5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (2024)

Wondering what are the types of line in art, their meaning and how to use them to your advantage as an artist?

There are 5 main types of lines in art: vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, zigzag lines, and curved lines. Other types of lines are simply variations of the five main ones.

To understand why these types of lines matter, how to use them based on their functions and discover line variations for art and design – keep reading.

Table of Contents

What is a Line in Art

A line in art is defined as a point moving in space, and it’s one of the seven elements of art (line, color, shape, form, texture, value, space).

It is one of the most crucial elements, as everything begins with just a simple dot in space, that transforms into lines and then drawings. Lines are everywhere!

5 Types of Lines in Art: Meaning and Examples

Vertical lines are straight up and down lines that are moving in space without any slant and are perpendicular to horizontal lines. They suggest height and strength because they extend towards the sky and seem unshakeable.

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (1)

Horizontal lines are straight lines parallel to the horizon that move from left to right. They suggest width, distance, calmness, and stability.

Diagonal lines are straight lines that slant in any direction except horizontal or vertical. When in use, they suggest movement or lack of stability.

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Zigzag lines are a series of diagonal lines joined at ends. They can convey action and excitement, as well as restlessness and anxiety.

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (4)

Curved lines are lines that bend and change direction gradually. They can be simply wavy or spiral. Such lines convey the feelings of comfort and ease, as well as sensual quality as they remind us of the human body.

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How to Get Variations of Lines in Art

The 5 main types of lines are the beginning of all sorts of amazing and unique lines! To get more line variations, refer to tools such as length, width, weight, texture, style, direction, the degree of curve or all of the above combined.

Length in lines can be long (tall, strong, far) or short (small, cute, close).

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (6)

Width in lines goes from thin (delicate, slim, lightweight) to thick (strength, weight, power).

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (7)

Weight in lines means the continuous change of width. By varying the weight, one can capture energy, movement and even suggest when one object is in front of the other.

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (8)

Texture in lines defines how smooth or rough it is. Varying it can simply mean changing your working medium (for example, going from marker to charcoal or changing your digital brush).

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (9)

Style of lines refers to continuous, dotted, dashed or implied lines. Continuous or implied lines are great for leading the eye of the viewer in the direction you want them to go. Dashed or dotted lines are great for patterns, energy and calling for attention.

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If we combine all of these variations into one, we get a unique looking line that serves a purpose.

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (11)

Types of Lines in Art Defined by Their Use

Another way to combine different lines into types is by the way they are being used in an artwork. The types of lines are contour lines, continuous line, parallel or cross-hatching lines, decoration lines, implied lines and gesture lines.

Contour lines are a continuous line that defines the outline of a shape. They can exist outside and inside a shape, or a figure and are often referred to as line art.

Some artists create contour lines by using the same width line, while others change the width to give more energy and volume suggestions.

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The continuous line is when a drawing is done at one go without ever lifting it from the page.

This type of art ends up being very expressive and energetic if done right, if done not-so-well it can simply end up looking messy.

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Parallel or cross-hatching lines are used to create texture, volume, shading or patterns.

They are often used as one at a time and are very effective during sketching. The more lines there are close together, the darker the area seems, creating a shadow.

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Gesture lines are quick continuous lines often used to represent human form and movement, thus gesture drawing.

Gesture drawing (link to gesture drawing tips you don’t want to miss!) is often a warm-up session of 30 seconds – 5 minutes, which supports the energetic, quick and in-motion lines type.

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Implied lines are lines that aren’t physically present, but generated by our minds based on other subjects.

They are a very powerful tool in art and design, as they guide the viewer’s eyes right where artist wants them to go.

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Functions of Lines in Art and Design

An artist’s line is a sort of signature for them. A line is where a shape begins, and each artist owns their own gallery of preferred lines, which is the beginning of one’s art style.

And while I briefly explained the meaning each of the 5 types of lines conveys, their functions are limitless. Lines are everywhere!

The 5 most common functions of lines in art are: identification, three-dimensional space, organization, movement, texture.

The identification function of a line refers to it’s most basic function of capturing the essence of the subject. Meaning, our brain is able to identify a few varying lines put together in a certain way as a human or an object.

The three-dimensional function of line is to provide a sense of space. Variation of a line in tonality, width, weight, focus and intensity is what allows for the effect to occur.

For example, if an object is far, the tone of the line will be lighter and thinner, than for the object that is close (darker and thicker).

The organization function of a line refers to the basic underdrawing (or sketch) for artwork in painting/drawing, as well as separating or grouping elements on a page in design.

It’s often the stage when one defines the composition of art, where the foreground, middle ground and background lies, as well as the objects within it.

The movement function of a line refers to guiding the viewer’s eyes in the desired direction, as well as showing the movement of a subject.

It’s often done through varying line’s width, direction, or using implied lines.

The texture function of a line is using different variations of a line to imply textures. For example, smooth texture is created with straight or curved unbroken lines, messy texture can be created by using a different tool, and fur textures are created with a specific pattern.

Effective Ways to Use Lines

Before putting down a line, think about what your artwork is all about and choose accordingly!

If creating an energetic work of art, try using curved lines with varying width and texture!

When working on a peaceful work, try the organization function and figure out big shapes, then use curved waves and minimalism.

If working on a piece trying to convey anxiety, try cross-hatching, zig-zags and diagonal lines.

I hope you see why understanding lines can be so beneficial for your future work.

And if you have no idea what to draw next, check out my article on how to always know what to draw when bored, I used examples that help me when I feel stuck!

5 Types of Lines and Variations: Infographic

Feel free to share it on social media and pin it to your Pinterest board about art tips!

5 Types of Line Defined by Use: Infographic

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5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (18)

Lines Types, Varieties and Functions Summary

To sum up, these are the 5 types of lines:

  1. Vertical
  2. Horizontal
  3. Diagonal
  4. Zigzag
  5. Curved

You can make a variety of lines using these tools:

  • Length
  • Width
  • Weight
  • Texture
  • Style

Other types of lines are defined by the technique you are using:

  • Contour lines
  • Continuous line
  • Parallel or cross-hatching
  • Gesture lines
  • Implied lines

And their 5 functions are:

  1. Identification
  2. Three-dimensionality
  3. Organization
  4. Movement
  5. Texture

Use this line knowledge to your advantage! And if you are ready, learn how to draw from imagination like a pro in my article where I share a 3-step process and personal advice!

5 Types of Line in Art, Their Meaning And When To Use Them (2024)


What are 10 types of lines in art? ›

There are many types of lines: thick, thin, horizontal, vertical, zigzag, diagonal, curly, curved, spiral, etc. and are often very expressive. Lines are basic tools for artists—though some artists show their lines more than others.

What are the 5 types of lines in art and what do they mean? ›

The types of lines are contour lines, continuous line, parallel or cross-hatching lines, decoration lines, implied lines and gesture lines. What is this? Contour lines are a continuous line that defines the outline of a shape. They can exist outside and inside a shape, or a figure and are often referred to as line art.

What are the types of lines and their uses? ›

Types & Uses of Lines
Type of LineUses
5Thick chain line- For indicating surfaces which must be of special requirement
6Thin ruled line with short zigzags- For long break lines
7Thin continuous wavy line- For limits of partial views
8Thick line with Arrow heads- Used for dimension lines
4 more rows

What are the 5 types of lines in art? ›

There are 5 main types of lines in art: vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, zigzag lines, and curved lines. Other types of lines are simply variations of the five main ones.

Do lines have meaning what are their meanings? ›

We use lines to organize, connect, and separate information and design elements. You can use lines to convey movement and create texture. Lines provide emphasis and define shape. They can be used to convey mood and emotion.

What is the meaning of vertical line in art? ›

Vertical lines often communicate a sense of height because they are perpendicular to the earth, extending upwards toward the sky. In this church interior, vertical lines suggest spirituality, rising beyond human reach toward the heavens.

What are the elements of art and their meaning? ›

The elements of art are the building blocks of an artwork: color, line, shape, form, value, texture, and space. They are the tools artists use when creating an artwork. The principles of design are how those building blocks are arranged: contrast, rhythm, proportion, balance, unity, emphasis, movement, and variety.

What do horizontal lines symbolize? ›

Horizontal lines tend to make us think of typically stoic values, such as trust and composure, but can also be used to denote movement and dynamism. This can often be down to how the lines interact with one another.

What are the different types of lines and shapes how do they create different effects and moods? ›

Verticals lines are used in a church that guides our eyes upward and give a mood of tall height. Horizontal line gives relaxation to our mood. Curved lines create comfort and give the effect of motion. Diagonal lines create a mood of motion.

What is zigzag line use for? ›

The indicator is used to help identify price trends. It eliminates random price fluctuations and attempts to show trend changes. Zig Zag lines only appear when there is a price movement between a swing high and a swing low that is greater than a specified percentage—often 5%.

What are five uses of line? ›

  • It is used to indicate a part.
  • It is used show direction.
  • It is used as a symbol.
  • It is used as a plan.
  • It is used to make a sketch.
  • It is used to mark out.
  • It is used to cut out a part.
  • It is used as measurement.

What is thin line used for? ›

The Thin Chain Line is used to indicate center lines, the lines of symmetry and also trajectories. Often this line is used as a point of reference on engineering drawings.

What are some examples of lines in art? ›

The different types of lines in art are horizontal lines, vertical lines, gesture or contour lines, linear perspective lines, diagonal lines, implied lines, emphasis lines, decorative lines, and repetitive lines.

What are examples of line art? ›

Artworks that Show Line, General
  • Richard Long, A Line Made by Walking, 1967.
  • Richard Long, Cornish Slate Line, 1990.
  • Frank Stella, Jarama II, 1982.
  • Roy Lichtenstein, Brushstroke, 1965.
  • Charles Sheeler, Classic Landscape, 1931.
  • Joan Miró, The Farm, 1921–1922.
  • Rembrandt van Rijn, Two Studies Of A Bird Of Paradise, 1630.
29 Apr 2015

What are the 6 types of lines? ›

Table of Contents:
  • Horizontal Lines.
  • Vertical Lines.
  • Parallel Lines.
  • Perpendicular Lines.
  • Some other lines.

› article › types-of-lines-in-art-their-me... ›

In art, a line is the simplest visual element, as it is used to define shapes and figures. A line is also necessary for indicating motion, emotions, and other e...
Curvy Lines. Curvy lines are fun - they twist and turn and curl in lots of different directions! · Vertical Lines. Vertical Lines go up and down. They ca...
There are different types of lines in math, such as horizontal and vertical lines, parallel and perpendicular lines. Explore each of them here.

What are the 12 types of lines? ›

Terms in this set (12)
  • Object lines. shows the contour or outline of objects.
  • Hidden lines. represents features that are hidden in current view.
  • Centerlines. locates the center of circles and arcs.
  • Extension lines. show the extinct of a dimension.
  • Dimension lines. ...
  • Leader lines. ...
  • Cutting-plane lines. ...
  • Viewing-plane lanes.

How many types of lines are there? ›

Ans: The \(12\) types of lines are horizontal, vertical, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, secant, concurrent, skew, coplanar, oblique, tangent, and intersecting lines.

What are some examples of lines in art? ›

The different types of lines in art are horizontal lines, vertical lines, gesture or contour lines, linear perspective lines, diagonal lines, implied lines, emphasis lines, decorative lines, and repetitive lines.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.