WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer (2025)

WEF Young Global Leaders – Die komplette Liste (verlinkt) und alle* deutschen Teilnehmer des Young Global Leaders Programm des WEF – World Economic Forum. Die Young Global Leaders des Weltwirtschaftsforum wurden von Klaus Schwab, dem Gründer des WEF bereits im Jahr 2004 ins Leben gerufen. Tausende Teilnehmer durchliefen bereits die „Kaderschmiede“ des World Economic Forum. Jetzt wurde eine Liste der bisher bekannten Absolventen der WEF-Kaderschmieden “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” und “Young Global Leaders” veröffentlicht. Das Young Global Leaders Forum zählt zu den einflussreichsten NGOs der Welt. Es zählt mittlerweile über 1.400 Mitglieder (Stand 01.02.22)

WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer (1)

WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer
*© wochenblick.at / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0; Flickr, paolo.marraffa, CC BY-SA 4.0; Gewessler/Wikimedia, Manfred Werner (Tsui)/CC by-sa 4.0

WEF Young Global Leaders – Mitgliedschaft von amtierenden Mitgliedern der Bundesregierung

Im Deutschen Bundestag gab es eine Anfrage zum Forum of Young Global Leaders des Weltwirtschaftsforums (11.10.2022 / hib 530/2022) – (20/3846).

Auszug*: „..Die Bundesregierung soll unter anderem mitteilen, welche derzeit amtierenden Mitglieder oder Vertreter der Bundesregierung und welche Regierungsmitglieder der Kabinette Merkel I – IV das Programm des „Young Global Leaders Forum“ durchlaufen haben. Außerdem soll sie angeben, ob sie ausschließen könne, „..dass durch eine Mitgliedschaft von amtierenden Mitgliedern der Bundesregierung und oder Vertretern der Bundesregierung im Elitenprojekt Forum of Young Global Leaders Interessenkonflikte entstehen, die einen Einfluss auf politische Entscheidungen der Bundesregierung haben“.

Bekannte deutsche Teilnehmer der letzten Jahre – World Economic Forum

Deutsche Teilnehmer aus den letzten Jahren (Seite 10):

Richard R. Burt (ehem. US.-Botschafter) – Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg – Wolfgang Ischinger – Claus Kleber – Julia Klöckner – Silvana Koch-Mehrin – Thomas de Maizière – Ingrid Matthäus-Maier – Angela Merkel – Frank-Walter Steinmeier – Olaf Scholz – Wolfgang Schäuble – Omid Nouripour – Robert Habeck – Cem Özdemir – Armin Laschet – Markus Söder – Jens Spahn – Winfried Kretschmann – Volker Bouffier – Jens Weidmann – Nico Rosberg – Kardinal Reinhard Marx – Sandra Maischberger

* da nicht bei allen Teilnehmer die Nationalität eingetragen wurde, kann es vorkommen, dass Teilnehmer hier nicht zugeordnet werden konnten.

WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer (2)

Annalena Baerbock – Mitglied im WEF Young Global Leaders Forum

Die deutsche Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock wird im Programm der „Young Global Leaders“ als Teilnehmer (2020-2025) aufgeführt. Das führte zu mehreren Anfragen – nicht nur im Bundestag – sondern auch von Bürgern und Wählern. Auf Abgeordnetenwatch wurden gleich zwei Anfragen gestellt:

Sehr geehrte Frau Baerbock, Wie wird Ihre Mitgliedschaft im „Young global leaders“ des Weltwirtschaftsforums in Ihre Politk als einfließen? Eigentlich wollte ich Sie und die Grünen wählen und bin einigermaßen erstaunt, Sie dort vorzufinden. Ein Forum der Global Player, des Big Business. Was machen Sie als Grüne dort?

Team Annalena Baerbock antwortet wie folgt: vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Im Frühjahr 2020 wurde Annalena Baerbock für das Programm Young Global Leaders durch das World Economic Forum (WEF) nominiert. Ziel ist die Vernetzung junger Nachwuchskräfte aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft untereinander. Dies geschieht u.a. in Form von hochrangigen Gesprächsrunden oder auch öffentlichen Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Young Global Leaders als Teilnehmende bzw. Speaker eingeladen werden. Annalena Baerbock hat in ihrer Rolle als Politikerin diese Nominierung angenommen und sieht es als Gelegenheit, andere Perspektiven auf bestimmte Themen mit globalem/internationalen Bezug zu erhalten und sich mit Menschen aus ihrer Generation zu vernetzen. Die Mitgliedschaft ist auf fünf Jahre begrenzt. Derzeit gibt es 700 aktive Mitglieder. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, es wird keine Gegenleistung erwartet. Frau Baerbock ist bislang nicht aktiv gewesen. Aufgrund der Pandemie fanden bislang keine Live-Veranstaltungen statt. Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hier noch eine weitere Anfrage:

Sehr geehrte Frau Baerbock, was haben Sie bei Ihrer Teilnahme bei den Treffen der Young Global Players gelernt und was konkret davon möchten Sie umsetzen, wenn Sie gewählt werden?

Young Global Players ist ja die Kaderschmiede des World Ecconomic Forums, ein seit 50 Jahren bestehendes Netzwerk der Reichsten und Mächtigsten dieser Welt. Was haben Sie, genauso wie ihr Kollege Cem Özdemir, auf einer solchen Lobbyismus-Veranstaltung zu suchen, bestehend aus Vertretern der Hochfinanz, der Wirtschaft, des Hochadels und leider auch hochrangige Vertreter der Presse? Dass Herr Jens Spahn an solchen Veranstaltungen teilnimmt, wundert einen ja nicht besonders.

Auch auf die zweite Anfrage antwortet das Team Annalena Baerbock mit der Standardantwort: vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Im Frühjahr 2020 wurde Annalena Baerbock für das Programm Young Global Leaders durch das World Economic Forum (WEF) nominiert. … Frau Baerbock ist bislang nicht aktiv gewesen. Aufgrund der Pandemie fanden bislang keine Live-Veranstaltungen statt. Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Eine mehrfach gestellte Anfrage an das Auswärtige Amt – bleibt jedoch auch Monate danach unbeantwortet.

  • Ist Frau Außenministerin Baerbock weiterhin im Younggloballeaders-Programm des World Econimic Forums (WEF)?
  • Nach verschiedenen Informationen nimmt sie an der Klasse 2020-2025 teil. Wenn das so ist, wie wird sichergestellt:
  • dass die Loyalitäten gegenüber der Bundesregierung und nicht dem WEF bestehen?
  • dass vertrauliche Informationen aus ihrer Tätigkeit als Bundesaußenministerin nicht an Kanäle des WEF weitergeleitet werden?

Es gibt allerdings eine allgemeine Antwort der Bundesregierung:

„Anspruch auf Herausgabe der Information, welche Bundestagsabgeordneten im Younggloballeaders-Programm des Weltwirtschaftsforums waren oder sind gibt es nicht“.

WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer (3)

Young Global Leaders – World Economic Forum – neue Mitglieder aus 2022

Wir freuen uns, 109 Young Global Leaders in der Class of 2022 willkommen zu heißen. Wissenschaftler, Künstler, Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Regierung. Die neuen Mitglieder aus Europa sind:

  • Philip Meissner – Founder and Director, European Center for Digital Competitiveness, Germany
  • Eva Maydell – Member of the European Parliament, European Parliament, Belgium
  • Inna Modja – Land Ambassador, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Portugal
  • Enass Abo-Hamed – Chief Executive Officer, H2GO Power Ltd., United Kingdom
  • Mark Boris Andrijanič – European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Hungary
  • Venetia Bell – Group Chief Sustainability Officer; Head, Strategy, Gulf International Bank (GIB), United Kingdom
  • Esra Eczacıbaşı Coşkun – Member of the Board Eczacıbaşı Holding, Türkiye
  • Frederic Hoffmann – Member of the Board, MAVA Foundation, Switzerland
  • Freshta Karim – Founding Director, Charmaghz Cultural and Services Organization, United Kingdom
  • Christer Kjos – Chief Executive Officer, Canica Holding, Switzerland
  • Danae Kyriakopoulou – London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
  • Siwan (Swan) Lu – Principal, Zurich Global Ventures, Switzerland
  • Tom Mustill – Director, Gripping Films Ltd, United Kingdom
  • Ioana Patriniche – Managing Director / Head of Investor Relations, Deutsche Bank, United Kingdom
  • Sarah Rawson – Swiss Re Services Limited, United Kingdom
  • Yousef Yousef – Chief Executive Officer, LG Sonic B.V., Netherlands

WEF Young Global Leaders – bekannte Teilnehmer

Die Young Global Leaders werden von einem Vorstand aus zwölf Welt- und Branchenführern geleitet, unter ihnen befindet sich die Königin Rania von Jordanien und Wikipedia-Mitbegründer Jimmy Wales. Die Mitglieder von YGL sind junge Führungskräfte, die verschiedensten Sparten und Disziplinen angehören und aus allen Teilen der Welt stammen. Sie werden für sechs Jahre berufen und dürfen zum Zeitpunkt der Berufung das 40. Lebensjahr noch nicht vollendet haben.

In vielen Ländern der Welt sind Staatspräsidenten und/oder Mitglieder der Regierung und der Parlamente – Mitglieder im Weltwirtschaftsforum WEF – wie auch in Deutschland. Hinweis: Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem WEF wird als Informationsaustausch beschrieben, der keine Auswirkungen auf politische Entscheidungen hätte. Zur Information: Die Vereinten Nationen geben bekannt (Mai 2022), dass Klaus Schwab vom Weltwirtschaftsforum und UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres eine Vereinbarung zur Beschleunigung der Agenda 2030 unterzeichnet haben.

Die Eröffnungsklasse 2005 umfasste 237 junge Führungskräfte. Dies sind die bekanntesten Teilnehmer der WEF/Young Global Leaders Inaugural Group 2005 .

Die bekanntesten Teilnehmer (*Auszug) aus dem Gründungsjahr der YGL – 2005

Pravin Trambak Tayde – Managing Director,Microtherm India Private Limited – Germany
Shai Agassi – Germany, SAP
Beatrice Weder di Mauro – Professor of International Macroeconomics, University of Mainz
Marcel S. Reichart – Germany, Hubert Burda Media Marketing and Communications Director
Oliver Samwer – Germany, Jamba! Co-Founder/CEO

William F. Browder – Russian Federation, Hermitage Capital Management CEO
Amy Butte – USA, New York Stock Exchange XVP/CFO
Tianqiao Chen – China, Shanda Interactive Entertainment CEO
Sallie Krawcheck – USA, Citigroup CFO
Christian Mumenthaler – Switzerland, Swiss Re Group Chief Risk Officer
Larry Page – USA, Google Co-Founder
Nathaniel Philip Rothschild – UK, Atticus Capital Co-Chairman
Jonathan Soros – USA, Soros Fund Management
Dvorkovich, Arkady – Head, Expert Department of the Russian President, Russian Federation
Frederik André Henrik Christian (Frederik of Denmark) – Crown Prince of Denmark

Aus Deutschland schafften es nur wenige (im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern) in das YGL Forum – Übersicht der Mitglieder von 2006 bis 2011

  • Daimagüler, Mehmet Gürcan: Board Member, Free Democratic Party (FDP),
  • Krings, Frank Chief Operating Officer, Europe, Deutsche Bank,
  • Kunstmann, Heike Maria Director-General, Gesamtmetall,
  • Neumann, TOM!,Founder & Senior Vice President,
  • Steffi Graf, Founder and Chairperson, Children for Tomorrow,
  • John Mollanger, Director, Business Units, Puma,
  • Lars Hinrichs, Chief Executive Officer, Xing,
  • Carola Ferstl, Anchor, N-TV,
  • David Schmutzler, Chief Executive Officer, CareerConcept,
  • Melanie Kreis, Executive Vice-President Corporate Office, Deutsche Post World Net,
  • Alan Hippe, Member of the Executive Board, Finance, Controlling and Law, Continental,
  • Björn Czinczoll, Chief Executive Officer, Kinderzentren,

Sowie die weiteren bekannten Deutschen Mitglieder:
Claudia Hengst – Michael Schumacher – Philipp Freise – Damian Gammell – Stephan Wrage – Christopher Jahns – Immanuel Hermreck – Klaus Schweinberg – Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg – Franz Beckenbauer – Guido Westerwelle

WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer (4)

Die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer von 2017 – 2022

  • Katinka Barysch – Head of Marketing Intelligence, Allianz,
  • Adam C. Bird – Director, McKinsey & Company,
  • Christoph Bornschein – Chief Executive Officer, TLGG,
  • Anne-Laure de Chammard – Executive Vice-President, Siemens Energy,
  • Olafur Eliasson – Artist, Studio Olafur Eliasson GmbH,
  • Carola Ferstl – Editor, Presenter and Filmmaker, N-TV,
  • Banafsheh Geretzki – Head of Division, European Central Bank,
  • Laura Gersch – Chief Financial Officer, Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG,
  • Solveigh Hieronimus – Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company,
  • Lars Hinrichs – Chief Executive Officer, Cinco Capital GmbH,
  • Florian Hoffmann – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The DO GmbH,
  • Dirk Carsten Hoke – Managing Director, D&D Invest Consult GmbH,
  • Moritz Lehmkuhl – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ClimatePartner GmbH,
  • Philip Meissner – Founder and Director, European Center for Digital Competitiveness,
  • Verena Pausder – Managing Partner, Pausder Ventures GmbH,
  • Devesh Raj – Chief Executive Officer, Sky Deutschland,
  • Thomas Saueressig – Member of the Executive Board, SAP Product Engineering, SAP,
  • Eva Scherer – SVP, Global Head of Investor Relations, Siemens,
  • Klaus Schweinsberg – Chairman and Founder, Center for Strategy and Higher Leadership,
  • Ludovic Subran – Chief Economist, Allianz,
  • Anahita Thoms – Partner, International Trade Practice, Baker McKenzie,
  • Claudia Vergueiro Massei – Head, Executive Office and Transformation, Motion Control, Siemens,
  • Felicitas von Peter – Forum for Active Philanthropy GmbH,
  • David Frederik von Rosen-von Hoewel – CEO, Von Rosen Fashion Group AG,
  • Lisa Witter – Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Apolitical,
  • Fabio Ziemssen – Partner, Zintinus,
  • Jens Spahn – Member of Parliament, Federal Assembly of Germany (Bundestag),
  • Annalena Charlotte Alma Baerbock – Bundesministerin des Auswärtigen Amtes

Liste aller Deutschen im Weltwirtschaftsforum – WEF – World Economic Forum

* klick hier für die komplette internationale vollständige Liste

Amelie Böhm – Vice-President, Strategy & CEO Office, Deutsche Bank
Amrita Cheema – Senior Anchor, Deutsche Welle
Anahita Thoms – Partner, International Trade Practice, Baker McKenzie – Deutschland
Andrea Morgan-Schönwetter – Head of Recruiting and Talent Marketing, Volkswagen Group
Andreas C. Hoffmann – General Counsel, Siemens AG
Andreas Dombret – Member of the Executive Board, Central Bank of Germany
Andreas Hackethal – Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Andreas Renschler – Member of the Board of Management, Volkswagen Group
Andrey Lutich – Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
André Ludwig – Associate Professor of Computer Science in Logistics, Kühne Logistics University
Anita Gupta – Senior Vice-President, Media Relations, Deutsche Post DHL Group
Anke Ehrhardt – Office Dr. Paul-Bernhard Kallen, Hubert Burda Media
Anne Reiner – Senior Manager Sustainable Supply Chains, Save the Children Germany
Armin Laschet – Minister-President of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Land Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo – Head of AKSW and Lecturer, School of Media, University of Leipzig

Bettina Hein – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Juli AG
Björn Czinczoll – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kinderzentren Kunterbunt
Björn Czinczoll – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kinderzentren Kunterbunt

Carola Ferstl – Editor, Presenter and Filmmaker, N-TV
Carolina Müller-Möhl – President, Müller-Möhl Group
Carsten Fischer – Chief Security Officer (interim), Deutsche Bank
Cedrik Neike – Member of the Managing Board, Siemens AG
Cem Özdemir – Member of the German Parliament, Federal Assembly of Germany (Bundestag)
Christian Beetz – Executive Director, gebrueder beetz filmproduktion
Christian Hochfeld – Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende
Christin Kleineidam – Senior Consultant, Chief Executive’s Office, Siemens
Christina Frenzel – Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, Hubert Burda Media
Christine Haupt – Media Relations, BASF
Christoph Wolff – Lecturer, University of Cologne
Christopher Jahns – Founder & CEO, XU Group GmbH
Claudiu Leverenz – Global Shaper, Munich Hub
Claus Kleber – Anchor and Editor, heute-Journal, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF)
Clemens Beckmann – Head, Smart Cities and Last Mile Solutions, Deutsche Post DHL
Cora Ansorg – Director, CEO Office/ D1 Group, Deutsche Bank

Dagmar Paulus – Senior Teaching Fellow in German Studies, UCL
Daniel Bahr – Chief Representative, Allianz SE
Daniel Kauer – Head of Strategic Planning, Volkswagen Group
David Frederik von Rosen-von Hoewel – Chief Executive Officer, Von Rosen Fashion Group AG
David Schneider – Global Shaper, Stuttgart Hub
Deborah Zurkow – Chief Investment Officer and Head of Infrastructure Debt, Allianz Global Investors AG
Dirk Carsten Hoke – Managing Director, D&D Invest Consult GmbH

Edith Kimani – News Anchor, Deutsche Welle
Emilia Macarie – Chief Financial Officer BBVA Allianz, Allianz
Ene Macharm – Head of Component, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Erika von Mutius – Head, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt – Chair, Technical University of Munich
Eun-Kyung Park – Chief Digital Officer, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Eva Becker – Corporate Communications and Government Affairs, Siemens AG
Eva Maria Ferstl – Lead, Operational Excellence, Corporate Affairs, Novartis Pharma AG

Fabrizio Campelli – Member of the Management Board, Deutsche Bank
Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco -President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Europe; Germany
Fernando Alonso – Executive Vice-President, Military Aircraft, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Florian Drücke – Chairman & CEO, Bundesverband Musikindustrie
Franco Delle Donne – Freie Universität Berlin,
Frank Krings – Chief Executive Officer, Western Europe, Deutsche Bank
Frank Liebich – Head of Corporate Compliance Office & Privacy Protection Officer, Henkel
Frank-Walter Steinmeier – President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Franz Beckenbauer – FC Bayern München AG
Franziska Killiches – Strategy Procurement Group, Supplier Sustainability, Volkswagen Group
Franziska Lauer – Head, Save the Children Germany

Gabi Dreo Rodosek – Professor; Founding Director, Research Institute CODE, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Gerald Podobnik – Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Bank, Deutsche Bank
Gerhard Mennecke – Head, Corporate Strategic Planning, Volkswagen AG
Guido Westerwelle – Chairman, Free Democratic Party (FDP)

Hans Juergen Matern -Vice-President, Corporate Responsibility Projects, METRO AG
Harry Hohmeister – Member of the Executive Board, Head of Commercial Passenger Airlines, Lufthansa Group
Hilger Pothmann – Regional Head of Human Resources, Deutsche Bank AG

Ioana Patriniche Managing Director / Head of Investor Relations, Deutsche Bank

Jan Bayer – President News Media International, Axel Springer
Jens Spahn – Member of Parliament, Federal Assembly of Germany (Bundestag)
Jochen R. Wermuth – Managing Partner, Wermuth Asset Management GmbH
Johannes Kaufmann – Business Insider Deutschland
Jonathan Teklu – Founding Curator and Alumni, Berlin Hub
Josef Joffe – Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit
Juergen Wild – Bundeswehr

Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg – Managing Director, Von Guttenberg GmbH
Karsten Neuhoff – Professor, Technical University Berlin
Katharina Ahrens – Head, Munich Regional Office, Siemens
Katinka Barysch – Senior Strategist, Allianz
Klaus Dohrmann – Vice President, Deutsche Post DHL
Klaus Rosenfeld – Chief Executive Officer, Schaeffler
Konstantin Kraus – Global Shaper, Munich Hub

Lisa Stellner Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Manfred Milinski – Director, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Manfred Stanek – CEO, Greiner Packaging International, Greiner
Martin Quaas – Prof German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Halle-Jena-Leipzig
Manuela Kasper-Claridge – Editor-in-Chief, Deutsche Welle
Marcel S. Reichart – Senior Global Advisor, Bertelsmann
Marcus Vetter – Film Director, gebrueder beetz filmproduktion
Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla – Director, Helmholtz Zentrum München
Mathias Döpfner – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Axel Springer
Matthias Wissmann – President, Verband der Automobilindustrie
Michael Heise – Chief Economist, Allianz SE
Michael Karcher – Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany
Mohammad Reza Farzanegan – Professor University of Marburg
Monika Ribar – Member of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Nari Kahle – Head, Strategic Programmes, CARIAD, Volkswagen Group
Nico Rosberg – Greentech Entrepreneur and F1 2016 World Champion
Nicole Galindo Sánchez – Global Shaper, Berlin Hub
Niels Angel – BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke
Nikolaus Schneider – Vice-Chairperson of the Council, The Evangelical Church in Germany
Norbert Winkeljohann – Senior Partner, PwC Germany

Olaf Scholz – Federal Chancellor, Federal Chancellery of Germany
Oliver Bäte – Chief Executive Officer, Allianz
Otmar Wiestler – President, Helmholtz Association

Patrick Graichen – Executive Director, Agora Energiewende
Paul Achleitner – Chairman of the Supervisory Board (2012 – 2022), Deutsche Bank
Peter Limbourg – Director-General, Deutsche Welle
Peter Würtenberger – Chief Executive Officer, upday, Axel Springer
Philipp Appel – Senior Manager Corporate Partnerships & Foundations, Save the Children Germany
Philipp Bleckmann – Speaker for sustainable supply chains, Volkswagen Group
Philipp Sayler von Amende – Chief Executive Officer Germany, Carwow
Philipp Schumacher – CEO Office / Management Board Key Account Management, Deutsche Bank

Reinhard Marx – Cardinal of Munich and Freising, Erzbistum München und Freising
Robert Habeck – Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection of Germany

Sandra Maischberger – Moderator, ZDF
Sarah-Melissa Leitner – Advisor Energising Development (EnDev) , Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Sebastian Schebera – Corporate Strategy – Industrial Cooperations and Alliances, Volkswagen Group
Siegfried Russwurm – Member of the Managing Board, Siemens AG
Simon Engelke – Global Shaper, Munich Hub
Simon Henschel – Head of Operations, Germany, NewMotion
Stefan Oelrich – President Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Bayer
Stefan Schaible – Global Managing Partner, Roland Berger
Stormy-Annika Mildner – Head, External Economic Policy Department, Federation of German Industries (BDI)

Tania Singer – Director, Department of Social Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Tobias Elwert – Senior Technology Manager Battery Recycling, BASF

Ulrich Schulte – Chief Executive Officer, Vecoplan AG – Metallwerke Werl
Uwe Raschke – Member of the Board of Management, Robert Bosch GmbH

Verena Gravemeier – Meeting Coordinator, Allianz
Verena Pausder – Managing Partner, Pausder Ventures GmbH
Victor Meyer – Global Head, Corporate Security and Business Continuity, Deutsche Bank AG
Volker Bouffier – Minister-President, State of Hessen (Land Hessen)

Wanda Wiera – Assistant to the General Secretary, Volkswagen Group
Willibald Meixner – Chief Executive Officer, Power and Gas Division, Siemens AG
Winfried Kretschmann – Minister-President of the State of Baden-Württemberg, State of Baden-Württemberg
Wolfgang Schäuble – President of the Federal Assembly, Federal Assembly of Germany (Bundestag)


WEF Young Global Leaders – die Liste der Deutschen Teilnehmer (2025)


Who are the Young Global Leaders of WEF? ›

Forum of Young Global Leaders, or Young Global Leaders (YGL), was created by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. The YGL, a non-profit organization managed from Geneva, Switzerland, is under the supervision of the Swiss government.

Who are the board members of the world Economic Forum? ›

Managing Board
  • Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum.
  • Julien Gattoni, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, World Economic Forum.
  • Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director, World Economic Forum.
  • Adrian Monck, Managing Director, World Economic Forum.
  • Gim Huay Neo, Managing Director, World Economic Forum.
7 Sept 2022

How many employees does WEF have? ›

Research Summary.

World Economic Forum has 550 employees.

What is the motto of the WEF? ›

Our motto is 'entrepreneurship in the global public interest'. Financial Systems - Strengthening the international monetary and financial system is a priority in the wake of the global financial crisis.

Who funds the world Economic Forum? ›

Membership. The foundation is funded by its 1,000 member companies, typically global enterprises with more than five billion dollars in turnover (varying by industry and region).

What is a WEF fellow? ›

The WEF Fellows Program recognizes the professional achievement, stature and contributions of WEF members to the preservation and enhancement of the global water environment in the practice areas served by WEF as described below. WEF Fellow applicants will be considered by a selection committee.

How much does it cost to be a member of the world Economic Forum? ›

The Forum offers different levels of membership and partnership, tailored to the level of engagement that meets the strategic needs of our members and partners. Membership and partnership fees range from CHF60,000 to CHF600,000 depending on the level of engagement.

Who controls the world economy? ›

Although governments do hold power over countries' economies, it is the big banks and large corporations that control and essentially fund these governments. This means that the global economy is dominated by large financial institutions.

What is Davos agenda 2022? ›

The Davos Agenda aims to inform the global public and the Forum's 25,000,000+ social media followers on the key issues shaping the year ahead. It will also engage over 430 cities in 150 countries that host Global Shapers, a network of young people driving dialogue, action and change.

Is Deloitte part of WEF? ›

The fact that the return envelope is addressed to Deloitte, which identifies as “long-standing strategic partner” of the World Economic Forum (WEF), made her “uneasy” and she was still searching for “answers” at the time of her interview with the National Post.

How to get a job at WEF? ›

How to Apply. Please apply directly online. You'll find opportunities in our offices in Geneva, New York, Beijing, San Francisco, Tokyo and Mumbai. Send your application in English.

What is it like to work at WEF? ›

The mission and the people are the best things about working for the World Economic Forum. The opportunity is what you make of it - there are so many interesting projects and opportunities that regardless of your specific job title there is always space to grow and learn.

What are the four pillars of the WEF framework? ›

Our vision for the future of cities and buildings is based on four pillars: liveability, sustainability, resilience and affordability.

What is theme of World Economic Forum 2022? ›

Event: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD. The 52nd World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will convene on the theme, 'Working Together, Restoring Trust,' with the aim to address economic, environmental, political, and social fault-lines exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who will host the world Economic Forum 2022? ›

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 takes place in Davos, Switzerland on May 23-26.

How much does it cost to go to Davos? ›

Is the Open Forum free? The Open Forum is entirely free of charge, but seating is limited, so remember to come early to ensure you get a ticket. Where is the Open Forum taking place? The Open Forum takes place at the Sports Hall Tobelmühle (Tobelmühlestrasse 4 e, 7270 Davos Platz).

How many people go to Davos? ›

The meeting is centered around the theme History at a Turning Point: Government Policies and Business Strategies. Nearly 2,500 leaders from politics, business, civil society and media to participate in the unique spring 2022 Annual Meeting.

How many countries are in the world Economic Forum? ›

The organization takes action on a wide range of issues and provides a forum for its 193 Member States to express their views through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and other bodies and committees.

How do I become a fellow at WEF? ›

What are the requirements for the Global Leadership Fellows Programme? The minimum entry requirements include a master's degree, a minimum of four years of work experience and strong leadership potential. When is the deadline for the Global Leadership Fellows Programme?

Is WEF private? ›

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

What is WEF in school? ›

A. World Education Forum. No worries!

Do you have to be invited to the World Economic Forum? ›

Davos is an invitation-only event. The World Economic Forum itself is funded by the (approximately) 1,000 members of the organization. The list of members is made up of the biggest global companies, and the CEOs of those companies are among those who are invited to Davos.

What are the benefits of the World Economic Forum? ›

The World Economic Forum brings together decision-makers from across society to work on projects and initiatives that make a real difference. Through collaboration between stakeholders with varied perspectives, our projects deliver concrete and sustainable results and make a positive impact at all levels of society.

Is World Economic Forum app free? ›

Strategic Intelligence can be accessed via a public (free) account or as part of a Digital Membership package with access to advanced membership features. Digital Membership is available on monthly billing cycles only.

Which was the richest country in the world? ›

The United States is the richest country in the world with the highest GDP, as of 2021. China is the second richest country in the world with a $17.734 trillion GDP. Monaco is the richest country in the world when measured by GDP per capita.

Which bank controls the world? ›

As of 2022, the World Bank is run by a president and 25 executive directors, as well as 29 various vice presidents. IBRD and IDA have 189 and 174 member countries, respectively.

Does the US have a controlled economy? ›

In terms of consumer goods and business services, the United States economy operates as a free market. In terms of defense (and with regard to certain aspects of retirement benefits and medical care), it operates as a command economy.

Does China support WEF? ›

Over the past four decades, the WEF has maintained good cooperation with China. Chinese leaders attended multiple forum meetings and delivered speeches. Many successful Chinese business leaders have participated in the forum and found inspiration from it.

Why is Davos so popular? ›

Gaining prominence in the 19th century as a mountain health resort, Davos is perhaps best known today for hosting the World Economic Forum—often referred to simply as "Davos"—an annual meeting of global political and corporate leaders.

What is the Davos dilemma? ›

The 'Davos dilemma' posits a sustainability crisis, provoked by rising human population and intense competitive behaviours, in terms of control and access to depleting natural resources.

Is Deloitte better than Accenture? ›

Deloitte scored higher in 6 areas: Culture & Values, Diversity & Inclusion, Senior Management, Compensation & Benefits, Career Opportunities and CEO Approval. Accenture scored higher in 1 area: Work-life balance. Both tied in 3 areas: Overall Rating, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook.

Is there permanent Wfh in Deloitte? ›

PwC, KPMG, Deloitte are offering permanent work from home.

What is the rank of Deloitte in world? ›

Deloitte is the largest professional services network by revenue and number of professionals in the world and is considered one of the Big Four accounting firms along with EY (Ernst & Young), KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).

Do World Economic Forum employees pay taxes? ›

The payroll tax paid by employees is 6.65% (employers pay the same rate), and is in addition to the personal income tax.

How do I get a job in the UN with no experience? ›

United Nations internships can be a great way to start a career within the UN if you don't have experience. They are specifically aimed at students, recent graduates and young professionals and so if you do not have previous professional experience, UN internships can be some of the best roles to go for.

Can I work for New Zealand government? ›

To work for the government, you must be a New Zealand citizen, or have a visa which qualifies you to work here.

Is working for local government worth it? ›

Other Benefits of Working for Local Government

In addition, local governments usually offer good health insurance plans along with retirement benefits and pensions. Most local government workers get paid vacation leave, a few sick days, and many paid holidays.

Is it fun working at ey? ›

Good work culture, supportive leadership and engaging work

Supportive senior leadership, although that varies with the team you're in. Work involves engagement with senior client stakeholders so strong presentation and communication skills will be helpful.

Is Notre Dame a good place to work? ›

The University of Notre Dame has been named a 2022 Great College to Work For by the Great Colleges to Work For program. The results, published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, are based on a survey of more than 200 colleges and universities.

What are the 3 priorities of our sustainability framework? ›

The three pillars of sustainability are planet or environment, social or people, and profit or economics.

What are the 3 fundamental components or pillars of sustainable development? ›

Sustainability is often represented diagrammatically. The figure at the top of this page suggests that there are three pillars of sustainability – economic viability, environmental protection and social equity.

What are the four important pillars of human development? ›

The main pillars of human development are :
  • Equity: Making equal access to opportunities available to everybody.
  • Sustainability: Continuity in the availability of opportunities.
  • Productivity: Human labour productivity or productivity in terms of human work.
  • Empowerment: To have the power to make choices.

What is the rank of India in World Economic Forum 2022? ›

Now, with 7 percent growth forecast for 2022, India's economy has overtaken the United Kingdom's in terms of size, making it the fifth biggest. That's according to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund.

What is the rank of India in World Economic Forum? ›

India has been ranked 135 out of 146 countries in the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report 2022.

Who is the CEO of World Economic Forum? ›

The World Economic Forum is chaired by Founder and Executive Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab.

Which country will host World Economic Forum 2023? ›

The World Economic Forum will revert to January for its 2023 annual meeting in the Swiss ski resort of Davos after moving to the spring for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Where was the world economic Forum annual meeting held in 2022? ›

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 takes place in Davos, Switzerland on May 23-26.

Who are the members of WEF 2022? ›

Notable members include prime ministers Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin, President Carlos Alvarado Quesada of Costa Rica, entrepreneurs Iyinoluwa Aboyeji and Rhea Mazumdar Singhal, peace activist Victor Ochen, and economist Esther Duflo.

Who will host the World Economic Forum 2022? ›

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 takes place in Davos, Switzerland on May 23-26.

How many countries are in the WEF? ›

World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting

The WEF annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, usually attracts about 2,500 people from more than 100 nations. The Davos meeting is covered by media outlets globally.

What is the rank of India in WEF? ›

The World Economic Forum's (WEF) ranked India 54th position (down from 46th in 2019) with a score of 4.1 in its Travel and Tourism Development Index 2021.
WEF's Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index 2021: India Ranks 54.
3 more rows
26 May 2022

What country is Davos in? ›

became the largest Walser settlement area in eastern Switzerland. Natives still speak a dialect that is atypical for Graubünden, showing similarities with the German spoken in Raron in Canton Valais. In 1436, the League of the Ten Jurisdictions was founded in Davos.

Do you have to be invited to the world economic Forum? ›

Davos is an invitation-only event. The World Economic Forum itself is funded by the (approximately) 1,000 members of the organization. The list of members is made up of the biggest global companies, and the CEOs of those companies are among those who are invited to Davos.

Can anyone go to the world economic Forum? ›

The Open Forum is accessible to everybody. If you are interested in any of the sessions in the programme, you should join. The capacity of the auditorium is limited.

What is the theme of World Economic Forum in 2022? ›

Event: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD. The 52nd World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will convene on the theme, 'Working Together, Restoring Trust,' with the aim to address economic, environmental, political, and social fault-lines exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the main purpose of World Economic Forum? ›

The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

What is the full form of WEF in school? ›

A. World Education Forum. No worries!

Is Davos a WEF? ›

The Davos conference is the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to public-private sector cooperation. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the institution involves the most important political, business, cultural leaders, etc.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.