That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (2024)

Caveat: some people (nurses) might not agree AT ALL with what I say here . . . oh well! I want to share how it really is to give confidence to those struggling.

We literally get hundreds of emails a day from nursing students.

Sadly, a good portion of them are from students that feel like they should quit nursing school altogether.

Here are just a couple of recent quotes from students:

Starting to lose motivation to study.

There is sssooooo much information that I don’t know where to begin. I find that often times the instructors are even confused when students ask questions because they are as well versed in the subject matter that they are teaching. Which leaves me to teach myself. Ugh!

I gave up after that and lost my motivation to study.

I keep falling on my face.

Sound familiar?

My Story . . . (uncensored) When I Quit Nursing School PLUS 7 tips to stay mentally sane during nursing school

I started nursing school with high hopes, but after my fourth semester, I dropped out. I quit nursing school.

I knew nursing school was going to be hard . . . I mean the whole point is to learn how to competently take care of a human being suffering from complex heath issues.

I expected school to be hard.

In fact, I had a meeting with the administration of my program at one point and suggested to them that they had made our program too easy and that we were not learning what we needed to know to be competent nurses on the floor.

I attended an Accelerated BSN program of ABSN designed for working professionals interested in a career change.

Basically, the 4 years of nursing school were condensed into 18 months given that we already had a previous degree (mine in Business Management).

Prior to even starting nursing school I made a promise to myself.

I was going to give 110% and learn everything I could to be the best nurse possible. From day 1 I was spending time in the library every day diving deep into the lecture material. . . .

The result . . .

  • 1st Semester: 4.0 GPA (the first time in my life I ever got a 4.0)
  • 2nd Semester: 4.0 GPA (one of only two students in my cohort to get a 4.0)

I had one thing on my mind . . . NURSING SCHOOL

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (1)

At the time my wife had just had our first child . . . Taz.

He was born with a congenital condition that required a two-week stay in the NICU and 3 surgeries with subsequent week long hospital stays during the first year of his life.

I will never forget staying up late into the night studying for exams in his hospital room by the light of the Emergency Room signage below then waking up in the early hours with him or going across the street to school and rushing back to baby Taz.

There were times I would bring him up to the school library during his nap time so I could attend a study group while he slept in his stroller.

Life wasn’t easy, but we were happy.

  • We were buried in student debt.
  • We were living on food stamps and WIC.
  • Our newborn was frequently in the hospital for surgeries.
  • We lived deep in the ghetto.
  • I was giving my all (what was left) to becoming a nurse.

The Semester I “Hit My Wall”

Life continued on and I began my 3rd semester.

At this point, I was feeling pretty confident that I could take on anything that came at me.

I was wrong.

Things began to build up this semester. Taz had his final surgery with complications. We were given a brand new nursing professor that had no business teaching . . . in any capacity . . . ever. And I really started feeling the pressure.

The professor mentioned above became more and more obtuse with her thinking and was clearly not in the game of educating nursing students but reaping vengeance on some past experience. She had an utter lack of understanding of education, clinical nursing, and general people skills.

I allowed all of this to weigh on me.

It got to a point where I was completely unable to think about or focus on anything other than the anger and frustration I was feeling. I wanted nothing to do with this class or this woman yet the anger I felt began to control my life.

That semester I ended with a C in that class. I lost my motivation. I hated nursing school and all I could think about was quitting nursing school.

I was ready to forget about nursing altogether.

Hydralazine: Apresoline (anti-hypertensive)

My wife kept trying to get me to see past my frustrations. She kept me going at that point. The next semester I had great professors and experiences, but the drive and motivation were gone.

I was still a good student and loved every minute of clinical but I hated school, my school, so much. I couldn’t get past the frustration.

The point finally came that I couldn’t help but look outside of nursing for employment. A job opportunity arose back in Texas (where we were from) and I wanted to jump at it. My plan was to burn rubber driving out of town and say goodbye to nursing forever.

My wife convinced me to talk with the program and line up a way to “Withdraw” from nursing school rather than quit. By doing this I would keep the door open to return to the program within a year and pick up right where I left off. I had no interest in doing this, but to keep my wife happy I went ahead and did it. In my mind I was going to quit nursing and nursing school for good and just mark the experience up as another life mistake.

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (2)
Dear Other Guys, Stop Scamming Nursing Students . . . It’s Not Cool

7Tips to Stay Mentally Sane During Nursing School

So, right before my final semester (yes, just 10 weeks from graduation) I withdrew from nursing school.

You guys know the rest of the story . . . 1 year after quitting nursing school, I returned to complete my degree. Ending with a 3.89 overall GPA, landing a spot in a Trauma I ICU, precepting, charging, and starting, and now reaching literally millions of nurses and nursing students each week.

With that said . . . I want to offer you 7 tips that will help you stay mentally sane during nursing school.

Full disclosure . . . I DID NOT do these things during my program . . . and I nearly went insane and that is why I temporally quit nursing school.

They say hindsight is 20/20 and I feel that had I done these things during my program I might not have hated it so much and actually come out a better person. I do try to implement these 7 things into my daily life now.

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (3)

So here is the list:

  • Avoidbecoming uni-dimensional
    • You are more than “just a nurse”. You are a human with varied interests. Don’t drop everything when you start nursing school. Make sure to take time to still be you! NurseBass is a good example of this . . . he runs his YouTube channel for nursing students and he also focuses a lot of time on fitness and working out.
  • Realize that after nursing school is when you begin to learn in exponential leaps.
    • I was stuck on the idea that I had to know EVERYTHING prior to graduating from nursing school. I have since realized that learning becomes massively accelerated AFTER nursing school as you begin working on a floor and become specialized. I still encourage you to take school seriously and learn all that you can, but give yourself a break . . . you won’t know everything.
  • Develop healthy habits (miracle morning, fitness, exercise).
    • This is obvious, but can’t be overstated. If you are not taking care of yourself . . . your mind and body will become weak. One thing I have implemented with great success is something called the “Miracle Morning“, essentially, developing an early morning routine that includes some form of journaling, meditation, fitness, and reflection before anyone else wakes up. Sometimes just a short walk in the morning with your phone off is enough . . . please try it!
  • You are NOT your grades (dehypnotize yourself, radical acceptance).
    • Sadly, many students, including myself tie their self-worth to their GPA or how many questions it takes them to pass the NCLEX . . . this is sad! Your grades DO NOT define you . . . do not allow them to control your happiness or how you view yourself. Two books have really helped me understand this better: Psychocybernetics and Radial Acceptance. If I could force you to read one non-nursing book . . . it would be Radical Acceptance. If you have a few bucks download the audio book and listen while driving around town. The book had me in tears and opened up a new world of accepting myself at a level that I had never achieved previously. I am confident that had I found this book prior to dropping out of nursing school I would have gotten my RN a year earlier.
  • Deep work (set aside focused study time).
    • Deep Work . . . a concept outlined in great detail by Cal Newport in his book by the same title involves allowing yourself time to dive into deep mental states and accomplish great tasks by learning to get deep into your work. Applying this to nursing school, you can learn how to organize your life to allow sessions of deep work into your studies. One 3 hours deep work session is probably worth more than several unfocused days of meaningless study. To learn more about the concept . . . listen to this podcast here.
  • Find a good friend or start keeping a journal.
    • You have to be able to decompress and share your frustrations openly. I have been lucky to have my wife through this journey. I haven’t always been very good at listening to her but having a companion, friend, or family member that you can be 100% open and honest with is so key to mental health. A friend that allows you to share your frustrations unfiltered without judging is essential. If you do not have this person . . . buy a $0.79 composition book at Wal-Mart and start writing in it. . . just let your feelings flow.
  • Life is a journey.
    • Lastly, and most obviously . . . realize that life is a journey. You don’t have to achieve perfection TODAY . . . you have a lifetime to WORK toward it. You don’t have to pass the NCLEX tomorrow, you don’t have to get accepted to nursing school THIS semester . . . you have a lifetime. You are in this for the long haul. Relax.
RELATED ARTICLE: A+ Student to Barely Passing . . . Help!

You Should Dropout of Nursing School

I dropped out of nursing school. And let me be completely honest with you. I don’t really regret it too much. Nope, I don’t regret that I quit nursing school at all.

My mind was in such a bad place. I can’t imagine how tainted, angry, and just plain horrible I would have been at my first job had I started working at that point.

After I withdrew I turned nursing off in my brain. I didn’t think about nursing at all for about 7 months. I had no plan to return to school.

Then something happened in about February. At this point, I was ready to go back. After talking to my school I got everything set up to return and complete my final semester.

This time I was hungry, I was excited, I was in a completely different mental state . . . I was motivated and able to face any challenge to make it happen.

So . . . while I don’t really suggest quitting nursing school . . . I will say that in my case I am glad that I did. It wasn’t the end of the world . . . remember, life is a journey.

Before You Quit Nursing School – Do These Things . . .

I am pretty sure during nursing school I said multiple times,

“This is crazy, I can’t do this anymore.”

I heard it from many of my classmates. I have heard from my fellow co-workers, and from student nurses that I had to follow me. It is not uncommon;you are not aloneif you are feeling this way.Check out my other post onhow not to feel overwhelmed in nursing school.

So how do you push through these feelings and keep going? Well, there are a few things you can do to help.

Treat Yo’ Self

That’s right, you deserve it. Nursing school is hard and you are working insanely hard to sometimes feel like you are getting nowhere.

Go to your happy place, whatever that looks like, for me? That was Netflix with popcorn and ice cream. For ideas that won’t break the bank check out thislist of ideas.

Utilize Professor’s Office Hours

Perhaps you aren’t understanding the material, or maybe you are overwhelmed.

Talk to your professors! They may not be trying to frustrate you. Make sure you have everything you need to be successful in the classroom. Plus, professors tend to respect the students who put in the effort they can actually see. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the frustration withnursing professorsI just also understand that not all professors are bad and most of them will help you out if you ask!

Rely on Your School Mates for Support

I had a cohort that I was in for my entire nursing school experience and we all became super close! We studied together, took breaks together, and celebrated together. If you don’t have this support group, get one! It’s the best thing I had to get me through nursing school.

Spend Some Time With Your Family

It is likely you have been neglecting your family while in nursing school. Take time to have dinner with them, go to the movies, or even have a family game night. Pictured below are Sandi and Kai, who I think might be contemplating what in the world she is supposed to do with a pumpkin!

International Normalized Ratio (INR)

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (4)

Go to the Gym

I HATE working out. But I do it religiously because of all the benefits it has. Stress relieving factors, endorphins, and a body that is as healthy as we are advocating our patients have! Pictured below is me at my gym doing squats when Calvin, our gym dog, decided I was trying to sit down and maybe needed something to on! I was trying to finish my breathing and not burst into laughter!

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (5)

Let it go, Let it go, the cold never bothered me anyway!

This is so so hard, but it is actually a key to being a happy person. I have struggled with this personally throughout my life and have found that when I am able to let it go, I am able to use my mental energy on other much more productive things.

I remember studying for a test and spending days poring over the material and getting to class and the teacher was like, “Surprise! I am not going to give you a test!” I was not laughing or cheering. I experienced similar feelings when I was surprised with “pop quizzes.”

So what did I do? I complained, spending numerous hours I will never get back and the results were that I complained without a change in the situation.

Remember why you are doing this in the first place

Take the time to think about thereason you are in nursing school.Why do you want to become a nurse? Whether your reasons be altruistic or egotistic, hold on to them to help you face the storm of nursing school.

Nursing school isn’t really a very good measure of the nursing world. For now, it is a stepping stone in the direction of your goals.

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (6)

Listen . . . we need more nurses.

Let me rephrase that.

We need more nurses who give a damn!

If you want to quit nursing school, if you hate nursing school (we all do), if you are thinking about dropping out . . . do me a favor:

Start with those 7 things listed above. How many of those are you doing daily? Can you do a better job at some of them?

If you feel that you are in a mentally healthy place and have implementedthose 7 tips and you still feel that you need to leave your nursing program please work with your school to withdraw in good standing. This just means that in the crazy chance that you decide to return to school, the door is still open.

Make sure you sit down with your adviser, dean, and whom ever else and clearly understand any stipulations.

For some, the only answer may be to distance themselves for a time. This is a good thing. It’s okay. It doesn’t mean you will be a terrible nurse. Nursing school is NOT real-life nursing.

Just keep that door open. I was inches away from not becoming a nurse myself.

Gratitude: My Nursing School

Sometimes, I can struggle with getting tunnel vision and lose site of

You’re Not the Only One Struggling (2 tips for overcoming doubts in nursing school)

all the good in my life. When it comes to nursing, I have so much to be thankful for and I want to share some of those things with you.

You’re Not the Only One Struggling (2 tips for overcoming doubts in nursing school)

psssst . . . I’ve got a little secret . . .

You’re not the only one struggling through nursing school.

We get hundreds of emails every day from nursing students around the world who are struggling with one thing or another in nursing school. Whether it’s pharm, clinicals, stress, professors, finances, family, medsurg, YOU NAME IT.

Nursing school is a test of your character. While most of us TRY to put on a tough face or avoid admitting we are struggling or have debated quitting . . . most of us HAVE.


You will never meet anyone that tells you nursing school was the best experience of their life. It’s not. It basically sucks. But you can do it. If you see no other option and you are in a poor mental health state . . . take some time . . . take some distance . . . see if you can relight that fire.

What I want you to get from this post is to understand that we all struggle, we all have dark moments. Learning how to handle those darkest moments of our lives is what makes us strong.

For me . . . that portion of life was one of my darkest.

I chose to withdraw from school.

I don’t think this is the best option for EVERYONE . . . but for me . . . I have no doubt that it was.

If you get to this dark of a moment and you feel that quitting nursing is the right option. Please, do it in the right way so that the door is still open.

How Hard Is Nursing School? And, What Can I Do to Survive?

It’s a good question, but ask the wrong people and they probably won’t give you the nicest answer. Want a real answer? And want to learn how you can survive it? Then you have come to the right place.

Defining Hard

Talk to people who are in or have finished nursing school and you are likely going to get about amillion different answers to the question, “is nursing school hard?” I have heard answers that run the gamut, including:

  • It was harder than getting a BA in undergrad.
  • It was a breeze. I didn’t study at all.
  • I had to put a little effort into it.
  • It was definitely tough at times depending on the professor.
  • I don’t know why people complain. It was so easy!

The problem is there is no one answer to the question because it all depends on your definition of what is hard and what isn’t.

Some people walk into their classes and struggle from the get-go. Some people don’t have to do much studying to get through school. And it has nothing to do with intelligence. There are just some things easier to grasp for one person and more difficult for another.

The most important thing to remember is this: you can get through nursing school. No matter what one person or another may tell you, you can get through it. So, instead of focusing completely on how hard it may be, let’s turn our attention to things you can do to survive.

Willingness to Study

To begin with, you have to be willing to study. There are just no two ways about it. Either you study or you may have trouble. Nursing school is no different from school in any other situation. You get textbooks. You hear lectures. You will be tested. Be prepared to put some time into studying.

Now, that may mean you have an eventighter schedule at home, but it is worth it. Believe me. When you are done with nursing school, you will be proud of your accomplishment and you will be able to move into a quality career.

Rules to Remember

One of the best pieces of advice I have ever heard for getting through nursing school is to follow two very important rules. And, honestly, they are actually the key to making nursing school easier on you. If you want to get through without a big headache every day, then remember this:

First rule: you don’t talk about fight club…wait, that’s the wrong set of rules.

QOD 48: Relaxation Therapy for Pain Management (Fundamentals/Basic Care and Comfort)

  1. Your instructor is always right.
  2. Want to get through and pass? See rule number one.

If you make sure you don’t try to buck the system, argue with your instructor, or prove them wrong in any way, then nursing school can actually go smoothly for you.

Make Sure You Have Family Time

When you enter nursing school, you will find that your life gets very busy. You have to juggle school, studying, a job if you are working, and family too. It may seem just too hectic. And, it can stress you out very easily.

To make sure this doesn’t happen, always schedule family time. Do not neglect your spouse and/or children. It may be hard at times to do this, but it is vital for your own sanity that you spend time away from nursing school and studying.

On that same note, you need to schedule time for yourself. Go for a walk, relax in your favorite park, read a book, play a sport, or engage in a hobby. Do something so that you can ensure you are giving yourself time to relax and de-stress.

Know You Will Take Difficult Tests

Many people have indicated that tests are extremely hard in nursing school. And, they won’t be easy. But, there’s a reason for that. Your instructors are giving you difficult tests on purpose. This is the best way toprepare you for the NCLEX®, which is very difficult.

How can you get through these very hard tests?

  • Study
  • Find a Study Partner
  • Look for Easy Ways to Remember Things (Mnemonics, Flash Cards, etc.)

The more prepared you are to handle those hard tests, the more you will beready for the NCLEX®.

So, is nursing school hard? Yes and no. Yes, it can be difficult. No, it doesn’t have to defeat you. Keep that in mind and look for ways that you will be able to weather even the biggest nursing school storms and you should have no problem getting through to the end.

Nursing School Doesn’t Have to be a School of Hard Knocks

When we started a few years ago, there weren’t a lot of helpful nets for nursing students to go to, like safety zones. Instead, what I saw, was everytime I would say, nursing school doesn’t have to be so hard. Learning anatomy and physiology, learning MedSearch, that’s difficult, but we’re making it unnecessarily complicated. One of the responses people would give me was, that it was hard for me, so it needs to be hard for them. Or that’s the school of hard knocks. If they can’t hack it, they don’t deserve to be nurses.

Those conversations never ended well …

Try NURSING.comNeed Help in Nursing School?

Amitryptiline (Elavil) Nursing Pharmacology Considerations

That Time I Dropped Out of Nursing School | (2024)


Why do student nurses drop out? ›

Financial pressures were most commonly-cited, while other factors included academic, personal and clinical placement issues. RELATED: Why do nursing students drop out of their courses?

What percentage of student nurses drop out? ›

According to the industry magazine, the average attrition rate, though varying widely between universities, remains at a worrying 25%.

Is crying during nursing school normal? ›

It's okay to cry, but know that you're going to look back one day and be so thankful that you stuck with it. You're doing something great. You're going to help so many people as a nurse and potentially save lives. I know nursing school is hard at times because I've done it myself.

Can you fail a nursing degree? ›

In most cases, if you fail a module you'll be given one or two further attempts to pass. If you fail a clinical placement it may depend on the circ*mstances which led you to fail, as to whether you can have a second or third attempt.

What percentage of people fail out of nursing school? ›

Nursing school is difficult and will be hard to pass. Most students pass their nursing program, so you can too. How many nursing students fail? According to the National League of Nursing, the dropout rate for nursing programs in the United States is around 20%.

How often do people drop out of nursing school? ›

According to a National League for Nursing study, the national dropout rate for nursing programs was 20 percent. While the attrition rate is higher for some bachelor's degree nursing programs, most people in school to become registered nurses (RNs) stayed in school and pushed through.

Do a lot of people fail nursing school? ›

That way, if you fail an exam, you won't feel as bad because you've told yourself that MOST students fail anyway. And you'll feel less alone. But here's the truth, the majority of nursing students pass nursing school. And not only that, but MANY schools have a retention rate as high as 80 and 90 percent.

What percentage of nurses quit in the first 5 years? ›

Nurses leaving the profession within the first 5 years of their career is a significant symptom of the larger challenges in nursing. With alarming rates of up to 33% of new nurses leaving the workforce within the first two years, the (not so) great escape must be addressed overall by the profession.

What happens if I fail out of nursing school? ›

You Can Still Become a Nurse, so Don't Give Up

Maybe you can retake a class over the break, file an academic appeal, or take some other action to get reinstated in the program. Many failed nursing students have done this successfully. If that doesn't work, you can apply to another school with a nursing program.

Which nurse is more prone to burnout? ›

Critical care nurses tend to suffer the highest rates of burnout. Critical care specialties include the emergency department (ED) and intensive care unit (ICU). Emergency department nurses tend to experience the highest rates of burnout.

What is the most stressful part of nursing? ›

The most stressful nursing jobs include ICU nurse, ER nurse, and NICU nurse. In these roles, nurses work in an intense environment with high stakes. They manage emergency situations and care for critically ill patients. Other stressful nursing jobs include OR nursing, oncology nursing, and psychiatric nursing.

Is nursing the hardest degree? ›

There's a rumor circulating on the internet that The Guinness Book of Work Records has declared a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing to be the toughest of all bachelor's degrees to obtain. There's no truth to this claim.

What percentage of people fail Nclex RN? ›

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) reports 13.43% of NCLEX-RN candidates fail the exam on their first attempt. The number of unsuccessful test-takers is low compared to the more than 86% who pass the exam on their first try.

Is nursing school very difficult? ›

You're headed for a great career, one that's rewarding, challenging, and always exciting. But nursing school is notoriously difficult. Most nursing programs require high GPAs and impressive scores in math, chemistry, biology, psychology, and other demanding subjects. It's also extremely fulfilling.

What is the toughest class in nursing school? ›

Hardest Nursing School Classes
  • Pathophysiology. In this course, students learn how different anatomical systems work and how diseases or injuries affect these systems. ...
  • Pharmacology. ...
  • Medical Surgical 1 (also known as Adult Health 1) ...
  • Evidence-Based Practice.

What semester of RN school is the hardest? ›

Without question, the most difficult semester for me was the last semester of my junior year in nursing school. I attended a 4-year BSN program, and that particular semester included three classes that were very content-heavy, as well as the corresponding clinical hours for those classes.

Which semester of nursing school is the hardest? ›

Health Assessment: the hardest semester of nursing school

Health assessment will likely be one of the initial courses you'll take in nursing school, and it involves delving into the various body systems and learning how to assess patients from head to toe.

Is it better to withdraw or fail nursing school? ›

If you withdraw for some kind of personal "emergency", you should be eligible to reenter unless the school lists your grades as "withdraw, failing". If you fail, your chances of being admitted to another school are slim. Better to withdraw.

Why do so many nurses leave? ›

A further survey of nurses actually leaving their register in the year to December 2021 suggested that – as in previous years – retirement (43% citing this as one of their top three reasons for leaving), personal circ*mstances (22%) and too much pressure (18%) were the most common reasons why.

How do you get over nursing school burnout? ›

How To Deal With Nursing School Burnout
  1. #1- Think about how far you've already made it. ...
  2. #2- Take time to focus on yourself. ...
  3. #3- Get enough sleep. ...
  4. #4- Think about what you would do if you don't become a nurse. ...
  5. #5- Don't obsess about your grades.
21 Oct 2022

What is the toughest part of being a nurse? ›

1. Losing patients. "Seeing those patients you took care of die and how devastating it is to the family" is the hardest part, a nurse from Oklahoma city told Business Insider. 2.

Is nursing school harder than being a nurse? ›

Being a Nurse is better than being in Nursing School

In nursing school, it's about 90% theory and lectures, and 10% skills and application. In the nursing profession, it's flipped: its 90% application and 10% theory and learning. In fact, you apply theory and think critically as you're working.

Is nursing school harder than NCLEX? ›

Unlike nursing school exams, which test for knowledge, the NCLEX tests your ability to apply and analyze situations using the nursing knowledge you gained in school. Logic and critical thinking, rather than rote memorization, are emphasized in this test—making it much more difficult and comprehensive.

What is the divorce rate for nurses? ›

The nursing profession is among the occupations with the highest divorce rates in the United States. In fact, Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses experience a divorce rate of about 47%.

At what age do most nurses retire? ›

For nurses with time to plan, the prospect of an early or timely retirement with a properly sized financial portfolio and social security benefits appeals to them when they reach the current full retirement age of about 67 years or even before at 62 years (without full social security benefits).

Why do new nurses quit? ›

Many nurses are leaving the profession due to the recognition of their own mental health. Nursing is a mentally exhausting career to be in. For many nurses, they are put into difficult situations and often have little time to process or cope.

How many times can you attempt nursing school? ›

California: Every 45 days as many times as you want. Florida: 3 attempts then you have to go back to school. Pennsylvania: Unlimited attempts. Ohio: Unlimited attempts.

How many times can you fail your nursing boards? ›

If they fail, they'll need to wait 45 days before retesting. After failing three times, though, they'll need to complete a board-approved remediation program before the next retake. Candidates have six attempts to pass in total.

Do people drop out of nursing? ›

There are many circ*mstances that can happen in one's life that can cause them to consider dropping out of nursing school. Even the best students sometimes find themselves asking if it is all worth it, and if they are even meant to be a nurse at all.

Who are the happiest nurses? ›

Let's take a look at some nursing specialties where nurses report being happiest.
  • School Nurse. ...
  • Labor and Delivery Nurse. ...
  • Case Management Nurse. ...
  • Nurse Educator. ...
  • Parish Nurse. ...
  • Travel Nurse.
26 Aug 2022

What type of nurse is the least stressful? ›

The 10 Least Stressful Nursing Jobs This Year (2022)
  • Nurse Educators. ...
  • Institutional Nurses. ...
  • Research Nurses. ...
  • Public Health Nurses. ...
  • Occupational Health Nurses. ...
  • Case Management Nurses. ...
  • Home Health Nurses. ...
  • Clinic Nurses.
6 Jul 2022

What is the most laid back nursing job? ›

School or summer camp nurse

These nurses are avoiding the hectic atmosphere of hospitals, but they're still able to practice their medical skills in an energized environment.

Why are nursing students so hard? ›

The main reason why nursing school is challenging is because it involves learning about complicated nursing concepts and practical skills, then applying that information into diverse patient care scenarios — going well beyond memorizing facts. While it is challenging, nursing school is not impossible.

Do nurses remember everything from nursing school? ›

Realistically, no, you cannot remember all the information from nursing school. There will be some concepts you will never need to use and a TON of new and useful stuff will fill your brain as you move from a new grad nurse, to an experienced nurse.

Do nurses go through depression alot? ›

According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative (INQRI), nurses experience clinical depression at twice the rate of the general public. Depression affects 9% of everyday citizens, but 18% of nurses experience symptoms of depression.

What type of nurse is most in demand? ›

Registered nurse (RN)

BSN-prepared nurses are the most sought-after RNs in the job market and can advance to leadership and management roles more quickly than the ASN nurse.

What kind of nursing is the easiest? ›

Public health nurses are not required to have any certifications or advanced education for this role, although many do. Working non-bedside and office hours help to make this position one of the low-stress easiest nursing jobs to get into.

What can I do instead of nursing? ›

Nurses who have completed the required training and no longer want to work in a clinical nursing career may find these non-nursing professions to be desirable:
  • Medical Biller.
  • Health Writer.
  • Nutritionist.
  • Health Service Administrator.
  • Health Researcher.
  • Medical Sales Executive.
  • Nurse Consultant.
  • Clinical Nurse Educator.

What is the #1 nursing school in the US? ›

#1: Duke University

The National League for Nursing has designated the Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) a Center of Excellence on six separate occasions. The school consistently ranks among the best in the nation in U.S. News & World Report's top MSN and DNP programs.

Which is harder engineering or nursing? ›

Mechanical engineering requires more math, making it harder to study for many but nursing is a physically and emotionally harder job. You can get a two-year nursing degree but this will limit your responsibilities and opportunities on the job.

Is nursing school harder than med school? ›

However, don't take it for granted that nursing school will be much easier than medical school, especially in an accelerated format. Both offer a unique set of challenges and demand the utmost in student commitment and work rate.

Which state is the easiest to pass NCLEX? ›

If you are looking for the best state for NCLEX or easiest state to pass NCLEX, here are the top 5:
  • #1 Connecticut. ...
  • #2 Montana. ...
  • #3 New York. ...
  • #4 Northern Mariana Islands. ...
  • #5 South Dakota.
20 Jan 2022

Which state has the lowest NCLEX pass rate? ›

But for people educated in nursing programs in Florida, the passage rate was only 67.41%: nearly a third of Florida nursing school graduates flunked the licensing exam. The next lowest state rate was Arkansas, at 75.63%.

Is NCLEX shutting off at 75 good? ›

There's no need to worry just yet! The NCLEX is a pass/fail exam, so you won't know your score until you receive your results. However, the average passing rate for the NCLEX is around 85%, so you've got a pretty good chance of passing if you've made it to 75 questions.

Is nursing worth the money? ›

Becoming a Registered Nurse is a solid career choice when it comes to job security, salary potential, and fulfillment. For nurses who plan to work in California, the rewards and opportunities are even more promising. The average registered nurse salary in California is often higher than any other state!

Is nursing harder than accounting? ›

No, accounting is easy once you grasp the fundamentals. It's contingent on your abilities. You may need to take a business calculus class but that's by far the hardest. Nursing school is known for being notoriously difficult because there's a lot to learn in a short time.

Why do nurses quit nursing? ›

Factor in increased competition for decreasing resources and we'll also see experienced nurses jumping from job to job, taking experience and inside knowledge with them. Overwhelming workloads, over-scheduling and extended shifts, and the stress of providing care amid a pandemic, [have] pushed nurses to the brink.

What do nursing students struggle with? ›

Many nursing students struggle with staying organized and managing their time well. The good news is that this is a skill that you can learn and improve with time. Staying organized will help you stay on track with assignments and exams. Managing your time will help you get more work done in a shorter period.

Why do nurses at a university hospital want to quit their jobs? ›

Nurses who intended to quit ('quitters') rated a higher work tempo (P < 0.001), experienced an increased work-related exhaustion (P < 0.001) and a lower quality of patient care (P < 0.01).

Why do most students drop out? ›

Many students leave college because they couldn't find a healthy school-work-life balance. The time spent on class lectures, projects, tests and studying prove to be too much. College is a multiyear commitment, and many students drop out because they just don't have that kind of time to complete their degrees.

Which nurses are the happiest? ›

Let's take a look at some nursing specialties where nurses report being happiest.
  • School Nurse. ...
  • Labor and Delivery Nurse. ...
  • Case Management Nurse. ...
  • Nurse Educator. ...
  • Parish Nurse. ...
  • Travel Nurse.
26 Aug 2022

What do I do if I don't want to be a nurse anymore? ›

Consider moving to a different unit in your hospital, making a switch to a completely different health care organization, or moving from hospital nursing to clinic nursing. You might even consider a job as a public health, hospice, or home health nurse. Go here if you want to start searching for a new nursing job.

What type of nursing is the least stressful? ›

The 10 Least Stressful Nursing Jobs This Year (2022)
  • Nurse Educators. ...
  • Institutional Nurses. ...
  • Research Nurses. ...
  • Public Health Nurses. ...
  • Occupational Health Nurses. ...
  • Case Management Nurses. ...
  • Home Health Nurses. ...
  • Clinic Nurses.
6 Jul 2022

What is your weakest nursing skill? ›

Examples of common nursing weaknesses our experts say they hear include: Paying too much attention to detail. Wanting to do everything at once. Spending too long on paperwork.

What is the hardest part of being a nursing student? ›

The NCLEX is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of becoming a nurse, as it tends to put a lot of pressure on students. That said, it's never too early to start prepping for your NCLEX.

How soon is too soon to quit nursing job? ›

Many people (especially managers) will say that it is common courtesy to stay in a nursing position for at least 2 years.

What jobs do nurses do when they leave nursing? ›

Alternative jobs for nurses
  • Medical Biller.
  • Health Writer.
  • Nutritionist.
  • Health Service Administrator.
  • Health Researcher.
  • Medical Sales Executive.
  • Nurse Consultant.
  • Clinical Nurse Educator.

Do students regret dropping out? ›

Most students expressed regret for having dropped out of school. Eighty-one percent said that graduating from high school was important to success in life. Seventy-four percent said that if they could relive the experience, they would have stayed in school.

Who is more likely to dropout? ›

Black students are 33.8% more likely to dropout than the average college student. White students are 7.9% less likely to dropout. Students with disabilities are 58.7% more likely to dropout than students without disabilities.

Which students are most at risk of dropping out? ›

Potential dropouts tend to be retained in the same grade, have poor academic grades, and feel disengaged from school. They are more likely to come from low socioeconomic status families where parents did not get very far in their schooling.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.