

To teach in Northern Ireland, you must have a degree and a recognised teacher training qualification, gained by taking either a four-year undergraduate BEd or a one-year PGCE, and must register with the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI). Applications for the PGCE are made direct to the course provider, usually in November or December.

For information on teacher training in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales see:

If you trained in Scotland or Northern Ireland and want to teach in England, you'll need to apply for QTS. Information for teachers who've qualified outside the UK is available at GOV.UK - qualify to teach in England.

Find out more about funding for teacher training.


You'll need to have:

  • respect for children and an interest in helping them develop both academically and as people
  • excellent communication and interpersonal skills for working with children, other teachers and parents
  • good listening skills
  • the capacity to learn quickly
  • strong organisational and time management skills
  • the ability to inspire and enthuse children
  • energy, resourcefulness, responsibility and patience
  • dedication, resilience and self-discipline
  • a caring nature and an understanding of the needs and feelings of children
  • the ability to work independently, as well as part of a team
  • a sense of humour and the ability to keep things in perspective
  • imagination, creativity and a sense of humour
  • good judgement and an analytical mind
  • a good knowledge of the subject you're going to teach.

You'll also need to satisfactorily pass checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service for England and Wales (or the equivalent check in Scotland and Northern Ireland).

To find out more about the attributes you'll need, see essential skills for secondary school teachers.

Work experience

Having classroom experience will help you make a strong application to initial teacher training. You can use the Get school experience service to request school experience in a secondary school. Many secondary schools are happy to accept volunteer work experience placements. Find out more about volunteering in schools.

If you have other experience with children outside of the classroom, for example through sports, play schemes, summer camps, youth clubs, tutoring or mentoring, this may strengthen your application, as it will show you have a genuine interest in working with children.

You'll need to be familiar with the national curriculum for your subject and be able to show enthusiasm, motivation, commitment and strong communication skills.

Find out more about the different kinds of work experience and internships that are available.


Many secondary school teachers work in state schools, which receive funding either from the local authority (LA) or directly from government. These include:

  • community schools (also known as LA maintained schools) - follow the national curriculum
  • foundation schools and voluntary schools - funded by the LA but have more control over how they do things and may be supported by religious groups
  • free schools - funded by government on a not-for-profit basis but aren't run by the LA and don't have to follow the national curriculum
  • academies and multi-academy trusts - receive funding directly from the government, are independent from the LA and are run by an academy trust with more freedom and the option to follow a different curriculum
  • grammar schools - run by either the LA, a foundation body or an academy trust (pupils are selected based on academic ability).

You can also work in independent schools, which charge fees, rather than being funded by government, and don't have to follow the national curriculum. Independent schools must be registered with the government.

Some secondary teachers take on supply work through an agency or arrange supply work directly with schools. Although less stable than a permanent contract, the flexibility of supply work may suit some people.

Once trained and experienced, some teachers look for positions overseas. Many countries expect a teacher to have qualifications gained in that country, but sometimes there are reciprocal agreements in place.

Some teachers go on exchange programmes to other parts of the world, such as the USA and Australia, and some undertake voluntary work in developing countries through organisations such as Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO).

Opportunities are also available through international schools and in schools for the families of the armed forces.

Look for job vacancies at:

Specialist teaching recruitment agencies also handle vacancies. These include:

Many LAs send recruitment leaflets to universities and most have useful recruitment websites. Vacancies may occur at any time, but the peak time for jobs is between February and June.

Discover how to structure a teaching CV.

Professional development

NQTs in England and Wales must serve an induction period, normally of one year. During this time you must demonstrate that you meet the Teachers' Standards (England) or Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership (Wales). You'll be monitored and supported, have a reduced timetable and a designated induction tutor and work on areas identified for development during your initial teacher training/education.

You can carry out your induction period in state schools (except those in special measures). You can also undertake induction in independent schools, free schools and academies, although they don't have to offer it. It's also possible to carry out your induction period through supply teaching. For more information, see the National Education Union - Your guide to induction.

In Scotland, most NQTs join the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS), a guaranteed one-year probationary teaching post with a Scottish local authority school. There is also a flexible route available. The majority of teachers then apply to advertised vacancies or work in supply posts.

For information on the induction period in Northern Ireland, see the Education Authority.

In-service training is available and teachers are encouraged to pursue continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to their own responsibilities and the development needs of the school. Training takes place in-house on teacher training days or at regional training centres run by local authorities. Training topics include:

  • curriculum issues
  • new initiatives
  • pastoral care
  • special needs
  • subject leadership
  • target setting and assessment
  • technology - including child protection and online exploitation training.

Some teachers pursue higher qualifications, such as an MEd or MBA, on a part-time basis, depending on their career aims. Professional qualifications for school managers are also available.

Career prospects

Career progression may be through a specialist curriculum or pastoral role, or by moving into management. You may become a head of department, head of year or coordinator of a cross-curricular area, such as special needs or careers education, as well as subject or professional mentors for trainee teachers on placement.

You could take on additional responsibility as a leading practitioner, in which you would share excellent classroom practice, knowledge and expertise with colleagues in your own school and other schools in the locality. You would receive additional pay and increased non-contact time for this.

There is a suite of national professional qualifications (NPQs) available at different levels, including middle leadership, senior leadership, headship and executive leadership, designed to support the professional development of teachers in England. See the List of national professional qualifications (NPQs) providers.

Organisations such as the Ambition Institute and Education Scotland also run training programmes for aspiring leaders. Leadership can include roles ranging from responsibility for a year group or key stage to deputy or head teacher positions.

As a head teacher, you'll have a great deal of influence and responsibility for areas such as pupils and staff, financial management, the school's systems and processes, standards and ensuring continuous improvement.

Some teachers move out of schools and into further or higher education or other related jobs, such as:

  • advisory or consultancy roles
  • education officer - often employed at museums, art galleries and zoos
  • examination board administration
  • initial teacher training
  • local education authority work
  • Ofsted inspection.

There are some opportunities for self-employment, which include private tutoring, writing educational materials or running a small private school.

Find out how Dina became a maths teacher at BBC Bitesize.

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Secondary school teacher job profile (2024)


What is the role of a secondary school teacher? ›

Secondary (and middle school deemed secondary) education teaching professionals plan, organise and provide instruction in one or more subjects, including physical education and diversionary activities, within a prescribed curriculum in a secondary or secondary/ middle school.

What makes a good secondary school teacher? ›

Good secondary school teachers genuinely care about student welfare. They have a vested interest in the success of their pupils and work hard to ensure they get the best out of them. A desire to see others succeed and give students the best possible start is important and will have a massive impact on job satisfaction.

Who is a secondary school teacher? ›

A secondary teacher is a qualified education professional who works with middle school or high school students. These teachers often have certifications that allow them to instruct students between sixth and 12th grade.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a teacher? ›

The responsibilities of a teacher
  • Planning and preparing lessons. ...
  • Encouraging student participation. ...
  • Researching and developing new teaching materials. ...
  • Research and implementing new teaching methods. ...
  • Marking student work and recording performance. ...
  • Setting assessments and overseeing examinations.
27 Aug 2021

What do you consider to be the top 5 qualities that a teacher must have? ›

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

What qualifications do you need to be a Secondary School Teacher? ›

How to become a secondary school teacher
  • Obtain your undergraduate degree. ...
  • Complete your initial teacher training (ITT) ...
  • Apply for qualified teacher status (QTS) ...
  • Gain classroom teaching experience. ...
  • Achieve your postgraduate certificate in education. ...
  • Complete a salaried teacher training programme. ...
  • Communication skills.
19 Jul 2021

What are the 3 most important skills or attributes that teachers must have in order to successfully reach and teach all students? ›

Traits of a good teacher.
  • Patience. Every student will have their own unique struggles. ...
  • Empathy. Empathy is an important quality for teachers. ...
  • Drive for self-improvement. A great teacher should be able to look at themselves objectively and see where they can improve. ...
  • Adaptable.
29 Jan 2020

How much does a secondary school teacher earn UK? ›

How much does a Secondary school teachers make in United Kingdom? The average secondary school teachers salary in the United Kingdom is £34,580 per year or £17.73 per hour. Entry level positions start at £31,200 per year while most experienced workers make up to £43,316 per year.

What are the career opportunities for teacher at secondary level? ›

Employment Opportunities for a Teacher
  • Government Schools.
  • Private Schools.
  • Public Schools.
  • Art Colleges and Music Academics.
  • Municipality/State Government Schools.
  • Tutors.
  • Colleges and Universities.
2 Aug 2022

How much a secondary teacher is paid? ›

195,000. This include all allowance benefits per month.

What are 5 typical duties of a teacher? ›

  • Plan lessons and instruct their students in the subject they teach.
  • Assess students' abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Adapt lessons to changes in class size.
  • Grade students' assignments and exams.
  • Communicate with parents about students' progress.
4 Oct 2022

What are 3 responsibilities of a teacher? ›

And by the end, you'll be able to enhance the quality of education you deliver to the students.
  • Mentor. During the formative years of students, teachers play the role of a mentor. ...
  • Mediator. ...
  • Resource House. ...
  • Morale Booster and Motivator. ...
  • Demonstrator. ...
  • Continuous Learner. ...
  • A Good Listener. ...
  • Participant.
1 Feb 2022

What are roles and responsibilities? ›

What are roles and responsibilities? Roles refer to one's position on a team. Responsibilities refer to the tasks and duties of their particular role or job description. Employees are held accountable for completing several tasks in the workplace.

How do you describe a teacher on a resume? ›

A typical resume sample for this position mentions duties such as implementing behavior guidelines, preparing class activities, using various teaching methods, assigning homework, giving tests, and monitoring student academic performance. They may also be required to manage classroom materials and inventory.

What are strengths and weaknesses of a teacher? ›

These example answers may help you prepare for your interview:
  • Example teacher strength 1: Collaboration. ...
  • Example teacher strength 2: Empathy. ...
  • Example teacher strength 3: Order. ...
  • Example teacher strength 4: Technology skills. ...
  • Example teacher strength 5: Creativity. ...
  • Example teacher weakness 1: Lack of technological skills.

What skills are required for a teacher? ›

10 best skills of a teacher
  • Critical thinking skills. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Communication skills. ...
  • Organisational skills. ...
  • Creative thinking abilities. ...
  • Leadership skills. ...
  • Capacity for teamwork. ...
  • Time management skills.
30 Jun 2021

What are the two main goals of a Pedagogist? ›

In educational institutions at all levels, the primary goals and objectives of pedagogy is to promote student learning and enrich the overall system of education.

What qualifications do I need to be a secondary school teacher UK? ›

To work as a secondary school teacher in a maintained school (England and Wales), you must have a degree and achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) by completing a period of initial teacher training (ITT), (initial teacher education (ITE) in Wales).

Do Secondary school teachers earn more than primary? ›

Are primary school teachers paid the same as secondary? Yes, All teachers in England & Scotland in government maintained secondary and primary school are paid the same according to teacher salary scale.

Can you be a teacher with a BA Hons? ›

Teaching in a primary school is one of the most rewarding careers you can have and a BA (Hons) in Primary Education will give you the experience and support you need to succeed in your studies and achieve Qualified Teacher Status.

What are 3 hard skills a teacher may possess? ›

Hard skills needed to be a teacher
  • Administrative skills.
  • Classroom management systems.
  • Database handling.
  • Google Suite.
  • Language skills.
  • Microsoft Office.
  • Social media.
  • Spreadsheet creation and management.
7 Jan 2022

What are the 8 qualities of a good teacher? ›

8 Qualities of a Good Teacher (and Tips for How Develop Them)
  • Effective goal-setting.
  • Clear communication.
  • Acting as a role model.
  • Adaptability and flexibility.
  • Preparation.
  • Self-reflection.
  • Life-long learning.
  • Promoting a love of learning.
23 May 2022

What are the 8 teaching skills? ›

The results revealed eight teaching skills in sequence: (1) question skills, (2) reinforcement skill, (3) variation skill, (4) explainning skill, (5) opening and close skill, (6) small group discussions skill, (7) class management skills, (8) skill of organizing small group work and invidual work.

Do secondary teachers get paid well? ›

The average salary for a Secondary School Teacher is €56,736 gross per year (€4,730 gross per month), which is 28% higher than the national average salary in Ireland. Secondary School Teacher Salary Scale: a Secondary School Teacher can expect a starting salary of €40,996.

How much does an ECT get paid? ›

For the 2021 / 22 year your ECT salary for an inner London district, such as Lambeth, will be £32,157 per year, before tax. This figure starts at £25,714 for those outside London and is between the two figures for those in Outer London (£29,915) or what's known as the London Fringe (£26,948).

What is the highest paying teacher job UK? ›

School Principal

While headteachers have an impressive salary, the jobs are hard to come by and most start in general teaching staff positions, then work their way up to the role. Salaries for headteachers can start at £47,735 up to £117,000 depending on experience and whether you work in a private school.

What is the highest paid type of teacher? ›


When you are looking for the best-paid teaching jobs for your area of interest or specialized skill, then you may consider working as a professor in a college or university. A college professor prepares course material, teaches students in a classroom environment, and grades student work.

What is a post Level 2 teacher? ›

The Level 2 teacher is expected to perform a range of teaching tasks in a school or specialised unit of the Department, accept responsibility for the provision of advice to principals and provide general administrative support across a number of faculties or departments or throughout the school.

What is your SWOT as a teacher? ›

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This strategy involves microteaching (. 88 effect size), and strategies are designed to integrate new learning with prior knowledge (.

How much does a Secondary School Teacher earn per month? ›

These tutors earn monthly basic salaries of Sh34,955-49,694.

Is promotion from C1 to C2 automatic? ›

Diploma teachers in Grade C1 are automatically promoted to Grade C2 after serving for three years. For a secondary school Diploma teacher in Grade C2 to move to Grade C3, he/she must attend a promotional interview. Its not automatic. In secondary school Grade C2 is also the entry grade for Graduate Teachers.

Where are secondary teachers paid the most? ›

The highest-paid teachers in the world

In Luxembourg, lower secondary teachers with more than 15 years' experience, can expect to earn more than $109,000, with Germany and the Netherlands among other high-paying countries.

What is the role of secondary school teacher in 21st century? ›

These are the characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity so that all students achieve in the global society. Enable students to maximize the potential of their formal and informal learning experiences. Facilitate learning in multiple modalities.

What is the role of secondary school teacher in emerging India? ›

Based on child centric education, the teacher has pay his attention on the demand of his students. He should play the role of a leader who will lead the team to have the goal. He should assist, inspire and encourage the learners whenever they feel so from the teacher.

What does a 21st century teacher look like? ›

Instead of sitting back, a 21st-century teacher takes a stand for their themselves and their profession. They pay close attention to what is going on in education and they address these issues head-on. They also advocate for their students.

What skills do 21st century teachers need? ›

What Are 21st Century Skills?
  • Critical thinking.
  • Communication skills.
  • Creativity.
  • Problem solving.
  • Perseverance.
  • Collaboration.
  • Information literacy.
  • Technology skills and digital literacy.

What are the three most important skills you have Learnt in bpt1501? ›


Research, Reading, Writing, Analysis Critical thinking, and Reflecting.

What are 5 job duties of a classroom teacher? ›

Prepare classroom for class activities. Provide a variety of learning materials and resources for use in educational activities. Observe and evaluate student's performance and development. Assign and grade class work, homework, tests and assignments.

What are the role of teacher in junior secondary school? ›

Responsibilities. As a secondary school teacher, you'll need to: prepare and deliver lessons to classes of different ages and abilities. mark work, give appropriate feedback and maintain records of pupils' progress and development.

What is the role of a first year teacher? ›

The first year of teaching is a tough job. Everything is new — the students you're responsible for; the school's procedures; your relationship with fellow teachers, administrators, and parents; what you plan to do and teach each day; your classroom management and teaching style; and much more.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.