Visible felt leadership and why it matters (2025)

In our recent Safety Game webinar, we touched very briefly on the subject of Visible Felt Leadership. We feel that this is a vital component in any values-led organisation and deserves a space of its own. And while we talk a lot about health and safety or behavioural safety communications, visible felt leadership is important across the board. Building trust is a major priority for organisations around the world – and visible felt leadership is the key.

First of all, we all assume that we know what it means, but do we? Just to be clear, it is leadership that is visible to every employee and is felt by them to be genuine. This may sound obvious but you would be surprised at how many leaders think they can simply do a quick walkabout on the shop floor and that’s the job done. It is not the leaders that need to be visible but their leadership. It is a case of Do as I say and as I do‘.

Us and them

So, your organisation has determined its values, goals and targets. A list of company values is displayed prominently in every department, and is included in all staff inductions. If you have taken on board any of our information on effective employee engagement or living your values, you will also be running successful, engaging training sessions and internal comms programmes to remind your staff of these values. But what good is any of this if they don’t see their leaders believing in and actively living out these values consistently in their everyday working lives? Of course, some employees will follow the guidelines and display the behaviours you are aiming for – at least while someone is around to supervise. Others will become cynical and see it as an Us-and-Them situation. One rule for us but those at the top don’t think it applies to them.

What any organisation wants is for everyone to understand and believe in this set of values, and adjust their behaviours accordingly because they feel it is the right thing to do. You also want every employee to share this belief and enthusiasm with their colleagues, embedding the culture seamlessly throughout the company. This cannot happen if those at the top don’t lead by example.

Visible leadership

Visible leaders don’t just pop down to the shop floor from time to time just to be seen. They spend time visiting staff on the ground. They talk with them and find out what they think, the challenges they face, and the good things about their job. These leaders are approachable and genuinely interested in what goes on outside their ivory tower. Communication is vital, so they share updates and company news to keep everyone involved and in the loop. Even bad news is better than no news. Above all, they lead by example, demonstrating the values and behaviours they desire from their employees. A visible leader creates a strong, tangible connection from shop floor to top floor.

Felt leadership

This is more intangible. It is about winning hearts and minds, tapping into people’s emotions to inspire them. Felt leaders share a strong vision, making each individual’s role in achieving it very clear. Their enthusiasm is infectious and they motivate those around them to succeed. They encourage two-way conversations rather than one-way diktats. These are the leaders who recognise hard work and achievement, and give credit where it’s due. A felt leader is one who empathises with employees, offering support and encouragement with both work and personal life.

Visible + Felt = genuine interaction

Of course, you need both visible and felt leadership to demonstrate to your employees that you too are living the organisational values. They need to feel that you share, you listen and you genuinely care. These are the things that build trust and show respect for your staff.

The benefits of visible felt leadership

  • It helps break down barriers between Us and Them
  • Leading by example helps embed the culture throughout the workforce
  • It builds credibility
  • It demonstrates respect and support for your employees
  • It increases employee engagement
  • It opens up two-way communications and constructive conversations
  • It is a great way of learning about the business
  • When leaders share company information, it has a significant, positive impact on staff motivation and productivity.

Visible felt leadership in practice

So how do you go about building a strong culture of visible felt leadership?

Be an employee for a day

Many of you will have seen TV programmes where bosses go back to the shop floor in disguise to find out what actually goes on within the business. We’re not advising elaborate disguises or subterfuge. Just get down there and work with your staff for a day. Immerse yourself in the hub of things. Maybe do this in several departments. Don’t just stand around and watch but join in, even if it’s only for a short time, or to prove that your employees are the experts and do a better job than you. Never underestimate how good it feels to beat the boss occasionally. Use the rest of your time actively engaging with your staff, asking questions, getting a comprehensive overview of how the business works and how each member of staff contributes to its overall success. Try to plan a mix of planned and ad-hoc walkabouts. When they are planned, people tend to be on their best behaviour but it does give them a chance to think what they would like to say. You may find, however, that unplanned visits give more honest feedback.

Multi-way conversations

Make time for genuine conversations with people at all levels of the organisation. Talk with them, not at them. Ask for their opinions and ideas and, most importantly, listen to the answers. Inspire them to share their thoughts – and make sure they feel comfortable doing so, no matter who they are. Most people would love the chance to point out what’s wrong, and to share their latest brainwave. Someone – anyone – could have a brilliant idea that you and other leaders haven’t thought of. It is only worth doing this if you follow up on these conversations. Don’t just file them away. Evaluate any suggestions and act on the best ones. Then give feedback about what is being done, who is doing it and what the outcome will be. Make sure you recognise the effort that your employees have made.

Incorporate both formal and informal sessions. Talk to a wide mix of people – and not always the same ones. Arrange breakfast gatherings instead of meetings. Hold them in the canteen, not in a board room. Let them see that their leaders are friendly, interested and that they get things done.

Let’s get personal

Remember, your employees have a life outside work. Leaders who genuinely care about more than just a spreadsheet will always take the time to get to know more about the people they work with. They find out their interests and what makes them tick. They may even discover shared interests that could lead to a company 5-a-side league, a cycling club or a Come Dine with Me club. Organise fun social events where leaders mix with everyone else. No top table! It is a great way of building better connections with your staff, and showing that you are human too.

The human touch

Visible felt leadership is, essentially, all about adding that human touch. Leaders need to demonstrate that they care about their employees, not just the bottom line. Employees are the most important part of any organisation and you need to respect them and earn their trust.

Breaking down barriers with The Big Picture People

Here at The Big Picture People, we create bespoke training games that get everyone talking. They provide a fun, friendly way for people at all levels of an organisation to come together, exploring ideas, sharing insights and learning without even realising it. Whether it’s behavioural safety training, sharing vision and purpose or explaining culture and values, games are a proven and highly successful way of increasing employee engagement and retention. Book a 30-minute consultation to find out how games could work for you. It’s free, there’s no obligation – and it might just transform your next training session.

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Visible felt leadership and why it matters (2025)


How do you demonstrate visible leadership? ›

Being a visible leader is about so much more than simply being seen. In fact, it happens when managers and directors are accessible, approachable and relatable.
Here are five vital qualities common in every visible leader:
  1. Empathy.
  2. Commitment.
  3. Open-mindedness.
  4. Consistency.
  5. Passion.
12 Jul 2021

Why is visibility in leadership important? ›

When leaders fulfill their communication role by being visible, employees are engaged and trust builds. As a result, employees say: “My leader is consistent and authentic.” “I've seen my leader.”

What does visible felt leadership mean? ›

Visible felt leadership is, essentially, all about adding that human touch. Leaders need to demonstrate that they care about their employees, not just the bottom line. Employees are the most important part of any organisation and you need to respect them and earn their trust.

How it is important is visible head leader? ›

Visible leadership is more than just being seen. It is an absolute commitment of the board to lead a culture that clearly shows an organisation's values and mission while taking colleague and citizen feedback into account. It is complete transparency between leadership and colleagues.

What is the purpose of VFL? ›

The Siemon Visual Fault Locator (VFL) is an essential tool for testing cable continuity and locating visual faults. By emitting a laser beam of red light, the VFL quickly illuminates fiber breaks, damaged connectors, defective splices and tight fiber bends.

What does VFL mean in safety? ›

Free Visible Felt Leadership (VFL) Checklist.

Can you give an example of where you have shown leadership? ›

Taking a lead role in a school project is a great example of leadership experience. If you delegated tasks, chose the overall strategy for the project, or anything like that, that's leadership! Organizing a team presentation can also be considered leadership.

How do you express and show your leadership style? ›

How do you demonstrate leadership skills
  1. Offering to help a colleague who is having problems.
  2. Being supportive and encouraging.
  3. Praising fellow workers for good work.
  4. Giving credit to others.
  5. Showing empathy for people with difficult tasks.
  6. Communicating effectively.
  7. Working to improve team morale in difficult times.
21 Aug 2020

Why Being visible is important? ›

Here's what visibility in business can do for you: Helps you get exposure to a larger audience. Builds your brand awareness, so that people know who you are and how you help. Establishes your credibility and expertise.

Why is it important to be visible at work? ›

Why Be More Visible? To get ahead in your career, it pays to be visible – when people know who you are and what you can do, they're more likely to consider you for promotions or interesting assignments. And those who keep their head down often miss out, despite their hard work.

What does having visibility mean? ›

: the quality or state of being visible. : the degree of clearness (as of the atmosphere or ocean) specifically : the greatest distance through the atmosphere toward the horizon at which prominent objects can be identified with the naked eye. : capability of being readily noticed.

What it means to show leadership? ›

Leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward. To do this they create an inspiring vision, then motivate and inspire others to achieve it. They also manage delivery of the vision, either directly or indirectly, and build and coach their teams to make them ever stronger.

What does showing leadership look like? ›

Take responsibility. Taking responsibility for both successful outcomes and mistakes is a strong sign of leadership. To show leadership, be accountable for your contributions, even when they lead to poor results. Identify which systems could use improvement and spend time revising them.

What is a leadership vision example? ›

Examples of a Leadership Vision Statement

I will help my organization grow and achieve its goals. To develop a good relationship with my team members and encourage them to achieve their full potential. Using communication, positivity and empathy, I will ensure the work environment is effective and enjoyable.

How can I be more visible at work? ›

Use these strategies to increase your visibility at work:
  1. Keep your camera on in meetings.
  2. Show your face more often.
  3. Take part in conversations.
  4. Synchronize your work schedule with your team.
  5. Sign up for high-value projects.
  6. Set healthy boundaries.
  7. Share regular updates.
27 Oct 2022

What is a leaders vision and why is it important? ›

True leaders have a vision, that is, they have a potential to view the present as it is and to invent a future culminating out of the present. A leader with a vision can foresee the future and can remain in the present. A vision is an end towards which leader can spend and direct his energy and resources.

What does seeing the invisible mean in leadership? ›

But for some leaders, it means something more: (it also means) the ability to see what lies under everyone's noses, but what others, including some very smart people, cannot see" - in other words, "seeing the invisible." I often recall what Helen Keller said, "There's only one thing worse than no sight - to have sight ...

Who are the VFL teams? ›

Victorian Football League

When did the VFL become professional? ›

In 1908, the league expanded to ten teams, with Richmond crossing from the VFA and University Football Club from the Metropolitan Junior Football Association. Professionalism began from the 1911 season, with clubs permitted to pay players beyond the reimbursement of expenses for the first time.

Where can I find VFL results? ›

VFL scores on Live scores on Here you'll find live scores, quarter results, final results, goal scorers, number of kicks, handballs, disposals, frees for/against, marks and hitouts in match details.

What is the short meaning of safety? ›

Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other danger. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.

What does Sam mean in safety? ›

A framework of methods and techniques to develop safety assessments of changes to functional systems. Access. SAM is a framework, a toolbox, containing methods and techniques to develop safety assessments of changes to functional systems.

What does SIP mean in safety? ›

Shelter in Place will be used when it is safer for employees to remain inside the building than to evacuate. Interior windowless rooms can be used for SIP, and employees should make themselves aware of designated SIP locations within the building.

How would you describe your leadership experience? ›

When you are asked to describe your leadership experience, you should be able to mention an example or two of when you exercised your leadership or management skills. For instance, you may want to discuss a time when you led a big project at your last job.

How do you answer leadership experience Questions? ›

How to answer “Describe your leadership experience”
  1. Think about your leadership experiences in the past. ...
  2. Showcase your ability to be an effective team member. ...
  3. Outline the steps you took to achieve your goal. ...
  4. Discuss how you delegated tasks. ...
  5. Quantify your accomplishments.

What is your leadership style best answer? ›

Cite Examples: If possible, avoid saying that you have never had to lead anyone. Even if you have to go back to secondary school when you were the chess team captain, find an occasion when you were in charge. Then you can provide a specific example of how and when you used your leadership skills.

What does it mean to be visible to others? ›

In our programs and work with clients we always ask: what does visibility mean? Invariably the answers come back: being seen; being heard; having presence; getting promoted; leading a team; being recognised by superiors; having a voice; speaking up. Absolutely, all of that is correct.

What is a visible person? ›

: a visible person or thing : someone or something that can be seen or perceived. He achieved important results in both these endeavors, which, being visible, have received ample notice as the visibles of history usually do …

Why does visible mean? ›

If something is visible, it can be seen. The warning lights were clearly visible.

What does highly visible role mean? ›

The term "high-visibility" describes projects that attract public attention. High-visibility projects can provide you with the opportunity to showcase your skills to others.

What values stand out and are visible in your work? ›

Some (possibly conflicting) examples of workplace values include:
  • Being accountable.
  • Making a difference.
  • Focusing on detail.
  • Delivering quality.
  • Being honest.
  • Keeping promises.
  • Being reliable.
  • Being positive.

What do you mean by visible work? ›

The visibility and invisibility of work

Work that is visible is often as- sociated with 'formal work that is authorised and documented' (Allen, 2014: 4). A lot of work, related to care and home-care, is often made invisible.

What is visibility with example? ›

used especially to describe how far you are able to see because of weather conditions, darkness, etc. It was a clear day with good visibility. [=a day when you could see a long distance because the air was clear] flying/driving under conditions of poor/low/reduced visibility.

What is positive visibility? ›

Having positive visibility within your organization is an important component of your professional development. Not only does it allow others to see what you bring to the table, but it brings the opportunity to participate in projects and leadership roles.

What is perfect visibility? ›

Generally, an average height person can see up to 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) at sea level. This is the best possible visibility at sea you can have, if your eyes are six feet above sea level and the weather is great.

How do you answer Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills? ›

Talk about the action (or actions) you took and make sure you frame it all in terms of your leadership. Talk about the results of your actions—the more quantifiable and concrete the better. You can also briefly talk about anything you learned about leadership from this experience.

How do you show leadership in your everyday life? ›

How to Be The Leader Of Your Own Life
  1. Set goals for your life. ...
  2. Lead by example. ...
  3. Be fearless. ...
  4. Honor others. ...
  5. Embrace new ideas and opportunities. ...
  6. Question everything. ...
  7. Do what's right, not what's easy. ...
  8. Find goodness and beauty in everyone and everything.
5 Jan 2017

How would you describe your leadership purpose? ›

Your leadership purpose is what you are driven to achieve and deliver. It's embodied in your personal brand, which means it defines who you are and what makes you distinctive.

How do you write a good vision statement? ›

Quick tips for your vision statement
  1. Project five to 10 years into the future.
  2. Dream big, and focus on success.
  3. Use the present tense.
  4. Use clear, concise, jargon-free language.
  5. Infuse it with passion, and make it inspiring.
  6. Align it with your business values and goals.

What makes a good leader? ›

Respectful: Great leaders treat their teams with respect, gaining respect in return. Transparent: Being open and honest makes work more efficient and enjoyable. Trusting: Leadership requires delegation–trusting their team to complete what they are assigned with excellence produces positive morale and mutual respect.

How do you stay visible? ›

Speak up during meetings.

Showing up and looking the part is a great start, but to make a lasting impression, you need to be heard. Set a goal to contribute at least once during the first 15 minutes of every meeting. Contributing early breaks the ice and makes it easier to add your perspective throughout.

What makes employees attractive at work? ›

Companies can offer a range of benefits and perks to their employees including traditional packages like private healthcare, dental and life insurance. Extra perks can be things like free or discounted meals, subsidised gym membership and travel as well as recognition and perk platforms such as Staff Treats.

How do I get noticed and promoted at work? ›

9 strategies to help you earn a promotion
  1. Give more value. ...
  2. Pay attention to people who have been promoted. ...
  3. Ask for feedback from your supervisor. ...
  4. Get noticed in your workplace. ...
  5. Demonstrate your leadership skills. ...
  6. Identify and solve problems. ...
  7. Become a positive presence in your workplace. ...
  8. Maintain a strong work ethic.

Why is it important for leaders to be visible? ›

Being a trusted leader boils down to visibility. Visibility is key to building trust and ensuring accountability and safety. People believe what they can see. Employees need to observe that they are in a safe place – where there are no secrets, their boss is supportive and people aren't going behind their backs.

What are the five significant reasons why leadership is important? ›

5 reasons strong leadership is important in a business
  • Implements vision and values. ...
  • Boosts morale. ...
  • Ensures effective communication. ...
  • Motivates employees. ...
  • Provides appropriate resources.
5 Jul 2019

What are the 3 importance of leadership? ›

Leadership is important because it inspires, motivates, and sets an example for people to accomplish positive changes in the world. Leaders establish a vision, provide a plan of action, and build strong relationships with their followers.

What is visible felt leadership? ›

Visible felt leadership is, essentially, all about adding that human touch. Leaders need to demonstrate that they care about their employees, not just the bottom line. Employees are the most important part of any organisation and you need to respect them and earn their trust.

Why is clear vision important in leadership? ›

A clear and well-communicated vision is essential for a leader to gain support and for followers to understand a leader's goals. A vision is defined as a clear, distinctive, and specific view of the future, and is usually connected with strategic organizational advances.

What is the meaning of making the invisible visible? ›

Reveal relevant information that is hidden so it can be understood. By making hidden principles, ideas, and behaviors that make up a technology organization understood and explicit.

What is VFL called now? ›


What is the highest VFL score? ›

37.17 (239)

What do VFL players get paid? ›

The VFL/AFL legend believes top AFL players should be on much more per year. “What hit me (reading the piece), the best players are getting a million or a million and a bit,” he said on Sportsday. “The average player over the 800 (players in the league) gets $350,000.

How often do VFL players train? ›

It's very common for professional athletes to exercise five days per week with several hours each day spent in training or practice sessions alone! The day ends with a cross-training session for those who need it.

Is VFL free entry? ›

All VFL matches in 2022 will be live streamed and available on demand via the AFL website and AFL Live Official App. Round One broadcast arrangements will be confirmed closer to the season. Tickets: Where matches are ticketed, entry is $10 for adults, $5 for concession holders and kids under 15 are free.

Why was VFL invented? ›

In 1896 the eight strongest clubs – Melbourne, Essendon, Geelong, Collingwood, South Melbourne, Fitzroy, Carlton, and St Kilda – formed the Victorian Football League (VFL). Tired of 'carrying' the weaker clubs, they were keen to make the sport economically viable, commercial and more appealing to spectators.

How many rounds are in the VFL 2022? ›

The 22-round schedule has been confirmed for the east-coast state league. Video Player is loading.

Who won the VFL 2022? ›

THE CASEY Demons completed a dominant 2022 campaign on Sunday by claiming the VFL premiership at IKON Park. After trailing by seven points at quarter-time, the Dees piled on eight goals to two to claim a 32-point victory over the Southport Sharks.

How many rounds are in a VFL season? ›

The 2022 VFL season structure at a glance:

21 teams will play 18 games each in a 22-round home-and-away season. Top eight will contest a four-week finals series.

What is safety one word answer? ›

Safety is the state of being safe from harm or danger.

Why do we need to work safe? ›

Keeping workers safe will improve employee morale and when employees are happy with their job, the more productive they will be. Employees operate much more efficiently when they know they can complete their job or task without their health being affected. An effective safety program also works to reduce risk.

What safety first means? ›

So to put it together.....”Safety First” means to put the condition of being safe from harm, injury or loss before other matters; making safety of considerable importance.

What is the sam principle? ›

SAM Principle

The principle of SAM is all about the assets and investment that need to be managed in order to improve compliance and optimize spending. Its main components—Process, People, Technology—are necessary to implement an effective SAM framework.

What does Sam stand for sample? ›

Sample Analysis at Mars for Curiosity: The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument, at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., will analyze samples of material collected by the rover's arm.

What is the purpose of SIP? ›

What is SIP? The Session Initiation Protocol is a signaling protocol that enables the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) by defining the messages sent between endpoints and managing the actual elements of a call. SIP supports voice calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, and media distribution.

Why is it called SIP? ›

Android provides an API that supports the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This lets you add SIP-based internet telephony features to your applications.

What does it mean to display leadership? ›

Leadership skills may be defined as actions or a group of actions used to drive or guide teams and peers to success. They know how to manage, influence, and inspire everyone on their team. They know how to handle difficult situations and keep their teams engaged and focused.

What are activities that show leadership? ›

We asked business pros to share some examples of leadership roles that could catch the eye of potential employers.
  • Sports. ...
  • Cross-cultural experience. ...
  • Social groups. ...
  • Internships. ...
  • Volunteering. ...
  • Student government and organizations. ...
  • Passion projects. ...
  • Any time you worked in a team.
15 Jul 2019

How can I be more visible in an organization? ›

Use these strategies to improve your visibility within your organization:
  1. Speak up in Meetings. ...
  2. Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Boss. ...
  3. Ask for High-Visibility Projects. ...
  4. Volunteer to Represent Your Team. ...
  5. Participate in Learning Opportunities. ...
  6. Demonstrate Your Expertise. ...
  7. Form a Mastermind Group. ...
  8. Grow Your Network.

How would you describe your leadership qualities? ›

Sample answer: “Leadership is about collaboration and inspiring others to do their best work. I aim to be direct and collaborate with my team members by delegating tasks, leading by example, and making sure they know I care.”

What are your top 3 leadership skills? ›

The 8 key leadership skills you need to know:
  • Relationship building.
  • Agility and adaptability.
  • Innovation and creativity.
  • Employee motivation.
  • Decision-making.
  • Conflict management.
  • Negotiation.
  • Critical Thinking.

How do you show strong leadership skills? ›

How to demonstrate leadership skills at work
  • Be an active listener. As a leader, you could spend a large amount of time communicating with your team. ...
  • Communicate clearly. ...
  • Try your best. ...
  • Be accountable. ...
  • Be exemplary. ...
  • Be inclusive. ...
  • Remain authentic. ...
  • Practise thought leadership.
30 Nov 2021

What are examples of leadership in everyday life? ›

Leadership is something that you implement in your everyday life, even if you don't realize it. Examples include creating to-do lists, preparing children for school, tutoring others, and taking steps to care about your environment.

How do you show leadership on a daily basis? ›

What Is Everyday Leadership and Why Does It Matter?
  1. Initiate or take charge of some special project. Look around and see what needs to be done, and lead that effort. ...
  2. Mentor, coach, or assist in someone else's development. ...
  3. Speak up. ...
  4. Volunteer.
5 Sept 2020

Why is visibility important at work? ›

To get ahead in your career, it pays to be visible – when people know who you are and what you can do, they're more likely to consider you for promotions or interesting assignments. And those who keep their head down often miss out, despite their hard work.

Why is visibility important? ›

Here's what visibility in business can do for you: Helps you get exposure to a larger audience. Builds your brand awareness, so that people know who you are and how you help. Establishes your credibility and expertise.

Why is visibility important for an Organisation? ›

A purposeful and meaningful effort by managers to be more visible and accessible can result in greater understanding of details, a better sense of loyalty, and higher levels of morale and patron satisfaction.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.