Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching & Learning (2024)

What is HyFlex?

HyFlex combines the terms “hybrid” and “flexible.” Hybrid learning refers to learning that integrates complementary face-to-face (synchronous) and online learning (asynchronous) experiences in service of intended learning objectives (see CTL’s guide on Blended Learning to learn more). All students in a hybrid course are expected to undergo the same combination of online and in-person activities. In contrast, the “flexible” aspect of HyFlex is that students are given choice in how they participate in the course and engage with material in the mode that works best for them over the course and from session to session.

In HyFlex courses, students can choose from one of three participation paths:

  1. Participate in face-to-face synchronous class sessions in-person (in a classroom)
  2. Participate in face-to-face class sessions via video conference (e.g., Zoom)
  3. Participate fully asynchronously via CourseWorks.

A HyFlex class makes class meetings and materials available so that students can access them online or in-person, during or after class sessions. All students, regardless of the path taken, will achieve the same learning objectives.

Departments or schools may specify what amount of the three modes can count for full participation in a HyFlex class. Please check with your school or department for pertinent policies.

Getting Started with HyFlex Course Design

Brian Beatty, Associate Professor of Instructional Technologies at San Francisco University, and editor of Hybrid-Flexible Course Design (Beatty, ed., 2019) presents four core values informing HyFlex courses:

  • Learner Choice — The course provides alternative participation modes that are meaningful and allow students to choose the mode of engagement that works best for them.
  • Equivalence — The modes, though not equal, provide equivalent learning outcomes. All students are expected to reflect, contribute developing ideas, and interact with their peers in the process of learning.
  • Reusability — Artifacts from learning activities in each mode are captured and can be reused in other modes. Representations of in-class activities (recordings, discussion notes, etc) are available online for all students; activities produced by online students (asynchronous discussions, posted files, etc) connect to and support all students.
  • Accessibility — Students are equipped with the technological resources and skills to equally access all participation modes. Universal Design for Learning principles are considered.

To start to consider these values in the context of a HyFlex course or session you would teach, the following worksheets from Beatty’s monograph may be useful:

  • “Analyze and Confirm or Modify Expected Student Learning Outcomes” (Figure 1.4.2 in Beatty, 2019) can help you define learning objectives that apply to all students, whether they are in-person or online.
  • “Plan Student Learning Activities” (Content and Interaction) (Figure 1.4.3 in Beatty, 2019) can help you start to think about learning activities that would map to those objectives for each group of students.

HyFlex Class Setup

HyFlex setups vary widely. Classes can run in rooms outfitted with video conferencing installations, but can also run in more typical classrooms using podium projectors and student laptops or tablets.

Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT) has equipped many of Columbia’s classrooms with video cameras and microphones to create hybrid learning environments (“HyFlex Classrooms”). View CUIT’s “Getting Started guide which includes before class and after class checklists as well tips for seminar/discussion-based courses and lecture-based courses, and contact information for support. For non-Registrar classrooms, check with your department or school regarding room technology and support.

Video conference software such as Zoom generally connects in-person and remote students to the synchronous class, as illustrated in Figure 1.

A typical HyFlex set-up for lecture classes, in which information flows primarily from the instructor to students, entails two cameras and distributed microphones, as illustrated in Figure 2 and 3.

In smaller classes, more distributed arrangements of cameras and microphones have been deployed. Figure 4 is an illustration of a “personal portal” setup at Michigan State University. In this arrangement, devices with cameras for remote students are distributed to in-person student “buddies.”

Different approaches to setting up and running HyFlex activities may be seen in case study videos from the 2013 Blended Synchronous Learning project in Australia, which offer several glimpses of classes in action: Technology and Education, Investment Management and Finance, Health Informatics, Statistical Analysis, Introductory Chinese, Sexology. Information about these implementations can be found in Bower, et. al., (2014), Blended synchronous learning: A handbook for educators.

Fig. 1: The interplay of a HyFlex class: Instructor, face-to-face students, and remote students linked by video, audio, and chat technologies. In the background of this setup, the course management system (at Columbia, CourseWorks) hosts materials and interactions for the whole class.

Fig. 2: A lecture-orientedHyFlex setup, centering on an instructor presenting to students.

Fig. 3: A touch panel for the HyFlex setup in Figure 2 allows the instructor to toggle between pre-sets for camera A, the camera trained on the front of the room, and camera B, which provides remote students a view of their in-person peers.

Fig. 4: A distributed video model for a smaller seminar, from (Bell et al., 2014).

HyFlex at Columbia

At Columbia, the School of Social Work has been successfully integrating remote participation into face-to-face classes for several years (Marquart et al., 2018). General recommendations from experienced HyFlex instructors in the CSSW program include the following:

  • Preparatory guidance for both instructors and students ahead of the HyFlex course on ways of creating and maintaining community.
  • Flexibility for when technology fails or students have difficulty with access.
  • Designation of a dedicated TA or student associate to assist with technology and chat monitoring during the class session, to lessen the cognitive load on the instructor. See details about this assistance at the end of this module.
  • Consideration of setting up camera views to give remote participants a sense of participating in the class, in addition to viewing the instructor or slides.

For examples of Hybrid/HyFlex teaching and learning at Columbia, view the submissions to the Voices of Hybrid & Online Teaching and Learning initiative, and share your voice.

Strategies for Successful Implementation

What are the planning considerations for a HyFlex course? How does one engage all learners in a HyFlex course regardless of the path students chose? How does an instructor manage interactions that are occurring in-person and online simultaneously?

The following strategies can help address these common questions.

Plan Ahead

Create class session plans
With the course learning objectives, the diversity of your learners, and classroom setup in mind, plan each class session. Allocate time for setting-up, engaging in informal check-ins with in-person and remote students, pausing to check chat and answer student questions, providing guidance and clear instructions to in-person and remote learners, learning activities, and to debrief of those activities. View example plans for a 50-minute and 75-minute class session from Kevin Kelly of San Francisco State University, and consider how you might create your own and adjust expectations of how much can be accomplished during a synchronous class session.

Share these session plans with TA(s) (as applicable) and session agendas with students in advance of synchronous class sessions so that they can remain focused and know what to expect and when to engage with course materials and participate.

Familiarize yourself with the technology in your classroom
Before the start of the course, visit your assigned classroom and test out the technology available in the room – projector, microphones, audio, adjusting camera(s)), connecting your own device(s), and your positioning in the space (e.g., will you need to stay close to the instructor station/podium or your computer so your remote students can hear you?). For classrooms supported by CUIT, schedule a training by emailing Erooms@columbia.edu.
If using the chalkboard or whiteboard, make sure it will be visible to your remote students, or consider using a device and stylus to project in-class and to your remote learners. Based on your initial experience, you may need to adjust your HyFlex plans accordingly.

Know who to contact for classroom technology support before or during a class session. For classrooms supported by CUIT contact the classroom support team at 212-854-3633.

With the classroom technology in mind and knowing that issues may arise, prepare a back-up plan and tell your students what you will do and what they should do in case of tech issues.

Engage All Students

Include in-person and remote learners
For live class sessions, it is important to design and plan for inclusion of in-person and remote learners.

  • Provide guidelines and speak with your students about norms in your HyFlex classroom. Discuss what technology features will be used and how (e.g., ask all in-person students to mute microphones to avoid audio feedback), the options students will have to participate, and the expectations for instructor-student or TA-student, and peer-to-peer interactions. Communicate the technology needs and setup for all learners.
  • Devote attention to both in-person and remote synchronous students.
    If teaching as a team with a co-instructor or TA, ask them to monitor the chat and address remote questions, or share contributions in real time. If teaching on your own, consider asking students to take on the role of chat monitor on a rotating basis, and/or build in specific moments when to address remote participants directly.

Make materials accessible
HyFlex instructors repeatedly emphasize the importance of pre-class announcements, instructions to students for testing equipment or features, and explicit written directives during class activities to minimize the chance that class time is wasted managing confusion about how to engage (Bower et. al., 2014).

  • Post all materials (including class agenda, links to collaborative documents, instructions, engagement and assessment opportunities) that students will need for a synchronous class session ahead of time in CourseWorks, and set-up mechanisms for all students to turn in work they develop in class ahead of time.
  • Post recordings of class sessions and plan for engagement with the materials. This may include CourseWorks discussion threads, prompts for annotating or further developing slides or other materials presented in class, peer editing exercises, or interactive reflection or journaling prompts.

Promote student interaction
Create community through activities that engage all students and connect in-person and remote students with each other.

  • Build in activities that create a sense of belonging and motivation among all students, whether or not they are in the same room or on the same screen.
    • Set up icebreaker activities that require universal participation and distributed attention; these could be as simple as staging a ‘wave’ across all students, pairing students between zones to introduce each other to the rest of the class, or setting up call and response activities in chats or discussion boards. (Marquart et al., 2018).
    • Live polls and collaborative documents can give in-person and synchronous remote students quick ways to express themselves and work collectively. Questions or provocations posted on discussion boards can help asynchronous students step into the flow of class.

Enlist Support: Roles in the HyFlex Classroom

Facilitating a HyFlex class is complex enlisting co-facilitators or assistants with defined responsibilities can help with managing the interaction and engagement.

Partner with Teaching Assistants
In addition to traditional TA roles, TAs in HyFlex classes can provide crucial technical and monitoring support during class sessions. These can include:

  • Helping the instructor test equipment and software ahead of class, perhaps adopting the position of a remote student in order to help surface any technical or access issues.
  • Monitoring a live chat session to ensure that remote students are not experiencing technical problems and are clear about directions–and offering just-in-time help when needed.
  • Setting up breakout rooms and visiting them during small group activities, to ensure that remote students are clear about what to do, to answer questions, or to gather feedback to share with the instructor.

Assign rotating student roles
HyFlex instructors without designated TAs may consider asking students in the class to provide assistance. It can help to assign a very specific role with defined expectations, such as a Chat Monitor who will raise their hand anytime a remote student answers a question during discussion. This role can then be assigned to a new student each class, distributing the responsibility and bolstering inclusion.

Pair up students: peer ‘buddies’
In smaller classes such as seminars, HyFlex instructors may consider pairing up in-person and synchronous remote students into buddies. Each in-person student has a device with a camera connected to their remote buddy, and takes responsibility for positioning the camera, consulting with their buddy, and making sure their buddy is able to contribute to discussion. You may ask in-person students to keep their microphones muted while whole class discussion is taking place; if using breakout rooms, in-person students will want to use headsets to help reduce audio feedback.


Beatty, B. J., ed. (2019). Hybrid-Flexible course design: Implementing student-directed hybrid classes (1st ed.). EdTech Books. Retrieved from https://edtechbooks.org/hyflex.

Bell, J., Sawaya, S., & Cain, W. (2014). Synchromodal classes: Designing for shared learning experiences between face-to-face and online students. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 5(1), 68-82.

Bower, M., Dalgarno, B., Kenney, G., Lee, M., & Kenney, J. (2014). Blended synchronous learning: A handbook for educators. Retrieved from http://blendsync.pbworks.com/f/ID11_1931_Bower_Report_handbook_2014.pdf.

Bower, M., Kenney, J., Dalgarno, B., Lee, M.J.W., & Kennedy, G.E. (2014). Patterns and principles for blended synchronous learning: Engaging remote and face-to-face learners in rich-media real-time collaborative activities. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(3), 261-272.

Leijon, M. & Lundgren, B. (2019). Connecting physical and virtual spaces in a HyFlex pedagogic model with a focus on teacher interaction. Journal of Learning Spaces, 8(1), 1-9.

Malczyk, B.R. (2019). Introducing Social Work to HyFlex blended learning: A student-centered approach. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 39(4-5), 414-428.

Marquart, M.S., Englisher, M.G., Tokieda, K.J., Samuel, V. Standlee, J., & Telfair-Garcia, A. (2018, Nov. 16). Can online students be fully integrated into residential courses via web conferencing? Lessons learned from two pilot courses at Columbia University. Workshop presented at the Online Learning Consortium Accelerate Conference, Orlando, FL, and also streamed for a simultaneous virtual audience, and also streamed for a virtual audience via Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite.

Miller, J.B., Risser, M.D., & Griffiths, R.P. (2013). Student choice, instructor flexibility: Moving beyond the blended instructional model. Issues and Trends in Educational Technology, 1(1), 8-24.

Raes, A., Detienne, L., Windey, I., & Depaepe, F. (2019). A systematic literature review on synchronous hybrid learning: Gaps identified. Learning Environments Research.

Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching & Learning (2024)


What is the difference between HyFlex and hybrid? ›

Unlike hybrid courses, HyFlex classroom sessions must accommodate in-person students and those attending virtually at the same time, as well as those who will be engaging with a recording of the session at a later time.

What quality should you possess to become a HyFlex teacher? ›

Faculty should have effective engagement skills in the classroom, in the online asynchronous environment, and in the online synchronous environment if one is provided to students. Table 2.1. 1 provides several examples of differing instructor-student engagement across the three common modes of HyFlex participation.

What are the biggest challenges involved in hybrid mode of teaching? ›

Here are some common challenges students come across:
  • Procrastination. Procrastination can become magnified when online work adds up. ...
  • Online Temptations. ...
  • Passive Learning. ...
  • Misunderstandings. ...
  • Forgetfulness. ...
  • Poor Reading Skills. ...
  • You Thrive on Talking in Class. ...
  • Poor or Slow Typing (Keyboarding) Skills.

How do you work effectively in a hybrid team? ›

How do you achieve effective teamwork in a hybrid workplace?
  1. Use tools that can be accessed from anywhere. It's possible that your hybrid team will never be in the same location at the same time. ...
  2. Centralize communication in one platform. ...
  3. Schedule a daily sync. ...
  4. Establish clear goals that include the whole team.

What needs of student should be considered in planning hybrid HyFlex learning? ›

1) Student learning must be equitable amongst online and in-person students. 2) Students should be engaged in a single learning community, regardless of how they participate. 3) Designing HyFlex courses can be time-consuming. 4) Logistical and technical issues may arise when delivering classes using technology.

What is hybrid HyFlex learning? ›

What is HyFlex? HyFlex combines the terms “hybrid” and “flexible.” Hybrid learning refers to learning that integrates complementary face-to-face (synchronous) and online learning (asynchronous) experiences in service of intended learning objectives (see CTL's guide on Blended Learning to learn more).

What are the challenges of hybrid learning? ›

5 Top Challenges of Blended Learning Solved with Interactive Displays
  • Buying the Right Classroom Technology.
  • Many Think Blended Learning Isn't Effective.
  • Maintaining Class and Student Progress.
  • Participation and Attendance.
  • The Digital Gap.
26 Mar 2021

What does hybrid flex mean? ›

The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex, course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide how to participate.

What 3 important qualities must teachers have? ›

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

How will you prepare yourself for hybrid education? ›

So let's explore some tactics that help in making hybrid schooling the best it can be.
  • Focus on both In-Class and Remote Learners. ...
  • Plan with Remote Learners in Mind. ...
  • Make Your Voice Engaging. ...
  • Invest in EdTech. ...
  • Use Interactive Activities. ...
  • Create an Online Community. ...
  • Pair In-Class and Remote Learners. ...
  • Appoint a Session Producer.
22 Feb 2022

What can you say about HyFlex learning? ›

The HyFlex mode is an instructional approach designed to give students greater control over their learning and course engagement modes.

How do you succeed in hybrid learning? ›

The Student's Guide to Hybrid Learning
  1. Know Your Supplies. Remote learning still requires traditional back-to-school supplies like paper, pens, notebooks, folders, and highlighters. ...
  2. Organize Your Document Files. ...
  3. Communicate with others. ...
  4. Time Management. ...
  5. Stay organized.
17 Apr 2022

How do you overcome challenges in hybrid work? ›

Companies may face many challenges with a hybrid workplace setup, but here are some ways to overcome them:
  1. Challenges With Effective Communication. ...
  2. Coordinating Employees And Activities. ...
  3. Team member Motivation And Engagement. ...
  4. Leadership Styles And Adjustments. ...
  5. Cost To Company Considerations. ...
  6. Wellness Of Team Members.

How do you survive hybrid teaching? ›

Hybrid Model Survival 101
  1. Buddy Up! For students learning virtually as they watch their classmates live, understanding what is happening is a real struggle. ...
  2. Keep Group Work Virtual. ...
  3. No Double Duty. ...
  4. Focus Support Proactively and Collaboratively.

What Behaviours do I need to show do you be successful in hybrid working? ›

Our experience of helping implement hybrid working has identified 10 key success factors.
  • Treat it as a change programme. ...
  • Understand your data. ...
  • Engage and empower your people. ...
  • One size does not fit all. ...
  • Focus on productivity. ...
  • Remodel your space. ...
  • Introduce outcome-focused performance management.

What are the benefits of hybrid learning? ›

These benefits include:
  • Better Student Engagement. Some students have grown up in an era of smartphones, tablets and other gadgets; they are likely already comfortable working and learning with the help of technology. ...
  • Variability for Learners. ...
  • Flexibility for Teachers. ...
  • Personalization & Connection. ...
  • Day One Access.
29 Oct 2021

What are the factors which make hybrid learning successful? ›

To ensure success with hybrid learning, K-12 leaders need to focus on three key elements in particular: planning high-quality instruction, equipping classrooms with the right technology, and designing classrooms strategically to support teachers and students.

What is the purpose of hybrid learning? ›

Hybrid teaching not only makes learning more accessible to the differently-abled, but it also allows educators to reach remote areas, helps students stay connected during long absences, and familiarizes both educators and learners with the latest communication technologies.

Why is hybrid learning better for students? ›

Hybrid classes offer more schedule flexibility than in-person classes. Rather than attending multiple on-campus class sessions each week, students complete more than half of their work online, allowing them to arrange coursework around their other responsibilities.

Is hybrid learning good for students? ›

Students in a hybrid learning environment can also control their learning because they can access the online content when it suits them and work at their own pace. The result is an engaging, motivating, and enjoyable learning experience.

What is hybrid learning example? ›

It provides individuals with the opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds. For example, a student might attend classes in a real-world classroom setting and then supplement the lesson plan by completing online multimedia coursework.

Why is hybrid learning better than online learning? ›

Hybrid learning encourages flexibility while also providing the social aspect of education. And that's a good thing since 60% of students generally say they feel more comfortable with the option of both online and in-person learning.

Why hybrid learning is the future? ›

Hybrid learning can foster global competencies and meet the needs of diverse learners. Schools and higher-ed institutes should have a curriculum complete with modern, digital technology training with multimodal delivery that students can consume at their own pace.

What is hybrid learning experience? ›

Hybrid learning is an educational approach that combines in-person and virtual learning. For learners, it offers hands-on experience coupled with the convenience and accessibility of online courses. The key element of hybrid learning is flexibility.

How is hybrid similar to HyFlex learning? ›

Hybrid classes can use active learning strategies both in-class and online. Hyflex classes can also use these strategies but need to consider how students in all three modalities (in-class, online synchronous and online asynchronous) can participate and feel a part of the community.

What is meaning of hybrid classes? ›

What Is a Hybrid Class? A hybrid class combines traditional face-to-face learning in the classroom with online learning that students complete outside of the classroom. The work that students complete online complements the information that is covered in the classroom.

What does a HyFlex classroom look like? ›

WHAT DOES A CLASS USING HYFLEX TECHNOLOGY LOOK LIKE? In a lecture that utilizes HyFlex technology, an instructor addresses both the in-person and remote learner audiences at the same time. Remote learners may join live, or they may watch a recording if the instructor provides that option.

How do you motivate your students? ›

Tips On How To Motivate Your Students
  1. Become a role model for student interest. ...
  2. Get to know your students. ...
  3. Use examples freely. ...
  4. Use a variety of student-active teaching activities. ...
  5. Set realistic performance goals. ...
  6. Place appropriate emphasis on testing and grading. ...
  7. Be free with praise and constructive in criticism.

What are your strengths as a teacher? ›

The list of the following strengths may help you to identify what yours are and plan an effective interview answer:
  • Technical skills.
  • Creativity.
  • Empathy or kindness.
  • Organization.
  • Discipline.
  • Fairness.
  • Persistence.
  • Collaboration.

How teachers can motivate students? ›

Positive Outcomes

Give verbal praise for successful progress or accomplishment. Give personal attention to students. Provide informative, helpful feedback when it is immediately useful. Provide motivating feedback (praise) immediately following task performance.

How do you implement hybrid learning in the classroom? ›

Choose from among multiple hybrid learning options that will fit your needs.
  1. Live chat, stream, or conduct a virtual class.
  2. Integrate into a classroom environment with familiar slides, annotations, and student interactions.
  3. Built-in sharing tools to capture and share your lessons.

What are the five elements of hybrid learning? ›

5 Pillars of Hybrid Learning
  • Structure. A new reform always comes up with new challenges. ...
  • Flexible Instructional Collaboration. All students are not the same, some need regular sessions for doubt clearance and more motivational guidance while others are self-reliant. ...
  • Self-study. ...
  • Two-way feedback. ...
  • Self-direction.
24 Feb 2021

What are the expectations from our learners in a HyFlex learning? ›

The student must be an engaged learner and an active participant in the educational process. HyFlex learners must be self-disciplined and manage their time wisely to ensure they are meeting the course objectives, especially if they choose an asynchronous option.

What is the purpose of ReadWriteThink? ›

Here at ReadWriteThink, our mission is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials.

What is Flex learning all about and how will it be done? ›

Flexible Learning is a set of educational philosophies and systems, concerned with providing learners with increased choice, convenience, and personalisation to suit the learner. In particular, flexible learning provides learners with choices about where, when, and how learning occurs.

What are the primary challenges of a HyFlex teacher? ›

The primary challenge to HyFlex course delivery is the availability of necessary technology. Each HyFlex course must have a physical classroom with technology capable of video streaming the session to students at home.

› resources › what-is-hyflex-learning ›

The third option some institutions are offering is Hybrid-Flexible or Hyflex classes. These hybrid classes give students options whether they want to learn in-p...
The "hyflex" in hyflex learning consists of hybrid and flexible, which you can interpret as a hybrid course that mixes online and live participation m...
If executed well, HyFlex provides an exceptional learning experience for a wide variety of students. Here's how it can help your college or university.

How do you manage performance in hybrid workplace? ›

More employees are working remotely than ever before as a result of the pandemic.
How to redesign performance management for a hybrid workplace
  1. Set clear goals. ...
  2. Use a proven goal-setting method. ...
  3. Tie goals to company objectives. ...
  4. Involve employees in the entire process.

How do you manage a hybrid work environment? ›

Below are four ways to better manage a hybrid work environment.
  1. Set clear expectations. For employees, increased flexibility entails more self-direction. ...
  2. Provide the proper tools and support. ...
  3. Use meetings strategically. ...
  4. Create inclusive employee experiences.
28 Jun 2022

How do you implement a hybrid working environment? ›

How to Implement the Hybrid Workplace Model in Your Company
  1. Establish a Centralized, Cloud-Based System.
  2. Adopt a Remote-first Approach to Work.
  3. Optimize Remote Collaboration.
  4. Request Employee Feedback (and Respond to It)
  5. Reconsider the Office and Workplace Design.

How can we help people transition to a hybrid work environment? ›

Now, let's dig into strategies to transition your team members smoothly to a hybrid work setup.
  1. Focus on employee engagement. ...
  2. Establish a clear work policy. ...
  3. Provide necessary tools and equipment. ...
  4. Communicate framework and team structure. ...
  5. Empower managers and leaders. ...
  6. Enhance all employee capabilities and skills.
25 May 2022

What are the challenges of hybrid working? ›

The greatest challenges of hybrid work include: having the right tools to be effective at work, feeling less connected to the organization's culture, impaired collaboration and relationships, and disrupted work processes. Hybrid work is creating a need for better coordination of resources, both at home and on-site.

What Behaviours do I need to show do you be successful in hybrid working? ›

Our experience of helping implement hybrid working has identified 10 key success factors.
  • Treat it as a change programme. ...
  • Understand your data. ...
  • Engage and empower your people. ...
  • One size does not fit all. ...
  • Focus on productivity. ...
  • Remodel your space. ...
  • Introduce outcome-focused performance management.

How can I improve my hybrid work experience? ›

How to Boost Employee Performance in a Hybrid Work Environment
  1. Empathy-based leadership that understands employee performance in context.
  2. Intentional collaboration that is inclusive of both business and employee needs.
  3. Employee-driven flexibility that empowers employees to choose when, where and how they work.
6 Sept 2022

What makes a successful hybrid workplace? ›

The four pillars of successful hybrid working

This includes creating processes that support remote work, such as flexible work hours, company meetings, time tracking, online watercooler moments and more. There are multiple factors that influence successful hybrid working.

How do you motivate hybrid workers? ›

Bring back the focus on reward and recognition, because managers can leverage strategic reward and recognition to encourage the right behaviors and boost motivation in their team members every single day. So, taking the time today to show appreciation is the fuel your people need for tomorrow and beyond.

What is the goal of hybrid work? ›

A hybrid workplace model mixes in-office and remote work to offer flexibility and support to employees. In a hybrid workplace, employees typically enjoy more autonomy and better work-life balance – and are more engaged as a result. Employers benefit by building a more productive, healthy, stable workforce.

What is hybrid work model examples? ›

In a hybrid work model, employees have more flexibility to get work done when and where they're most productive. This means flexible schedules and locations. For example, some people work best early in the morning while others do better in the evening.

Why is hybrid work model important? ›

A hybrid model can offer flexibility and empower employees to work to their strengths, which in turn boosts productivity. By encouraging a culture that views remote work as a positive alternative to completing deep-focus tasks in the office, teams can find a good balance of creativity and collaboration.

What is the one thing you need to make hybrid working more successful? ›

Hybrid work will be most effective when people reflect on their own preferences, their work patterns and their team processes, so they can make planful decisions about where and when they're working within the guidelines set by the organization.

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.